
Is Lynk & Co 05 insert mixed version car expensive? It costs 13,000 yuan to maintain a car a year after the insurance rise

Is Lynk & Co 05 insert mixed version car expensive? It costs 13,000 yuan to maintain a car a year after the insurance rise

With the market consumers for new energy vehicles more and more attention, some time ago released the new energy vehicle exclusive insurance also caused many car owners to worry, we have previously analyzed the cost of several models of Lynk & Co, the survey found that their increase in insurance is not too large, at most only a few hundred yuan or so. So let's analyze the Lynk & Co 05 PHEV in Lynk & Co today to see what impact the implementation of captive insurance has on the cost of car maintenance? Let's analyze the car's insurance costs, maintenance costs, and electricity and fuel costs.

Insurance costs

Is Lynk & Co 05 insert mixed version car expensive? It costs 13,000 yuan to maintain a car a year after the insurance rise

Lynk & Co 05 PHEV has only one model on sale, "2021 1.5TD PHEV HALO", according to our investigation of the insurance cost of this car, after the implementation of the new energy vehicle captive insurance, the insurance cost required in the first year after the purchase of the car is now about 6429 yuan, in addition to the 950 yuan of compulsory traffic insurance, there are three main types of commercial insurance, including 1 million three liabilities of about 1630 yuan, car damage insurance of about 2936 yuan and about 913 yuan without deductibles. If there is no insurance when the car is used in the future, the insurance company will also have a decreasing discount year by year, according to the standard premium of the second year 20% off, the third year of 30% off to calculate, then the total premium required by Lynk & Co 01 PHEV for three years is about 16073 yuan, evenly, almost 5358 yuan per year to spend on insurance. Compared with the previous premium of about 5100 yuan per year, it is nearly 258 yuan more expensive, of course, this is because after the three electric warranty, spontaneous combustion, etc. are included in the insurance coverage, the cost of new car damage insurance has increased to a certain extent. But fortunately, on average, it only needs about 20 yuan per month, only a 5% increase.

Maintenance costs

Is Lynk & Co 05 insert mixed version car expensive? It costs 13,000 yuan to maintain a car a year after the insurance rise

According to the official maintenance manual, the maintenance cycle of the Lynk & Co 05 PHEV is carried out every 10,000km. If we take the family car driving 60,000km in three years as a large car cycle, it will take about 6 maintenance times in these three years. Among them, every 1000km to replace the oil machine filter, each replacement is about 982 yuan, in addition to the first insurance is free, that three years in 5 times a total of about 4910 yuan; in addition, every 20,000km also need to replace the air filter and air conditioning filter, about 288 yuan, the cost of replacing 3 times is about 864 yuan; every 30,000km also need to replace the gasoline filter, about 156 yuan, The cost of replacing twice is almost 312 yuan; every 40,000km, it also needs to replace spark plugs, brake oil and other accessories, which is about 429 yuan, and only needs to be replaced once in three years.

Is Lynk & Co 05 insert mixed version car expensive? It costs 13,000 yuan to maintain a car a year after the insurance rise

Then the total maintenance cost required in these three years is about 6515 yuan, and the average annual maintenance cost is about 2172 yuan, of which the price of small maintenance is 982 yuan. It can be seen that the maintenance interval interval of the Lynk & Co 05 PHEV is relatively long, and the replacement cost of the accessories is not too expensive, but the higher small maintenance cost still makes the maintenance cost of this car higher than that of the same level of models.


Is Lynk & Co 05 insert mixed version car expensive? It costs 13,000 yuan to maintain a car a year after the insurance rise

Generally speaking, the owners of the Lynk & Co 05 PHEV are driven by electricity when driving on urban roads, assuming that 10,000 kilometers are driven in this state every year. In addition, at high speeds or other operating conditions, it will be driven by fuel, and we assume that 10,000 kilometers are driven in pure oil in a year. The comprehensive fuel consumption of the 1.5T engine 100 km equipped with Lynk & Co 05 PHEV is about 6.1L, but it is necessary to add No. 95 gasoline, the current price per liter is about 7.9 yuan, and the fuel cost is about 4819 yuan; and the comprehensive power consumption of 100 km of Lynk & Co 05 PHEV is about 22kWh, if the home is equipped with a charging pile, according to the household electricity is about 0.56 yuan / kWh, the electricity bill is almost 1232 yuan. Therefore, the total cost of fuel and electricity for driving 20,000 kilometers a year is about 6,051 yuan.


After the above calculations, we can conclude that after the implementation of new energy vehicle insurance, the insurance cost of Lynk & Co 05 PHEV is about 5358 yuan, the maintenance cost is about 2172 yuan, the electricity and fuel costs are about 6051 yuan, then the total cost of the car in a year is about 13581 yuan, the average month is 1132 yuan, which is not very cheap in the same level of models. However, fortunately, the insurance cost of Lynk & Co 05 PHEV has not increased very exaggeratedly, and it only needs to spend about 20 yuan per month, so the release of captive insurance seems to be good news for the owners of Lynk & Co 05 PHEV.

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