
Method plus teaching director Jiang Yan teacher talked: correct understanding of the left and right brains

author:Method plus education

A few years ago, I came into contact with a little boy, just finished the primary examination, the test was a mess, the little guy did not care, and the parents were very discouraged. I did not ask the child about the specific learning situation first, but first chatted with the child about playing for a while, the little guy was very lively, talking about the sky, and the ideas came out endlessly. Parents say that children are usually lively and active, good at sports, looking at a very smart child, "How can the grades be bad?" Parents were puzzled and distressed. I suddenly asked the parents if the child was left-handed, and the parents were surprised and said, "Teacher, how do you know?" ”

Because this child is a very typical right-brained person, which can be seen from his various performances.

When it comes to the left and right brains, many people will have such two misunderstandings, some people think that the left and right brains are very magical, as mysterious as fortune telling, and some people are dismissive, thinking that what the left and right brains are pure nonsense, in fact, this is because they do not understand the principles of the left and right brains and cause misunderstandings.

Method plus teaching director Jiang Yan teacher talked: correct understanding of the left and right brains

American psychobiologist Dr. Sperry confirmed the "left and right brain division theory" of brain asymmetry through the famous brain-splitting experiment, so he won the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Normal people's brains have two hemispheres that work as a whole, but the two hemispheres of the brain have a division of labor in terms of function #Right Brain Development, the left hemisphere feels and controls the right body, and the right hemisphere feels and controls the left body. The left hemisphere is mainly responsible for logic, thinking, judgment, language, words, numbers, etc., and the way of thinking has continuity, so the left brain is also called the "logical brain". The right hemisphere is mainly responsible for space, inspiration, imagination, music, movement, etc., and the way of thinking is jumpy, and the right hemisphere is also known as the "art brain".

Method plus teaching director Jiang Yan teacher talked: correct understanding of the left and right brains

For normal people, the functions of the left and right hemispheres of the brain are balanced and coordinated development, but basically can not be completely balanced, some people will use the left brain more, can be called "left brain people", while some people use the right brain more, can be called "right brain people". The boys mentioned above, such as jumping thinking, good at sports, poor grades in logical subjects, etc., can be easily judged to be typical "right-brained people", and even likely to be "left-handed". But most people just prefer to use the left or right brain more often, so there are no such obvious left and right brain features.

Whether it is a left brain or a right brain type, in fact, there is no good or bad distinction. The left and right brains are coordinated. Now there are many institutions on the market with the "development of the right brain" gimmick, which attracts the attention of parents, but not all of them are suitable for this type of course, such as the little boy mentioned above, the right brain itself has been quite developed, and what he needs is to learn to use his developed right brain and do the training of developing the left brain. Without the development of left brain function, right brain function cannot be fully developed, and vice versa. Whether it is left brain development or right brain development, the ultimate goal is to promote the balanced and coordinated development of the left and right brains, and to stimulate the brain potential as a whole.

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