
The poor woman clasped her legs tightly, already crying into tears. She could only curl up helplessly in the bathroom, silently washing the egg whites in her body. Her name is Xiaomei and she is an Afghan refugee, this

author:Spirituality to beauty film and television

The poor woman clasped her legs tightly, already crying into tears. She could only curl up helplessly in the bathroom, silently washing the egg whites in her body. Her name is Xiaomei, and she is an Afghan refugee, and this tragedy is played out in this country almost every day.

She and her husband had been married for ten years, and when they first married, they were on the battlefield. In order to let her son get married as soon as possible, the mother-in-law simply let her hold a wedding with a photo.

But Xiaomei's married life is not satisfactory, as long as her husband is not at home, the little uncle will secretly take care of her sister-in-law instead of her brother. Xiaomei did not dare to resist, because this was Afghanistan, and women had no status or dignity here, and she knew that she was just a tool for inheritance.

It was difficult to stay up until her husband came home, but her husband became a vegetative person because of a bullet in his head, and he could only live by intubation every day. Because of the war, her mother-in-law and uncle had already run away, leaving only the husband and wife and a pair of daughters, and the daughter still naively thought that her father was sleeping.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded again on this day, and with a violent explosion, the children trembled with fright, and Xiaomei hurriedly carried her daughter and hid in the cellar. When she came out again, she was horrified to find that the neighbor's family of three had been tortured to death by brutal terrorists.

The war is getting bigger and bigger, and no one knows when peace will come. In order to ensure the safety of the children, she had to send her two daughters to her aunt who opened a brothel, at least the brothel was much safer. After settling the child in, Xiaomei returned home to take care of her husband.

Soon after, however, the terrorists attacked again, fearing that her husband would be discovered by the enemy, so Xiaomei had to push her husband into a wall compartment and hide. Having done all this, Photon was just about to hide in the cellar, and as soon as his front foot went out, he was held by a soldier with a gun. She did not dare to resist, so she obediently obeyed, and at the moment of crouching, she secretly grasped the dagger used for self-defense.

Seeing that there was no one at home, the soldier lowered his guard and asked her what she was doing. Xiaomei lied that she was a prostitute, because only by saying this, the other party would not hurt him. Sure enough, the soldier listened and scolded him. After the scolding, the soldier left the house in a rage. Xiaomei saw the other party go away, and the hand holding the dagger was finally released, at this moment her hand was full of blood, and her body was trembling even more.

But unexpectedly, their conversation happened to be overheard by another soldier. The young soldier did not dislike Xiaomei's status as a prostitute, rushed into the house and threw a wad of money on the ground, and then threw away the AK in his hand. In less than three seconds, the boy pulled out his gun and left, shedding sad photons, and washed away the egg whites left in his body because of crying.

Xiaomei silently picked up the banknotes on the ground, no way, this kind of is staged every day in Afghanistan. In order to take care of her vegetative husband, she can only choose to swallow her breath, hoping that her husband will one day wake up and take herself and her daughter out of the sea of suffering. However, with the passage of time, Xiaomei gradually changed from expectation to despair.

On this day, Xiaomei was drying the sheets, and the young soldier found her again. The two looked at each other without any words. The boy took another wad of money from his pocket and handed it to her.

With the last experience, this time Xiaomei was not afraid, she carefully observed the surroundings to see no one, and took the boy into the room. After in-depth understanding, Xiaomei unconsciously showed a smile on her face. Obviously, the boy was very gentle with her, and Xiaomei happily shared the matter with her husband on the side. One after another, different feelings sprouted between the two.

The boy not only takes care of her husband for Xiaomei, but also often brushes gifts for her. I opened the package, which was full of food, and gave her a gold necklace. Xiaomei was very touched, because this was the tenderness that her vegetative husband had never given her.

Since the appearance of the young man, Xiaomei has regained the hope of life. On this day, she leaned over to her husband and made a difficult decision, she planned to leave him and live for herself once.

Xiaomei changed into new clothes, put on lipstick, and put on a delicate makeup, just like on the wedding day with her husband. Xiaomei revealed her heart to her husband for the last time.

In fact, she has been hiding a secret all these years, their daughter is not born to her husband, and neither of them.

When they were married for two years, they had no heirs, and the mother-in-law had long known that her son was not ok, but he did not dare to tell others, so he had to find a big immortal to make Xiaomei pregnant. It's not so much a practice as a physical pregnancy. The most ridiculous thing is that the money is from the mother-in-law, and after many openings, Xiaomei is finally pregnant. Only the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law knew about this matter, and the great immortal was the old king of the next door.

Hearing that this miracle had happened, the husband could not bear it any longer, forcibly opened his eyes, and he slowly extended his hand to Xiaomei's neck and pulled it. Xiaomei couldn't believe that her husband had actually woken up. The husband's eyes stared at him deadly, and then he pinched Xiaomei, and the anger in his heart made him eager to kill his wife immediately.

At the critical moment, Xiaomei pulled out a dagger and stabbed it into her husband. But at this time, the boy came to find Xiaomei just happened to be seen by him, looking at each other, Xiaomei smiled evilly, with the death of her husband, she can also be considered to be free from the darkness!

The movie "Ninja Stone" is for everyone!

The poor woman clasped her legs tightly, already crying into tears. She could only curl up helplessly in the bathroom, silently washing the egg whites in her body. Her name is Xiaomei and she is an Afghan refugee, this
The poor woman clasped her legs tightly, already crying into tears. She could only curl up helplessly in the bathroom, silently washing the egg whites in her body. Her name is Xiaomei and she is an Afghan refugee, this
The poor woman clasped her legs tightly, already crying into tears. She could only curl up helplessly in the bathroom, silently washing the egg whites in her body. Her name is Xiaomei and she is an Afghan refugee, this

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