
Stock speculators are looking at four websites, three books, recommended for retail collection. I often have fan friends ask me, as an experienced stock trading professional, every day in addition to watching the market, usually

author:Stock flying brother

Stock speculators are looking at four websites, three books, recommended for retail collectors to collect.

Often fans and friends ask me, as an experienced stock trading professional, in addition to watching the market every day, usually from what channels to obtain information, you think about if you look at the stock speculation does not pay attention to the news, it is not equal to the blind touch the fish, do not learn the successful people summed up the successful experience and books, then how do you speculate homework, how to quickly improve the level of speculation ah?

At present, there are a lot of messy financial apps, public accounts, websites, etc. If you have to read them all, in fact, you can't see them at all. People's energy is limited, today I mainly talk about the four major websites and must-see books that the staff of the institution usually pay attention to, so that you can copy the homework directly from it. Delete the rest and don't waste any more time.

First, what is the biggest feature of the Financial Associated Press? A word is fast, we all know that the stock market is the first hand harvest and the second hand of the market, you get the news fast you can harvest your back hand, the Financial Associated Press is a twenty-four-hour professional and authoritative securities information service platform.

The second is Snowball, which is a professional website for in-depth analysis of finance. Snowball is also a gathering place for industry research and individual stock fundamental research. What does a snowball look like? A bit like the previous popular post bar, there are a lot of gods here to share their stocks, as well as their investment logic, Snowball has a lot of experienced investors on the industry trend of in-depth analysis and fundamental analysis. If you are a veteran, you can find like-minded friends in it, if you are a novice, you need to ponder the analysis of the professional bosses inside, learn to study the investment experience of other gods, and if you are lucky, sometimes you can directly copy homework.

Third, look at the financial report to avoid the pit garbage company. Many stock speculators actually still do not have the correct and effective way to read the financial report in an easy-to-understand way, always in the clouds, a little confused. If you look at the official financial report, a lot of figures, but also in the clouds, confused. You can go directly to [look at the financial report] this website, [look at the financial report] The biggest feature of this website is the data chart, which is rich in pictures and texts, and it is clear at a glance.

The fourth website is called Big Vision. What investors are most helpful for big vision? For example, if you do the middle-class line, you do value investment, it is very useful, and the big vision can estimate whether your stock is overvalued or undervalued, and whether there is a bubble. The logic of valuation is very meticulous. Therefore, investors who do medium and long-term may wish to pay attention to this website.

The four websites introduced above, according to your preferences and stock trading habits, insisting on watching one or two a day is enough. Other websites or apps can be deleted directly.

Next, let's talk about books, history is created by people, and the stock market is constantly repeated, so the success story of the stock god can be copied.

Let's take a look at the first book, which is Peter Lynch's successful investment. For Chinese investors, Peter Lynch's book illuminates the way forward. His investment advice ah, look at you are a spark, can burn the original. Peter Lynch will tell us about the comparative advantages of retail investors, how to pick ten times stocks, etc., and the stocks that must be avoided and not bought. Peter Lynch is also one of the best fund managers in the world, so Peter Lynch's books are one of the must-sees.

The second book is "Japanese Candlestick Chart Technology", [Japanese Candlestick Chart Technology] is a must-see classic book for stock speculators, and the only books on the market that mention the K-line technology are derived from this book. What is a candlestick? It is our current k-line chart, which was passed down from Japan. The solid part of the candlestick plus an upper shadow or a lower shadow is not very similar to a candle, and the candlestick chart comes from this.

The third book is "Buffett's annual letter to shareholders."] In the stock market, Buffett exists like a god, you just have to step into the stock market, Buffett's remarks you have to see.

The above content is my personal experience of stock trading for more than 10 years.

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