
Xu Zhenxia, former deputy inspector of the Hebei Provincial Public Security Department (deputy department level), was arrested (with resume)

author:Minnan Net

  The Hebei Provincial People's Procuratorate decided to arrest Xu Zhenxia in accordance with law

  The hebei provincial supervision commission concluded the investigation into the case of Xu Zhenxia (deputy department level), former deputy inspector of the Hebei Provincial Public Security Department, who was suspected of accepting bribes, and transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution. A few days ago, the Hebei Provincial People's Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Xu Zhenxia on suspicion of accepting bribes in accordance with the law. The case is under further processing. (Source: Supreme People's Procuratorate)

  On January 23, 2022, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission reported that Xu Zhenxia had been expelled from the party for serious violations of discipline and law. Details are as follows:

  Xu Zhenxia, former deputy inspector of the Hebei Provincial Public Security Department, was expelled from the party for serious violations of discipline and the law

  According to the Hebei Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission's Supervision Commission, a few days ago, with the approval of the Hebei Provincial CPC Committee, the Hebei Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission conducted a case review and investigation into Xu Zhenxia, former deputy inspector of the Provincial Public Security Department, for serious violations of discipline and the law.

  After investigation, Xu Zhenxia, as a party-member leading cadre who has been working in the public security organs for a long time, has betrayed her original mission, lost her ideals and convictions, been disloyal and dishonest to the party, and has deliberately evaded examination and investigation; in disregard of the spirit of the eight central regulations, has no sense of honesty, has taken advantage of the New Year's Festival and other opportunities for many years to accept gifts, and has accepted birthday parties arranged for him by private entrepreneurs for many years; has ignored the requirements of the organization and failed to report personal matters in accordance with regulations; and has used public power for private purposes, taking advantage of the influence of his position, borrowing the vehicles and drivers of private business owners, and wanting to become an official and want to get rich By lending money to management service recipients to obtain large amounts of interest; being responsible for supervision and prohibition duties, but enforcing the law and breaking the law, colluding with the leaders of organizations of a mafia nature, calling them brothers and brothers, and acting as "protective umbrellas" for them, so that the companies operated by the organization can grab illegal benefits and seriously undermine social order; they take advantage of their positions to seek benefits for others in enterprise operations and case handling, and accept huge bribes.

  Xu Zhenxia seriously violated the party's political, organizational, honest, and mass discipline, constituting a violation of official duties, and was suspected of accepting bribes, and did not restrain or accept after the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, which was of a bad nature and serious circumstances, and should be dealt with severely. In accordance with the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China," the "Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China," the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Government Sanctions for Public Employees," and other relevant provisions, after being studied by the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission and the Executive Meeting of the Provincial Supervision Commission and reported to the Hebei Provincial Cpc Committee for approval, it was decided to give Xu Zhenxia the punishment of expulsion from the party; to cancel her retirement benefits in accordance with regulations; to confiscate her gains from violating discipline and the law; to transfer her suspected criminal issues to the procuratorial organs for examination and prosecution in accordance with law, and to transfer the property involved.

  Xu Zhenxia's resume

  Xu Zhenxia, male, Han ethnicity, born in August 1956, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, joined the Communist Party of China in September 1976, joined the work in March 1974, graduated from the Central Party School.

  1974.03-1976.12 Zhao County Yaojiazhuang Zhiqing

  1976.12-1977.05 Worker of Shijiazhuang Tractor Factory

  1977.05-1981.03 Shijiazhuang Traffic Police Brigade 1st Squadron Police Officer, Acting Deputy Commander of 2nd Squadron

  1981.03-1984.07 Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau Dongli Dispatch Village Police Station, Qiaoxi Branch No. 4 (Criminal Police Team) Police

  1984.07-1987.11 Deputy Director of Zhongshan Road Police Station of Shijiazhuang Public Security Bureau, Director of Yong'an Street Police Station

  1987.11-1990.06 Deputy Director of Household Affairs Department, Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau

  1990.06-1991.02 Deputy Director of Household Administration Department of Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau, Reconnaissance Officer

  1991.02-1994.05 Deputy Director of Qiaodong Branch of Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau

  1994.05-1996.07 Political Commissar of Qiaodong Branch of Shijiazhuang Public Security Bureau

  1996.07-2003.07 Deputy Director of Shijiazhuang Public Security Bureau, Member of party committee

  (1995.08-1997.12 Studied economic management at the Correspondence College of the Central Party School)

  2003.07-2004.12 Deputy Director of Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau, Member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Police Academy

  2004.12-2007.12 Deputy Director of Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau, Member of the Party Committee

  2007.12-2009.04 Deputy Director of Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee

  2009.04-2013.12 Executive Deputy Director of Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee

  2013.12-2016.09 Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Deputy Director of Shijiazhuang Municipal Public Security Bureau, Deputy Inspector of The Provincial Public Security Department

  2016.09 Retired