
Daily Selection - China's mobile phone market is still sluggish in 2021; Apple's game console may be nonsense

According to the microgrid news, the research institute Canalys today released the 2021 and fourth quarter Chinese mainland smartphone market report. The report said that in 2021, the Chinese mainland smartphone market experienced a year of ups and downs. After the aggressive first quarter of shipments, manufacturers in the second and third quarters have adjusted the pace of listing. In the fourth quarter, the year-end answer sheet was delivered at a year-on-year growth rate of 3%, with shipments reaching 86.6 million units, and the annual shipment exceeded 333 million units, up slightly 1% year-on-year, and the market in 2019 before the epidemic still shrank by more than 10%.

With the release of the iPhone 13 series, Apple shipped 21.5 million units in the fourth quarter, winning the quarterly sales championship in the Chinese market for the first time since the first quarter of 2015. OPPO (including OnePlus) continued to promote its mid-to-high-end strategy, ranking second with shipments of 14.3 million units. Honor maintained its third-quarter finish with 14.2 million units shipped in the fourth quarter. Xiaomi's new flagship products increased month-on-month, shipping 13.5 million units, ranking fourth. Affected by the shipment rhythm, vivo ranked fifth with shipments of 13.4 million units.

Canalys predicts that the Chinese market will remain the world's largest high-end market in 2022, contributing 30% of the world's product shipments of more than $500; strategically, it can gain a place in the high-end market, which means that it will have more say in the supply chain of innovative technologies and raw materials supply, and even in channel cooperation. Folding screen has become a new track for Android manufacturers to compete with Apple, and there are also differences in the pursuit of folding screen experience by various manufacturers, helping manufacturers attract the attention of high-end early adopters.

2021 has not returned to the level of 2019, which is a very bad signal, which means that domestic manufacturers have not expanded the entire mobile phone market, but are constantly digesting the low-end market in Huawei's part, with the completion of the division, the Chinese mobile phone market in 2022 may instead regress, if you do not do a good layout in advance, the share that manufacturers have just won may be given up again.

Daily Selection - China's mobile phone market is still sluggish in 2021; Apple's game console may be nonsense

In last week's Xbox Two podcast, a Windows Central gaming reporter shared a rumor he recently heard, saying that Apple "has been digging up Xbox engineers" with the aim of building a console.

The reporter said the rumors have been going on for some time, the source is not the most credible, and even if it is true, he does not know whether Apple has abandoned the idea at this time. Apple hasn't announced any plans to build a console, but the company has been stepping up its AR/VR development recently.

In addition, when asked who else would want to compete with other console makers such as Apple and Microsoft, the reporter believed that the only company that might want to go head-to-head would be the Chinese game company Tencent.

Do game console this thing, Apple has done at the end of the last century, with Bandai to sell the host in the consumer market has not achieved any results, and finally can only be hastily cut, if Apple can not spend tens of billions of dollars to establish their own game studio group and buy a large number of exclusive games, the so-called game console is a fantasy, and Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony these three veteran host manufacturers to compete.

Daily Selection - China's mobile phone market is still sluggish in 2021; Apple's game console may be nonsense


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