
Pure as the wind from the plateau

Leng Linwei

"My Name is Gengga" is another collection of children's novels by Tang Ming, which contains seven novellas and short stories, mostly about children on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. These children living in Golmud live a simple and simple life. Perhaps because of this, the precious childlike heart and childhood power displayed by them are shining brightly and dazzlingly.

In terms of theme content, Tang Ming's group of children's novels is refreshing. When most creators focused on urban campus stories and rural left-behind children, writer Tang Ming did not follow the direction of the trend, but followed the call of her heart, and she began to record the lives of the children around her.

Tang Ming lives in the western Chinese city of Golmud, which has a unique regional culture and ethnic customs, so the lives of the children in the writer's pen are also unique, they are not like the children in the city who face the pressure of schooling, nor like the left-behind children who have to bear the pain of parting, they live quietly, facing their own sorrows and joys. In the field of children's literature, such an attempt is very meaningful, allowing us to see a different children's life, and let us understand the richness and breadth of life because of this difference.

The children in the story are so innocent and lovely, and they embody the most authentic state of life in them, just like the endless wilderness, the blue and deep sky, so beautiful and moving.

The little boy in "Qijia", who is weak in body but is particularly good at learning, is willing to be punished for unintentional negligence, and this physical honesty and kindness have a great appealing power, so that the naughty partner also becomes disciplined.

The sweet-singing maiden Yang Jima in "The White Stone" has a pure and kind heart. She knows how to tolerate and understand the pain in the heart of "drunkard" Abba; she knows how to be grateful and sincerely grateful to her relatives and friends who helped her; she knows how to take responsibility and has the courage to admit and make up for Abba's mistakes. Her heart was as white and flawless as a brick.

The boy Ji Ga in "I Do" is willing to sacrifice his eyes in order to wake up the "drunken" Abba, which is of course only a metaphor, but reflects the great power of childhood. Selfless and brave, generous and pure, isn't this the beauty of the beginning of life?

These beautiful stories come entirely from the gifts of life, and in the creation of the works, the writer has told his own creative experience, and many of her children have archetypes. She has been "mixing" among the children for a long time, drinking sweet tea while silently observing the children around her, her eyes follow those young figures, and her heart echoes their sorrows and joys. By reading the novel, you can feel that these works are deeply rooted in the earth, the product of the resonance of the heart and the heart, and because of this, the novel has the power to touch people's hearts.

In addition to the uniqueness of the subject matter, the tone of the novel is also full of personality, with the free style of prose culture. This group of novels does not pursue the twists and turns of the plot too much, but slowly lays out with a calm and restrained, indifferent and idle tone, and the words flow slowly like flowing water, giving shape to things, and suddenly coming and going like a breeze. The endings of novels are also often ingenious, or abrupt and lamentable; or the aftertaste is intriguing. This unique narrative style complements the innocent and simple storyline to create a unique atmosphere and situation.

Although this sense of atmosphere is very subtle, careful analysis is well documented, and the detailed description of regional characteristics and national customs is a weapon to create a unique atmosphere of the novel, and we may wish to experience it carefully when reading. In addition, the depiction of the scene in the novel can also be remarkable. While many novels are committed to directly promoting the development of the plot with character dialogue, Tang Ming's group of works is obsessed with a certain classical style, and there are a lot of depictions and lyrical "idle writing" in the novel. In the author's pen, every flower and every tree has a name: "There is a large and luxuriant red willow growing by the river, and there are many grasses and flowers around the red willow, blue gentian, white grass jade plum, yellow clematis, and most of all purple kingfishers, they are like a group of purple birds, looking up at the small face, especially cute." Sentences like "Qijia" can easily transport the reader to another clear and distant literary time and space, where our minds are particularly sensitive and susceptible, and it is easier to touch the texture of literature.

As early as 2017, Tang Ming had published the novel "The Painting of Nyima Vincent", which felt refreshing at the time. Happily, she took this novel as a starting point and worked deeply on the theme of reflecting the lives of children in the snowy plateau, and has created more than a dozen works in the past few years. These works have their own characteristics, reflecting the childhood life of the snowy plateau from different sides, weaving a colorful picture scroll, and contributing a new image rich in personality to the creation of contemporary children's literature. These simple and innocent stories are like the pure and free wind of the plateau, wandering between heaven and earth, infinitely close to the high and deep sky, and rooted in the vast and wide earth.

Manuscript source: Qinghai Daily client Statement: In addition to indicating the source of the manuscript, the above content is the original manuscript of Qinghai Daily, the copyright is owned by the media platform of Qinghai Daily, and it is strictly forbidden to reprint without written permission.

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