
Selected Four Masters and Five Laws of the Early Tang Dynasty (35 songs)

About the Author:

The Four Jies of the Early Tang Dynasty refer to Wang Bo, Yang Jiong, Lu Zhaolin, and Luo Binwang, who were active in the Tang Dynasty during the Gaozong and Wuhou dynasties. They had the courage to reform Qi Liang's flamboyant poetic style and mature the five-character poem.

Wang Bo (c. 650 – c. 676), courtesy name Zi'an, was a native of Longmen,Dai prefecture (绛州, in modern Hejin, Shanxi), who served as an army officer in Yu Prefecture. He "solved the text at the age of six, conceived without delay, and the words were heroic, similar to his brother Caizao, and his father's friend Du Yijian often called it: This Wang Clan Sanzhu Shuye." "The style of writing is fresh and natural, there are often aphorisms in one article, and the "Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion" is a famous article in mainland classical literature. Wang Bo died young and drowned on the way south to visit his father.

Yang Jiong (650–693), a native of Hongnong Huayin (present-day Shaanxi). Talented, good at writing prose, especially good at poetry. The Old Book of Tang praised his Obon Fu as "very elegant in words", while the General Catalogue of the Siku Quanshu thought that "its chapters are magnificent, and because they run through the classics, they stop dabbling in glitz". After a lifetime of ups and downs, he died in the official with Yingchuan Ling, and was known as Yang Yingchuan.

Lu Zhaolin (c. 637 – c. 689), also known as Shengzhi , called himself Youyouzi. A native of Fanyang, Youzhou (present-day Zhuo County, Hebei). The poetic style is unrestrained, rich and not flashy. He was once the new governor of Yizhou, and his life was bumpy, he was tormented by wind and disease for a long time, and then he was crippled by poisoning his hands and feet due to taking Dan medicine, and he died by throwing himself into the water.

Luo Binwang (c. 619 – c. 687) was a poet of the Tang Dynasty. Character sightseeing, Wuzhou Yiwu (present-day Yiwu, Zhejiang) people. 7-year-old can poetry, known as "prodigy". The poetry is bold and bold, and the discipline is rigorous. He once served as a Linhai Cheng and resigned from the government. Later, Xu Jingye, who rebelled against Wu Zetian in Yangzhou, wrote "Seeking Wu Shuo for Xu Jingye", and jingye was defeated, and he did not know what to do, or Yun was killed, or Yun became a monk.

Wang Bogaohua, Yang Jiong is strong, Zhaolin Qingzao, Bin Wang Tanyi. ——Lu Shiyong's "General Discussion of Poetry Mirror"

Wang Yang Lu Luo was in his body at that time, and he was light and thin. Ercao's body and name are destroyed, and the rivers and rivers are not wasted. ——Du Fu's "Drama for Six Sentences"

1. Moonlit Night with Huaijian Zhu tong disease (Tang Luo Bin Wang)

The idle garden is over, and the curtains are cleared at night and the moon is cleared.

The spirit of the mountain seems to be echoing, and the water is like a clear sky.

The perched branches are like magpies, and the future of Zhuzhu is hong.

Lamentable high-rise women, sad thoughts are difficult to end.

2. Crossing the Gua Bu River (Tang Luo Bin Wang)

Holding the circle of words, singing the hammer down to Guizhou.

The waves are suspicious of the Prancing Horse, and the gas is like a cow.

The moon is cold and sandy, and the wind is sharp in the night and autumn.

If you don't learn to float clouds and shadows, you will be stranded in the air.

3. YouLing Gongguan (Tang Luo Bin Wang)

Lingfeng biao victory, the divine palace pillow through the river.

The Jade Hall is obliquely connected to han, and the Golden Hall is full of smoke.

Break the wind and thin the late bamboo, and the flowing water cuts the dangerous string.

Don't have the green gate outside, empty xuanpu immortal.

4. Summer Day Trip to the Mountain Family with Xia Shaofu (Tang Luo Bin Wang)

Looking back at the lower level, the outside of the fox beckons.

Lan Jing Kaoru Yu Pei, Huai Ting fell dark gold.

The valley is quiet and the wind is clear, and the mountains and the sky are dark.

One tired cage, only Song Guixin.

5. Winter Feast (Don Luo Bin Wang)

Two or three foreign friends, a hundred rods head money.

Reward Yuan Gongdi, love and happiness lingtian.

Urge the xiluan to be full, when the furnace beast is charcoal.

Why climb the laurel tree, stay here.

6. Winter Passing the Late Man as a Virgin Scholar (Tang Luo Bin Wang)

The gods still throw paint, and the virtual room strikes Youlan.

The nets and windows are chaotic, and the moss is deeply tracked.

Xueming book account is cold, water quiet ink pool cold.

Alone on the piano stage at night, the flow of water for whom to play.

7. TongXin Book Jian Yang Reward Si Xuan Shangren Lin Quan Qiyi (Tang Luo Bin Wang)

Wen Jun beckoned to hide, beard WuLing Chun.

Ji Qian knew that he was still Chu, and he was dressed in hazel as if to avoid Qin.

Bengcha years of accumulation, the grass is new.

Thanks for the vicissitudes of the water, there are people who know and are easy.

8. Part III (Don Luo Bin Wang)

Lin Quan explored the calendar, and the scenery was temporarily wandering.

There are migratory warblers, and no one comes without knots.

The flowers are like thin snow, and the boiling water is like light thunder.

Today's vain tricks, the final knowledge is different and bad.

9. Part IV (Don Luo Bin Wang)

The customs are far away from the wind and dust, and the spring is still late.

Lin was suspicious and scattered, and people seemed to be emperors.

Fang Du Xiang Jun Qu, Youlan Chu Ke Lyrics.

There are spring grasses in the mountains, which look like acacia.

10. Its Autumn Wind (Tang Luo Bin Wang)

Purple Mo Yan atmosphere rests, green apples blow and float in the evening.

The bamboo shakes and shadows, and the pond weaves a thin stream.

Fluttering dance sleeves, with powder pan makeup floor.

Regardless of the grace of the king, the fan song Mid-Autumn Festival.

11. Bamboo (Don Yang Jiong)

A few poles of bamboo, dense and dense forest.

Half of the room is full of freshness, and a window is more than noon.

Mundane things do not reach the eyes, and good books are still on the heart.

Forget the brigade, this king is the same as this

12. Folding Willow (Don Yang Jiong)

The frontier is far away, and the people who recruit people will not return it.

Autumn face withers green feathers, don't tears damage the red face.

Looking at the broken meteor station, the heart is racing bright moon off.

Where is the anvil? Willow is self-absorbed

13. Send Linjin Fang Shaofu (Tang Yang Jiong)

Qilu Sanqiu Farewell, Jiangjin Wanli Long.

The smoke is stationed in the cover, and the strings play to promote the flight.

The steps of the tree contain oblique sun, and the pool breeze is cool in the morning.

The gift was not finished, and the drooling was suddenly stained

14. Send Zizhou Zhou Sigong (Tang Yang Jiong)

The royal ditch was sent together, and the horses were repeatedly discussed.

There is no day in the laughter, and there is no forgiveness from worry.

Raise a glass to persuade the wine, and break the nose for the time being.

Don't be a clear night after the wind, sijun Shu road is difficult

15. Feast of the Holy Spring (Don Wang Bo)

Cloaked in stone stones, listed in the spring spring.

Lan Qi smoked mountain drink, pine rhyme wild strings.

Shadows drift outside the leaves, before the fragrance falls on the flowers.

Xingqia Lin Tang late, heavy rocks rise in the sunset smoke.

16. You Fanyu Sanjue Temple (Tang Wang Bo)

The apricot pavilion is covered with green bricks, and the carving table controls the purple cen.

Yeqi Mountain Road is narrow, and the flower accumulation wild altar is deep.

Rakurochi Zen Shadow, Matsumon listening to Sanskrit.

Shun Xin accompanies Miao, and extends the reward of polyester annoyance.

17. Ma Ping's Late Journey (Tang Wang Bo)

A hundred years of nostalgia, a thousand miles of tired travel.

Look for the road high and low, and listen to the sound of springs near and far.

The leaves are only colored, and the mountain flowers are not recognizable.

Where is the end of bondage? The wind is rushing twilight ape clear.

18. Ren Shu Prefecture of Du Shaofu (Tang Wang Bo)

The city que assists the three Qins, and the wind and smoke look at the five jin.

Parting ways with Jun, the same eunuch.

Confidant in the sea, the end of the world is like a neighbor.

Inaction is on the road, and the children are covered with scarves.

19. Suburbs of Mid-Spring (Don Wang Bo)

Weeping willow path in the east garden, flowering in the west weir.

Looking for three months, the scenery is absolutely nearby.

Birds fly in the village to feel the dawn, fish play in the water to know the spring.

In the courtyard of Hatsuyoshi Mountain, where the dust is.

20. Suburb Xing (Tang Wang Bo)

Empty garden songs drink alone, and spring is given idleness.

Zeeland invaded the trail, and the river willow covered the long canal.

The rain goes to the flowers and wet, and the wind returns to the leaves.

Mountain people do not hesitate to get drunk, but fear the green and vain.

21. Suburban Garden (Don Wang Bo)

Smoke Xia Spring Dan Appreciation, Shochiku Old Heart.

Broken mountain suspect painting obstacle, county slip singing piano.

The grass is all over the south pavilion, and the flowers bloom deep in the north courtyard.

Idle and drunk, pumping as much as you want.

22. Mountain Residence Evening View gift to Wang Daoist (Tang Wang Bo)

The Golden Temple is sparse and the Jade Cave is immortal.

The flowers and branches are perched in the late dew, and the peak leaves are sunny.

Obliquely move the mountain shadow, back to the sand to embrace the text.

The qin is waiting to be revived, and the bamboo tree has been welcomed.

23. Spring Day Back to the Countryside (Don Wang Bo)

Idle and hey talk, take the staff to the rock spring.

Grass green haunting new belt, elm green embellished with ancient money.

Fish beds invade the shore water, birds pass into the smoke.

Also titled Hirako Fu, flowers and trees full of spring fields.

24. Yiyang early onset (Tang Wang Bo)

Pretending to invade The Moon, Ben Ce waited for the remnant star.

The Dangerous Pavilion seeks the Dan barrier, and the Huiliang belongs to Cuiping.

The shadows of the trees are lost in the clouds, and the peaks are lost in the fog.

This cool soars to the air, and the empty mountain flies night fireflies.

25. Wing Feng (Don Wang Bo)

Sue Liang Jingsheng, add me Lin Qingqing.

Smoke is driven out of the stream, and the fog is rolled out of the mountain.

There is no trace of coming and going, and there is no emotion.

The sunset is quiet and the sound of the sun is relaxed.

26. Fang Shu (Don Lu Zhaolin)

Fang Shu Ben Doki, nian Hua Fu in Si.

The greenery becomes a new tree, and the branches are full of red.

The wind returns to the flowers, and the daily shadow is uneven.

Rong Se was falling towards the direction, and Si Junjun did not know.

27. Sending Zizhou Gao to join the army and return to Beijing (Tang Lu Zhaolin)

Jingluo is far away from the wind and dust, and the smoke is deep.

The north travels like wisdom, and the south flies my birds.

The sound of the piano was broken, and the Akiyama ape bird groaned.

A good green rock drink, empty white cloud heart.

28. Rain and Snow Song (Don Lu Zhaolin)

Riding three autumns into, Guan Yun Wanli Ping.

The snow is as dark as husha, and the ice is as bright as the moon.

Gao Que silver is Que, and the Great Wall is jade as a city.

The festival is lost, and the Son of Heaven is unknown.

29. Into the Qinchuan Boundary (Tang Lu Zhaolin)

Longsaka is long and boundless, and the Cangshan Mountains are endless.

The stone path is suspicious, and the return flow seems to be empty.

Flowers bloom green and fog, warblers whisper purple rock wind.

Don't let chunfang run out, and leave the old people with the same reward.

30. Xiangru Qintai (Don Lu Zhaolin)

Smell gracefully, there are no neighbors for a thousand years.

The garden courtyard is ancient, and the pond terrace is pine and spring.

Yun is suspicious as a guest, and the moon is like listening to the piano.

Lonely warbler, empty wound wanderer god.

31. Wangyue in Jiangzhong (Don Lu Zhaolin)

The river flows toward the sun, and Cheng Cheng writes about the moonlight.

The mirror beads are left behind, and the strings are full of arrow wavelengths.

Shen Hook shakes the rabbit shadow, and the floating gui moves Danfang.

Longing for the night, thousands of miles together.

32. Late Crossing of Tuotuo to Present Wei Da (Tang Lu Zhaolin)

Tsutani is far away, and the glacier is in the sunset.

Xiaming is deep and shallow, and the wind is rolling in the clouds.

The waves are full of moon shadows, and the waves gather in Chawen.

Who endures on the immortal boat, hand in hand with the Emperor.

33. Spring Festival Gala Villa rate two songs

Part 1 (Don Lu Zhaolin)

Gu Bu three spring evenings, pastoral four look through.

Gossamer swept across the trees, and butterflies snuggled up in the bushes.

Bamboo laziness is more suitable for water, and flowers are crazy and do not wait for the wind.

Only the rest of the poetry and wine, when a lifetime.

34. Part II (Don Lu Zhaolin)

The Tian family has no neighbors and sits alone in a garden of spring.

The warbler does not choose the tree, and the fish play is not frightened.

The landscape plays the piano to the end, and the wind and flowers drink frequently.

Years have been coke, happy to return to people.

35. Tanabata Rafting (Don Lu Zhaolin)

Ting Ye was in the heat, and the river tree was cool at first.

The water is suspected of weaving the room, and the boat resembles a pan immortal.

The radial ferry sounded sharply, and the light floated under the sound.

Evening and evening singing, the wind and smoke are full of sunset.

Selected Four Masters and Five Laws of the Early Tang Dynasty (35 songs)

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