
Of the four successful whitewashed villains in Ultraman, one has been guarding the planet!

There are a lot of villains in Ultraman, and when they start out, they cause a lot of trouble for both Earth and Ultraman. But, later, help Earth and Ultraman defeat powerful enemies. Here's a look.

Of the four successful whitewashed villains in Ultraman, one has been guarding the planet!

The first is Gagula. Gagula and Hongkai were originally good friends, but because Gagula was not strong enough in his heart, he denied himself, resulting in things that were not guarded and doing a lot of wrong things. He unleashed a lot of sealed monsters, causing great damage to the earth. Later, with the encouragement and thanks of Naomi, he defeated the Maga Yagi Serpent with Obu Ultraman. In Zeta Ultraman, he becomes the captain of the Monster Team.

Of the four successful whitewashed villains in Ultraman, one has been guarding the planet!

The second Isaki Keigo. Masaki Keigo also possessed the genes of a super-ancient warrior, and his mind was very developed, and he invented a stone statue that specialized in detecting giants underground, and it turned out that this guy really found it. He was also able to know exactly where Dagu was, and after Dagu defeated the shark monster, he stole Dagu's divine light rod. Successfully turned into an evil Diga and killed his pet Gaidi.

Of the four successful whitewashed villains in Ultraman, one has been guarding the planet!

It was planned to turn humans into Ultraman, but unfortunately, the color timer light sounded, and it was directly confused. Easily defeated by Diga, who was transformed into a great ancient. In the final chapter, in order to save Digha, he personally operated the light particle converter, although the rescue failed, but his spirit moved everyone.

Of the four successful whitewashed villains in Ultraman, one has been guarding the planet!

The third Aguju Ultraman. It was the ocean that gave him the power. In the beginning, he was deceived by the Shattered Body, summoning many monsters to Earth. He also played with Gaia Ultraman several times, and the two sides won and lost each other. Later, after learning that he had been deceived, he shook hands with Gaia Ultraman and made peace. While fighting the Angel Monster, Aguru and Gaia work together perfectly, not only knocking the Angel back to its original form, but also sending him back to his hometown.

Of the four successful whitewashed villains in Ultraman, one has been guarding the planet!

The fourth Diga Ultraman. Diga Ultraman was originally a Dark Ultraman, but in the ultra-ancient times, he was a bully on Earth. Later, an inner roll occurred, and was successfully countered by Light Ultraman, not only collecting all the skills of his teammates, but also sealing his teammates. From then on, he began to wait for the earth, appeared every once in a while, and then disappeared into the mountains.

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