
I revere Mr. Zhou Huijun| Liu Yungeng

In the early morning of December 27, 2021, the famous calligrapher Mr. Zhou Huijun died peacefully at home, and at noon on the same day, Mr. Fei Binhai told me this bad news with WeChat, and I was shocked. Although Mr. Zhou Huijun and I did not have close contact, in the few contacts, Mr. Zhou left a very deep impression on me, and at the moment it is constantly churning in my mind.

During my tenure as chairman of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, Mr. Zhou Huijun did a very meaningful thing for the Municipal People's Congress, which enabled me to have a new understanding of Mr. Zhou.

At the end of 2010, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress made a comprehensive revision of the Law on Deputies, which stipulates the responsibility of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to organize and carry out training for deputies, so as to enhance the awareness and ability of people's congress deputies to perform their duties. With the support and care of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the municipal financial appropriation expanded the "Xinghuayuan" people's congress training center. The expansion project was economical, with undeturned old houses brick by brick and double the number of training spaces. Before the completion of the construction, the Songjiang District Government sent a huge granite stone that was more than 10 meters long, more than 3 meters high and weighed 90 tons, which was ready to be placed at the entrance of the training center as a welcome stone. After deliberating, everyone felt that they should leave a little mark on this boulder of continuous progress under the leadership of the party and the great cause of democracy and the rule of law, and finally I wrote a small article "Records of Xinghuayuan", which recorded the expansion of "Xinghuayuan" and the gathering of deputies, the joint discussion of the state, the revolution of the old and the new, and the national peace and security.

There are many calligraphers on the beach, and Kai Li Xingcao has his own strengths, who will write it? One comrade enthusiastically accepted the task and went out to ask for words from a well-known calligrapher in Shanghai who was familiar to him. The next day, Secretary General Yao Mingbao said to me with a difficult face, your article has 271 words, and the calligraphers have rules, and they must be priced according to the number of words and the size. I have also heard of this rule, and there is nothing wrong with asking for words to pay, but it is good to talk about the price in advance, and I always have a taste in my heart, and this matter is over.

A few days later, Yao Mingbao Xingchong told me that a good thing had happened -- a day earlier, two comrades, Gan Zhongze and Chen Mingjun, went to Mr. Zhou Huijun's house to ask for words, and Mr. Zhou did not mention anything about money, but picked up the "Record of Xinghuayuan" and read it carefully. ”

More than half a month later, Mr. Zhou called and said that the words were written. Gan Zhongze and Chen Mingjun immediately rushed away. Entering the door, I saw Mr. Zhou, who was inconvenient with his legs and feet, standing at the edge of the desk, with his hands smoothing a long scroll of more than two meters spread on the felt. The old sister who took care of Mr. Zhou at home said while making tea for them: "I have never seen her so serious, I have written it twice without dissatisfaction, and I have re-wrote it, this is the third painting." "It turned out that the shape of this boulder was not very regular, and the text was too long, in order to highlight the overall artistic effect, Mr. Zhou, who had a rigorous style of writing, repeatedly pondered, adjusted, and rewritten. These are all things that Gan Zhongze later told me.

I revere Mr. Zhou Huijun| Liu Yungeng

"Xinghua Yuan" Zhou Huijun Book Yin Shurong photo

Mr. Zhou's calligraphy style is unique, dignified and old, and the strength penetrates the back of the paper. We have to be so long that we have to be as precious as we are, and we are competing to see it. Today, it is treasured by the Municipal People's Congress.

In order to reflect the charm of Mr. Zhou's calligraphy, we looked around for a master stonemason who specialized in engraving, tried to engrave, and finally identified two senior craftsmen, who carefully carved and carved, spent more than a month, and was finished.

At the end of 2012, I invited Mr. Zhou to xinghua garden to inspect the boulder inscription, and Mr. Zhou was very happy and gladly went there. She stopped in front of the inscription to look closely, read it word by word, and slowly moved until the end of the whole text. When there was an accompanying person in the ear, Mr. Zhou praised Mr. Zhou's calligraphy and vigorous penmanship, and Mr. Zhou modestly waved his hand: "There are people who write well in shanghai beach calligraphy." People say that "literati are light on each other", Mr. Zhou is a giant in the calligraphy world, but he still has great respect for other calligraphy colleagues, which makes us move. I have personally heard Mr. Zhou humbly say twice: "I am just a 'scribe'." ”

Having feelings and righteousness, taking tasks regardless of remuneration; rigorous calligraphy, seeking perfection in one article and three books; modesty and prudence, and respecting each other among literati, these are the noble points of Mr. Zhou Huijun's life as a person. I revere Mr. Zhou Huijun, who is both virtuous and artistic. There is no more Zhou Huijun in the book world!

I revere Mr. Zhou Huijun| Liu Yungeng

Author: Liu Yungeng

Editor: Qian Yutong

Editor-in-Charge: Shu Ming

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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