
Xinghe County launched the theme party day activity of "learning from the advanced deeds of Dong Hongru, 'Plugged in the Fool', and striving to be a practitioner of ecological civilization construction in the new era"

author:Xinghe County Rong Media Center

In order to enable the vast number of party members and cadres to witness the achievements of the construction of ecological civilization in the Sumu Mountain Forest Farm on the ground, learn and feel the advanced deeds of Dong Hongru of "Plugging in the Yugong", and further guide the party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres to play a good role as a fighting fortress and a pioneer model, on January 27, our county launched the theme party day activity of "learning from the advanced deeds of Dong Hongru of 'Plugging in the Yugong' dong Hongru and striving to be a practitioner of the construction of ecological civilization in the new era" in Lujiaying Village, a "national rural tourism key village".

Xinghe County launched the theme party day activity of "learning from the advanced deeds of Dong Hongru, 'Plugged in the Fool', and striving to be a practitioner of ecological civilization construction in the new era"

Wang Huiyu, secretary of the county party committee; Li Kaidong, deputy secretary of the county party committee and governor of the government; Zhao Rui, chairman of the standing committee of the county people's congress; Yang Zhendong, chairman of the county CPPCC committee; leading cadres of party members of the four major groups of the county, the two chiefs of the judicial procuratorate, the political commissar of the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, and the director of the management committee of the industrial park; the secretaries of the party committees of various townships and towns, the party (work) committees directly under the county government, and the secretaries of the party groups attended the event.

Xinghe County launched the theme party day activity of "learning from the advanced deeds of Dong Hongru, 'Plugged in the Fool', and striving to be a practitioner of ecological civilization construction in the new era"

"I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's regulations, and fulfill the obligations of party members..." In the lujiaying eco-tourism town square, all party members raised their right fists under the oath of Wang Huiyu and solemnly swore an oath in front of the party flag and party emblem with a sonorous and powerful voice.

Xinghe County launched the theme party day activity of "learning from the advanced deeds of Dong Hongru, 'Plugged in the Fool', and striving to be a practitioner of ecological civilization construction in the new era"

At the Lujiaying Tourist Service Center, all party members listened to the theme of dong Hongru's advanced deeds propaganda team members on the spot, and watched the large-scale East Road duo Taiwan drama "Sumu Mountain" adapted from the prototype of Dong Hongru, who was "stuffed with foolishness".

Xinghe County launched the theme party day activity of "learning from the advanced deeds of Dong Hongru, 'Plugged in the Fool', and striving to be a practitioner of ecological civilization construction in the new era"

The activity pointed out that party organizations at all levels and the vast number of party members and cadres throughout the county should improve their political standing, study and understand the connotations in the advanced deeds of Dong Hongru, who "plugged in the fools", organize and carry out study and practice activities with a high sense of political responsibility and a strong sense of historical mission, and earnestly promote the construction of ecological civilization in the county to a new level. We should combine the study of Dong Hongru's advanced deeds in the new era with the work of creating civilization in the new era, building citizens' ideology and morality, building cadres' work styles, promoting "party history study and education," and comprehensively strengthening party building, strive to transform advanced deeds into actual work achievements, and take the lead in promoting the overall situation of the county's economic and social development, and be the vanguard and set an example.

The activities emphasized that all levels and departments in the county should strengthen coordination and linkage, strengthen organizational leadership, quickly set off an upsurge of study and propaganda, meticulously formulate study plans, combine their respective realities, clarify specific requirements, quickly mobilize and deploy, consolidate work responsibilities, issue and issue the "Circular on Studying the Advanced Deeds of Dong Hongru of "Plugging in the Fools" and Striving to Be Practitioners of Ecological Civilization Construction in the New Era," and solidly carry out the theme party day activities; it is necessary to focus on the key points of propaganda, strengthen propaganda, make full use of network propaganda media, and widely adopt theme propaganda and education and training All departments should draw up elite forces to set up a group to publicize Dong Hongru's advanced deeds, so that practical activities can go into organs, enterprises, campuses, military barracks, rural areas, and communities, and widely carry out the propaganda of Dong Hongru's advanced deeds in a way that the masses like to hear; the county Wulan Pastoral Riding, the Rong Media Center, and other relevant departments should actively participate in cooperating with the propaganda department of the county party committee to create a brand in the form of songs, repertoire, video collections, and micro-films. It earnestly embodies the spiritual connotation of Dong Hongru's advanced deeds; all townships, towns, and units have organized the majority of party members and cadres to go deep into the Sumu Mountain forest area, carry out the action of greening the land of the whole people, experience the hard work of the older generation of Sumu Mountain people on the ground, solidly promote the study and practice activities into the mind, promote the construction of ecological civilization and the economic and social undertakings of the whole county to make great progress, and greet the party's twenty major victories with excellent results.

Xinghe County launched the theme party day activity of "learning from the advanced deeds of Dong Hongru, 'Plugged in the Fool', and striving to be a practitioner of ecological civilization construction in the new era"

All party members jointly participated in the "Winter Olympics" ice activity held in the lujiaying tourist town ice park, and put forward guiding suggestions for the construction of the ice park through on-site visits and personal experience. (Reporter/Zhao Pengfei)