
30 cases confirmed in 3 days! The epidemic in Hangzhou spilled over to four provinces and cities

Worse than the outbreak is the emergence of an epidemic at the end of the year.

Written by | Wan Shunshun

Source | "Medical Community" public account

The Spring Festival is approaching, but the epidemic situation in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, is sudden. From the early morning of January 26, Hangzhou reported a new confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia, as of 12:00 on the 28th, Hangzhou has reported a total of 30 confirmed cases, all of which are mild.

The epidemic in Hangzhou began with Huierte (China) Catering Equipment Co., Ltd., and most of the later confirmed cases were employees of the company. Since the outbreak, 57 employees of the company have returned home for the Chinese New Year. The latest news shows that the epidemic situation in Hangzhou has spilled over to 4 provinces and cities, and Henan Shichi, Guizhou Anshun, Jiangxi Shangrao, and Hubei Luotian have all found infected people returning to Their hometowns in Hangzhou.

The current round of the epidemic was transmitted from thing to person, and the epidemic spilled over to four provinces and cities

As of December 5, 2021, the Delta epidemic occurred in Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Ningbo in Zhejiang Province, and in the past month or so, Hangzhou has faced the test of the latest mutant strain, Aomi Kerong.

Xia Shichang, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission, said in an interview with CCTV News that a total of 4 double genes were found to be positive in the imported materials that were not used in the epidemic-related enterprises (Huierte), distributed in forklifts, coffee machines and other places, and the test results were positive for Aomi Kerong nucleic acid. It is initially believed that the epidemic is closely related to overseas imports.

Xia Shichang reminded that from the perspective of the local transmission of the epidemic that occurs throughout the country, the frequency of human infection caused by material transmission to people and related pollution of the environment is increasing, and more attention should be paid to the prevention and control of overseas express delivery, mail and other items, and protective measures should be taken.

30 cases confirmed in 3 days! The epidemic in Hangzhou spilled over to four provinces and cities

At the press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic in Hangzhou this afternoon, Wang Xuchu, deputy director of the Hangzhou Municipal Health Commission, informed that among the 30 confirmed cases, the employees of Huierte Catering Equipment Co., Ltd. accounted for 15 cases, and 4 family cluster epidemics occurred, involving 9 people. Among the participants in the wedding banquet, 7 people were infected, and another 7 infected people lived or worked in the Changjiang Xiyuan Community in Binjiang District, showing a certain degree of agglomeration.

According to the circulation information of the first confirmed case, on January 19, he participated in the company's 2021 year-end summary meeting. "The Paper" reported that the company's annual meeting was originally scheduled to be held in the hotel, because of the epidemic situation changed to the company's seven-star restaurant, and the program had songs and dances and lottery links. At least a hundred employees attend the annual meeting. Since then, some employees have participated in wedding banquets in communities near the company.

30 cases confirmed in 3 days! The epidemic in Hangzhou spilled over to four provinces and cities

Screenshot of the company's annual meeting video. Image source/Polar News

Experts believe that the chain of transmission of the epidemic in Hangzhou is relatively clear, and the overall risk is controllable, but there may still be many cases of positive infection in the follow-up.

However, the epidemic situation in Hangzhou has spilled over. Huierte (China) Catering Equipment Co., Ltd. entered the holiday after the annual meeting, of the company's 297 employees, 240 employees who stayed in Hangzhou, mainly concentrated in Binjiang District, and another 57 employees have returned to their hometowns for the New Year.

Since January 26, people with returnees from Hangzhou have been found in Anshun, Guizhou, Shangrao, Jiangxi, Luotian, Hubei, and Shichi, Henan, all of whom are related to the confirmed cases in Hangzhou.

400 buses vacated the community in the early hours of the morning

The epicenter of the epidemic in Hangzhou is in Binjiang District.

Yesterday evening, the Chang'an Community and Chang'an Xiyuan in Hangzhou's Binjiang District have adopted centralized isolation measures as a whole.

Chang'an Community and Chang'an Xiyuan Community first canceled outdoor nucleic acid testing, and medical staff came to do nucleic acid testing. Later, because many cases of new crown positives have been found in the community, the epidemic situation is very severe, and the residents of the two communities have been transferred to various isolation points in the city for unified isolation.

30 cases confirmed in 3 days! The epidemic in Hangzhou spilled over to four provinces and cities

Image source network

According to the "Zhejiang Satellite TV" news, 400 buses emergency transfer community residents in the early morning, the Chang'an community and Chang'an Xiyuan community residents as a whole transferred to the concentration point for isolation.

30 cases confirmed in 3 days! The epidemic in Hangzhou spilled over to four provinces and cities

The Ninth People's Hospital of Hangzhou supports nucleic acid sampling. Source/Health Hangzhou

In view of the characteristics of the spread of Aomi Kerong, Hangzhou has set up key risk monitoring areas in addition to dividing the "three areas" of sealing and control areas, control areas and prevention areas.

Xia Shichang said that Hangzhou mainly considers two factors when dividing the sealing and control area, the control area and the prevention area: dividing it into small units, making it as accurate as possible, and covering all risk factors.

The buildings, communities or natural villages in rural areas where the 240 employees of Huierte Catering Equipment Co., Ltd. live are used as key risk monitoring areas, and regional personnel conduct nucleic acid tests once a day for three consecutive days to exclude possible risks. In addition, the places where these people have visited, such as supermarkets, chess and card rooms, movie theaters, etc., must also be controlled by the people accompanying them in the same time and space.

In addition, the epidemic situation in Hangzhou is also spreading in the city. On 27 January, there were 2 new confirmed cases in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou.

On January 28, Shangcheng District issued an announcement on epidemic prevention and control, determining that 4 buildings in the south area of Pufu Homestead with units 2 and 3 as the sealing and control area, 4 buildings with 1 unit as the control area, and other areas in the southern area of Pufu Homestead as the prevention area in addition to the sealing and control area; 4, 5, 8 and 9 buildings of Jianguo South Garden as the sealing and control area, and other areas of Jianguo South Garden in addition to the sealing and control area as the control area.

Hangzhou advocates staying in Hangzhou for the Chinese New Year and reducing the flow of people, but it does not completely restrict the necessary normal travel. The high-speed rail passing through Hangzhou will not affect the health code and itinerary card.

According to the "Global Network" report, the latest policy of Hangzhou East Railway Station is that the citizens of Hangzhou need a 48-hour nucleic acid test report to leave the province, and they do not need to provide it when they go to other cities in the province.


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Source: Medical community

Editor-in-charge: Zheng Huaju

Proofreader: Zang Hengjia

Plate making: Xue Jiao

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