
Although it is a horror film, it is the ultimate love in my heart

author:Zero zero one nibble melon

In 2002, the "Homecoming" of "Three Changes" was both maddening and moving, truly spanning life and death, high-dimensional love - the male protagonist was already dead, (from the perspective of Western medicine, the perspective of Chinese medicine is not dead) The wife took care of his body every day and used Chinese medicine to save him; later the wife was terminally ill, so the male protagonist strangled his wife and wanted to use the same method to save her... Waiting day after day for her to wake up

Seeing that they were about to wake up halfway but killed a fucking neighbor, they failed to survive but happened to be reunited with their daughter who had been previously aborted (Fig. 2, Fig. 4) in another world

So there is another crazy point: the daughter is dissatisfied with being a lone ghost and wants her parents to go down to accompany her, so she deliberately creates a strange phenomenon so that the neighbor Zeng Zhiwei found that they were wrong and called the police.

Dawn's neurotic perfection Yuan Liqi looks good and advanced (Zheng Peipei's second daughter) and is a supermodel figure really in my aesthetic.

One of the screenwriters is still Su Zhaobin's director Chen Kexin photography Du Kefeng. The theme song and this story are also super-sung by Dawn's "Like in My Ears" - adapted from an Italian aria.

Special mourning and particularly affectionate and melodious.

Although it is a horror film, it is the ultimate love in my heart
Although it is a horror film, it is the ultimate love in my heart
Although it is a horror film, it is the ultimate love in my heart
Although it is a horror film, it is the ultimate love in my heart
Although it is a horror film, it is the ultimate love in my heart
Although it is a horror film, it is the ultimate love in my heart
Although it is a horror film, it is the ultimate love in my heart