
Ranked 186th and 54th, the Su and Jin women's volleyball teams are not at the same level, and there is no comparison at all

I don't know when, Tianjin women's volleyball fans and Jiangsu women's volleyball fans formed two groups that are incompatible, starting with each other arguing and denying each other, and then even escalating to the level of mutual attack and insults, which is really difficult to understand. At present, which side provoked the dispute first, it seems to have become a chicken or an egg that cannot be traced back to the source, but in fact, fans who have paid attention to the women's volleyball team for a long time are well aware, but here it will no longer toss these old stories, so as not to cause unnecessary arguments. However, from the perspective of seeking truth from facts, the Jiangsu women's volleyball team and the Tianjin women's volleyball team are not a level of the team at all, and they are not comparable at all.

Ranked 186th and 54th, the Su and Jin women's volleyball teams are not at the same level, and there is no comparison at all

From the perspective of the world club rankings, the Tianjin women's volleyball team ranked 54th with 1349.70 points, which is the highest ranking among the Chinese women's volleyball clubs at present. The Jiangsu women's volleyball team ranked 186th with 635.60 points, not only the ranking disparity, but also the points are far apart. Although such data is relatively general, such a large gap is enough to prove that the Jiangsu women's volleyball team and the Tianjin women's volleyball team are not at the same level at all. If you refine it to specific comparisons, the Tianjin women's volleyball team is also fully dominant without exception, and the gap is obvious. So the two teams really don't have any comparison, and I don't know why there are always people who put the two teams together to compare.

Ranked 186th and 54th, the Su and Jin women's volleyball teams are not at the same level, and there is no comparison at all

The first is the comparison of achievements, since the Tianjin women's volleyball team won the first league championship in the 2002-2003 season, it has won a total of 5 Asian Club Cup championships, 4 National Games championships, and 14 league championships, which is not counting the champions in other sub-level competitions. Since the establishment of the team in 1958, the Jiangsu women's volleyball team has only won 1 National Games championship and 1 league championship. Such a huge contrast in achievements has led some people to not accept it and it is inevitable to criticize the Tianjin women's volleyball team, but this does not change the fact that there is a huge disparity in achievements between the two.

Ranked 186th and 54th, the Su and Jin women's volleyball teams are not at the same level, and there is no comparison at all

The second is the comparison of the contributions of the Olympic national players. The purpose of the Tianjin women's volleyball team is to grasp both performance and player training, and both hands must be hard. The purpose of the Establishment of the Jiangsu Women's Volleyball Team has always given people the feeling that it is mainly based on the cultivation of young players, and the results do not seem to pay too much attention. In view of the outstanding achievements of the Tianjin women's volleyball team, Jiangsu fans believe that the Tianjin women's volleyball team is not as good as the Jiangsu women's volleyball team in terms of national hand contribution, and criticizes the Tianjin women's volleyball team for making small contributions to the national team. As everyone knows, since entering the new century, the Tianjin women's volleyball team has contributed 8 Olympic players, while the Jiangsu women's volleyball team has only 3 people.

Ranked 186th and 54th, the Su and Jin women's volleyball teams are not at the same level, and there is no comparison at all

The above is only the gap between the two teams that can be seen and felt, in fact, the real gap between the two teams is not well known to the outside world. That's the atmosphere and the roots. Tianjin women's volleyball team has a strong volleyball atmosphere that is well-known throughout the country, from the leaders of the municipal party committee to the common people, the love for volleyball is from the heart. It is the love of the Tianjin people for the women's volleyball team that has cultivated the Tianjin women's volleyball team, and it is also the inheritance and development of the spirit of the Tianjin women's volleyball team that makes the Tianjin people love the Tianjin women's volleyball team even more. The foundation of the Tianjin women's volleyball team is even deeper, in addition to the championship background that everyone praises, leadership support, corporate support, fan support, logistics support, etc. have been deeply rooted, which are far beyond the jiangsu women's volleyball team.

Ranked 186th and 54th, the Su and Jin women's volleyball teams are not at the same level, and there is no comparison at all

It is not difficult to see from the above comparison. Whether it is a general comparison or a detailed comparison, the Jiangsu women's volleyball team cannot be compared with the Tianjin women's volleyball team. Therefore, it is not that they have reached the final twice in the game, or they can play an equal match with the Tianjin women's volleyball team in the competition to be on par with the Tianjin women's volleyball team. That is only the most superficial comparison, in essence, the gap between the Jiangsu women's volleyball team and the Tianjin women's volleyball team is all-round. In particular, the gap in atmosphere and foundation is the fundamental gap between the Jiangsu women's volleyball team and the Tianjin women's volleyball team. It's not a level gap that can be bridged by winning a game or two, or a championship or two.

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