
Gao Xiaojian, a farmer internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans, do you know the real identity?

author:Little brother in Malaysia

Just opened the Douyin net red Wang Xiaojian's Douyin homepage, its number of fans has exceeded fifteen million, more than the first-line big-name stars, live broadcast on a hundred thousand or even millions of income, really impressive!

Its humorous and funny video clips are very funny to watch, and they are indeed very fond of it! No wonder it's so hot! In addition to Gao Xiaojian himself, the performance of the lady next to him "Daji" is even more enjoyable, although there is no professional basic skill of acting, but the simple performance talent is even more loved!

As Gao Xiaojian becomes more and more popular, there are more and more doubts about Gao Xiaojian himself, many people think that Gao Xiaojian is not a real migrant worker, migrant workers who have so much time to shoot paragraphs, tired of going to work every day to die, how can there be excess energy and time to create paragraphs!

Gao Xiaojian's fans came out to explain that at the beginning, it was indeed Gao Xiaojian who used his spare time to create, fans slowly accumulated, as the number of fans continued to increase, and finally cooperated with the professional team, Gao Xiaojian's identity is a migrant worker, there is no doubt.

But many netizens do not buy it, thinking that Gao Xiaojian's performance foundation is very solid, and Gao Xiaojian's first video fan likes have as many as 100,000, which is impossible for novices who have just made videos, unless the professional team spends money to build! Moreover, there is basically no reliable evidence of Gao Xiaojian's true identity on the Internet, and the migrant workers do not leak water to make people suspicious!

In any case, Gao Xiaojian has brought us joy, he himself is a migrant worker or an actor, for us is no different, why bother!