
Continuing to attack automotive electronic chips, Sai Teng Micro received tens of millions of yuan of A round investment from Hongzhuo Capital

Continuing to attack automotive electronic chips, Sai Teng Micro received tens of millions of yuan of A round investment from Hongzhuo Capital

[Lieyun Network (WeChat: ilieyun) Beijing] reported on January 28

Recently, Sai Tengwei, a developer of automotive electronic equipment, announced the completion of tens of millions of yuan A round of financing, and the investor is Hongzhuo Capital.

It is understood that this financing will accelerate the research and development and market promotion of Sai teng microelectronics' "MCU + Power" automotive chip combination, and further consolidate the leading edge of Sai Teng micro in the automotive front-loading market.

Dr. Huang Jipo, general manager of Sai TengWei, said, "Automotive electronics is a typical small number of diversified markets, the total scale is very large, and the market size of a single product model is not large. The 'new four modernizations' have forced chip manufacturers to play more roles in the technology Tier-1 of car manufacturers, which has brought great challenges to domestic automotive chip companies that have just started. In the past six years, Sai TengWei has broken out a road suitable for the survival and development of domestic automotive chips, that is, from a single chip (MCU) to a combination of chips (MCU + power management IC + power device) to the overall solution (new energy vehicle size electronic control program, new vehicle intelligent terminal solution, cool lamp control program... ) of a full range of products with flexible business models. ”

Hongzhuo Capital said, "Whether from the product development difficulty or customer import difficulty is much higher than the consumer chip products, a few years ago there were few chip design companies involved in the car specification products, Sai Teng Micro R & D team for many years continued to attack the automotive electronic chips, to achieve several consecutive years of automotive front-loading market stable mass output, thus giving our investors great confidence." Only with persistent focus can we truly become the strong leader of this track. ”

Anhui Sai Teng Microelectronics Co., Ltd. was established in May 2016, since its inception, continue to polish technology, enrich the product line, from the simple master control MCU, to the master control MCU and its supporting Power device chip combination, and then to the overall solution based on its own chip, to meet the needs of the car manufacturer and its Tier-I/II suppliers in an all-round way. From 2018, the company took the lead in realizing the bulk shipment of the main control MCU in Geely Automobile's flagship model, to 2019-2020 to realize the bulk shipment of MCU+ Power devices to Chery New Energy, Dongfeng Liuqi, Jiangling Motors, SAIC-GM-Wuling and Jianghuai Automobile, and then to the cooperative car factories in 2021 added SAIC-GM, Guangzhou Automobile and BYD. The main control MCU, high-voltage LDO and MOSFET and other series of products have blossomed, and the shipment volume has increased significantly, and the shipment volume has reached 10 million. At the same time, the layout of IGBT from single tube to module has been completed, 1200V single tube has been shipped in batches, and the 650V 400A module is expected to enter mass production this year.

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