
Brand up, marketing breaks the circle What is the secret of Futian Aoling's 102,200 sales

In 2021, under the background of economic slowdown, sluggish freight rates and difficult markets, the truck market will be "ice and fire" in the second half of the year. Under such a severe situation, Foton Motor bucked the trend and became the first commercial vehicle company in China to sell more than 10 million, achieving a single monthly sales of more than 100,000 vehicles and an excellent result of 650,000 vehicles in the whole year, ranking first in the commercial vehicle industry for 17 consecutive years.

Brand up, marketing breaks the circle What is the secret of Futian Aoling's 102,200 sales

As the core business entity of Foton Automobile Light Truck, Aoling also achieved 102,200 sales and doubled its brand value, becoming a bright color in the light truck section.

In 3 years, how did Fukuda Osuzu do it?

Brand upwards Excellent results

In 2021, driven by scientific and technological innovation, user-oriented, and ingenious manufacturing of the "troika", Aoling achieved the outstanding result of doubling sales in two years, laying a solid foundation for the realization of the leading brand of Aoling Light Truck, and also contributing to the upward road of foton automobile brand.

Brand up, marketing breaks the circle What is the secret of Futian Aoling's 102,200 sales

From China V emissions to China VI emissions, from traditional energy to new energy, from products to solutions, Foton Automobile Quality has achieved a milestone of breaking through 10 million vehicles, and achieved the undefeated record of China's commercial vehicle sales for 17 consecutive years.

Futian Aoling is also under tens of millions of vehicles, with product power as the grasp, achieving a legendary event in the light truck industry that has turned upside down for 3 years and increased sales by 200%. On the road to the brand upwards, Aoling will still be bold, ride the wind, and continue to empower the light truck industry with good products and services.

Insight into demand product upwards

Behind the rise in sales is Aoling's accurate insight into the new demand for light trucks, and it is also the lean manufacturing of Aoling's super truck factory, after all, "good products will speak, and customers will vote with their feet."

Brand up, marketing breaks the circle What is the secret of Futian Aoling's 102,200 sales

In 2021, with the new blue brand regulations and the comprehensive national sixth, Aoling deeply excavated the needs of the market and launched one good product after another into the hearts of customers. Three waves of youth, built for the urban conditions of different working conditions, is the first car for young people to start a business; Aoling Polar Bear, the first choice for refrigerated cars for two-year sales champions; Aoling Hornet Palace Edition, the first cross-dimensional DIY medium card, paving the way for card friends to get healthy and rich...

With the blessing of lightweight + high-load ant elephant platform and Fuleengxian technology, Futian Aoling will achieve the ultimate market segment advantage.

Jin Aoling - leading China's high-end light trucks

Facing the high-end industry, the industry's high-end light truck vane created with ten black technologies makes the new Jin'ao Ling become the ceiling of the light truck industry.

Brand up, marketing breaks the circle What is the secret of Futian Aoling's 102,200 sales

Aoling M Card - a new generation of high-end small cards

How can the Oling light truck be missing in the wave of urbanization development. Double crown of appearance and performance, Aoling M card integrates 9 major scenes, 30+ subdivision logistics scenes, light and fast and other advantages, supplemented by high value + beautiful color matching, highlighting the beauty of modern cities.

Brand up, marketing breaks the circle What is the secret of Futian Aoling's 102,200 sales

Jade Rabbit II – built for female drivers and novices

It is the first automatic transmission product that focuses on the needs of female truck drivers and novice drivers. In the trend of supporting women's entrepreneurship and independence, Aoling took the lead in discovering the desire of female drivers for the transportation profession, and a good and easy-to-use Aoling Yutu II made countless dreams of transportation wealth a reality.

Brand up, marketing breaks the circle What is the secret of Futian Aoling's 102,200 sales

In the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan, Aoling took root in products, and in 2022, Aoling series of new products will continue to consolidate the market foundation and become a rich helper for one customer after another.

Break the circle marketing collision spark

Good products are grounded, and so is good marketing. Aoling's eye-catching broken circle marketing confirms that sentence: "Aoling must be grounded, crouching on the ground to be grounded." ”

Brand up, marketing breaks the circle What is the secret of Futian Aoling's 102,200 sales

Products must be grasped, and people's hearts must be warm. In the past 21 years, Aoling and customers have made heart-to-heart contact and spent the difficult time of the epidemic together. In the form of live interactive, the activity of "Card Friends Spring Festival Seven Days of Music Ao Ling takes you to visit the capital" will be held, and the "Card Friends Spring Festival Seven Days of Fun, Ao Ling will take you to taste food" activity will be held again in 22 years, and will once again gather with The Card Friends in the clouds.

Brand up, marketing breaks the circle What is the secret of Futian Aoling's 102,200 sales

Catering to the preferences of young people and listening to the voices of customers, the "Oringka Friends Spit Conference" debuted on March 15. Face-to-face communication with card friends through ridicule and complaining, and understand the "best light truck" in the minds of card friends.

Brand up, marketing breaks the circle What is the secret of Futian Aoling's 102,200 sales

Live broadcast can also do this, Aoling President Li Jie 2021 annual work summary report opened the whole network live broadcast mode, sincere and humorous speech, incisive and unique summary instantly close the distance between Aoling and customers.

A variety of industry-first interaction methods have made the Aoling brand continue to heat up and carry out the rejuvenation route to the end. In the final analysis, Futian Aoling's various marketing methods are the value advocacy of "everything starts from the customer", which is in line with the group's corporate strategic development direction of "new technology, new ecology and new experience - leading marketing change".

It is not difficult to see that whether it is product strategy, marketing ideas, or spiritual core, Futian Aoling and Futian Group have always been in step and resonate at the same frequency, and this tacit understanding is applied to a very popular phrase called": "I am one with your mind".

Standing at the starting point of the fourteenth five-year year, standing in front of the next goal of tens of millions of vehicles, Fukuda Aoling is greeting the change-filled 2022 with a positive attitude.

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