
Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

author:Red, blue and white tulips

In film and television dramas, there is often a phenomenon of "children are older than mothers", that is, young actors play elders, and older actors play juniors.

This age dislocation makes the audience cry and laugh.

However, the director, producer and other main creative personnel have a lot of words, saying that they have their own considerations.

Let's take stock of the roles that are out of place:

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

1. "The Legend of the Archery Hero" Liang Wanjing and Luo Jialiang

TVB remade "The Legend of the Eagle Hero" in 1994, starring Zhang Zhilin and Zhu Yin.

The quality of this drama is not bad, the Douban score is as high as 8.9, not losing much of the previous work of the 83rd edition; but the audience who is familiar with Hong Kong dramas still finds grooves in it.

Guo Jing and Yang Kang are brothers, and Zhang Zhilin (1971), who plays the eldest brother Guo Jing, is 9 years younger than Luo Jialiang (1962), who plays Yang Kang.

In fact, in film and television dramas, it is not uncommon for the age of peer characters to be upside down, such as Wang Zuxian and Maggie Cheung in "Green Snake".

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

But the actress Liang Wanjing (1965), who plays Yang Kang's mother Bao Xiweak, is three years younger than "son" Luo Jialiang, which is a bit embarrassing.

Because the age span of "Bao Xi Weak" in the play is relatively large, from youth to middle age, it is normal for Liang Wanjing, who is 29 years old at the time, to star.

After all, this role has certain appearance requirements, otherwise how can it attract Yan Honglie?

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

In 1984, Luo Jialiang participated in the rookie singer competition held by TVB, but did not win the ranking, and the limelight was all snatched away by the champion Zhang Weijian.

But he did not return empty-handed, and the judge Lu Guochen appreciated Luo Jialiang and became his agent.

Lu Guozhan signed his record contract to EMI, who had a cooperative relationship with ATV, so Luo Jialiang sang the theme song of several popular dramas for ATV.

Among them is the classic "The Earth is Under My Feet", the theme song of Liu Yong's version of "Qin Shi Huang".

In 1986, Lu Guozhan had a conflict with ATV and brought Luo Jialiang to TVB.

In the star-studded TVB, Luo Jialiang did not have the opportunity to sing the theme song, and could only run the dragon set as a TV artist.

It was not until ten years later in "Heaven and Earth Boy" that he became popular with the role of "Xu Jiali".

Before the 94th edition of "The Legend of the Eagle Hero" began filming, Lin Wenlong, who was scheduled to play "Guo Jing", resigned because his mother was hospitalized due to illness, and Zhang Zhilin, who was originally scheduled to play "Yang Kang", was on top.

"Yang Kang", the male number two, coincidentally gave Luo Jialiang, who was not yet popular, and he couldn't think about it so much.

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

Empress Dowager Dou

2. "Emperor Wu of Han" belongs to Yalei and Jiao Huang

Gui Yalei, born in 1944, debuted at the age of 20 when she participated in a beauty pageant and won the championship.

She can be said to be the peak of her debut, playing "Lu Yiping" in the first movie "Smoke and Rain", and won the Golden Horse Film Queen.

Gui Yalei has won the Golden Horse Film twice, the Golden Horse Best Supporting Actress twice, and the Popular Hundred Flowers Award for Best Supporting Actress, and her achievements in the film are quite high.

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

After 1995, she began to focus her work on the mainland, and participated in many film and television dramas.

Among them, the most classic role is "Wu Zetian" in "Daming Palace Words", gui Yalei played domineering and not angry.

With this successful experience, it seems logical that the crew of "Emperor Wu of Han" asked her to play Empress Dou.

Empress Dowager Dou was the empress dowager of Emperor Wen of Han and the mother of Emperor Jingdi of Han, and the "son" of Emperor Jingdi of Han was Jiao Huang, who was 8 years older than her.

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

Emperor Jing of Han

Jiao Huang, born in Beijing in 1936, graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy and mainly engaged in drama performance.

As early as during his studies in the drama, he participated in the film "A Little Story in the Big Wind and Waves" directed by Xie Jin; in the subsequent drama career, he also successively starred in some film and television dramas.

In 1987, Jiao Huang played He Jingming in the TV series "Engineers", which won the Feitian Award for Best Supporting Actor.

Jiao Huang has a high status in the drama industry, good at interpreting Shakespeare's tragedies, and is known as the "Prince of Shakespeare".

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

However, he was well known to a national audience, still after retirement.

In 1997, at the age of 61, Jiao Huang was invited to play the role of Kangxi in "Yongzheng Dynasty".

In this drama, he completely got rid of the pattern of imperial face, giving the audience a refreshing feeling.

What is even more rare is that Jiao Huang's performance in the TV series is very natural, and there is no trace of the drama actor.

Since then, many crews have asked him to play the emperor, including "Li Wei as an Official" and "Qianlong Dynasty" and other dramas.

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

Director Hu Ming talks to two actors

At the beginning of filming of "The Emperor of Han Wu", Jiao Huang was the most outstanding actor who played the emperor, and Gui Yalei was the most outstanding actor who played the empress.

Although these two excellent actors played mother and son with their age upside down, due to their superb makeup skills, it was not too contrary.

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

3. "Sui and Tang Heroes" Chen Chong and Liu Xiaoqing

In 1979, after the movie "Little Flower" made Chen Chong, who was only 18 years old, win the Hundred Flowers Award, the limelight completely overshadowed Liu Xiaoqing.

This "Little Flower" is actually a two-heroine structure, and the roles played by Chen Chong and Liu Xiaoqing are called "Little Flowers".

The character played by Chen Chong was originally named "Dong Hongguo", and was later sent to the Zhao family for foster care, and changed his name to "Zhao Xiaohua".

The character played by Liu Xiaoqing is really named "Zhao Xiaohua", who was sold because his family was poor when he was a child, and was later raised by the He family and renamed "He Cuigu".

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

At that time, Liu Xiaoqing had already made a sharp point, and three works were shortlisted for nominations.

Among them, "Little Flower" and "Wedding" were nominated for the film, and "Look at This Family" was nominated for Best Supporting Actress.

Perhaps the two post-film nominations dispersed the votes, and she only won the best supporting actress, which delayed the "Liu Xiaoqing era" by 8 years.

Liu Xiaoqing is very upset about this, thinking that I herself is the best actress in China.

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

She put it this way in her autobiography:

God knows I didn't want to win this stinky supporting actor award at all. I am the protagonist, why did I win the supporting role award? Originally, the protagonist award and the supporting role award were all mine, why not? If this year's award is fair and I have won both awards, what is the color?

With Chen Chong's departure abroad and Liu Xiaoqing's changes, the two did not intersect in film and television dramas until 2012, more than 30 years later.

The two finally worked together again in the TV series "Sui and Tang Heroes", but the relationship between the characters was somewhat "thunderous".

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

Liu Xiaoqing's date of birth is a mystery, there are three theories: 1959, 1952, and 1955.

But no matter which way she says it, she is a post-50s, older than Chen Chong, who was born in 1961.

However, in this "Sui and Tang Heroes", Liu Xiaoqing after 50 plays Empress Xiao of the Sui Emperor, while Chen Chong after the 60s plays the lone empress of Emperor Wen of Sui.

The older Liu Xiaoqing plays the daughter-in-law, while the younger Chen Chong plays the mother-in-law.

Mother-in-law is not a direct blood relative, and it is not theoretically impossible for a mother-in-law to be younger than a daughter-in-law, although it is not as common as a father-in-law who is younger than a son-in-law.

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

But these two are real historical figures, and the Lone Queen is 23 years older than Empress Xiao.

When the show aired, the arrangement of the two characters caused controversy.

Wang Xiangwei, one of the directors, said that this arrangement is actually not abrupt at all:

"I think our styling is very good, Chen Chong's sense of age is very good, Liu Xiaoqing is also very well maintained, and she is good at acting, which is actually not much to worry about."
Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

"Five Tastes of Life" try makeup styling

4. "Five Tastes of Life" Guan Yonghe and Michelle

Kwan Wing Ho was born on 16 July 1964 to a merchant family in Hong Kong; he debuted from ATV at the age of 24 and starred in his first TV series, The Condor SWAT Team.

In 1993, she officially signed a contract with TVB, and in 1996, she became popular for starring in the TV series "Hedong Lion Roar".

In 1997, Kwan Wing Ho won tvb's first TVB tv queenship for his outstanding performance in "Miao Cuihua", laying the foundation for TVB's position as the head of Hua Dan.

In 2000, she and her boyfriend Zhang Jiahui left TVB after cooperating in "Four Talents in Gold" and signed a contract with Tang Dynasty Films to shoot in the mainland.

In 2003, Kwan Wing Ho married Zhang Jiahui and returned to the family and quit the entertainment industry.

In 2007, TVB executive Zeng Lizhen personally came out and invited her to star in the sitcom "Three Points at the Same Time"; after filming, she returned to her family.

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

Zhang Jiahui and TVB and drama have not been fulfilled, he has developed well in the film industry, it is difficult to take time to shoot TV series.

In order to "pay off her husband's debts", Kwan Wing Ho took over the TV series "Five Tastes of Life", in which she played a role similar to Deng Cuiwen's "Four Grandmothers" in "The Gangster".

The cast of the play is still quite strong, the male and female protagonists Guo Jin'an and Guan Yonghe are all ratings generals, and Wu Weiguo and Michelle are also old drama bones with superb acting skills.

However, only one week after the start of the broadcast, it was complained about by netizens, and the plot was old-fashioned and not new.

The most unacceptable thing is that 55-year-old Michelle wants to call 46-year-old Kwan Wing Ho "Mom".

Although Michelle is well maintained, she combs two big braids to dress up as a girl and sells cute to Guan Yonghe, who is 9 years younger than herself, which makes people very dramatic.

The audience did not blame the actor too much, but turned the spearhead to the supervising producer Zhang Qianwen, thinking that he had wasted such a good star lineup.

Ironically, Zhang Qianwen responded like this: Michelle played a tender, we helped her through the modeling, making her surprisingly proud and girlish! She is a person who can be played, isn't Liu Xiaoqing also so challenging?

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

Mother-daughter or sisters?

5. "The Tale of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens", Jiang Xinyan and Jiang Xiwen

The Purple Shirt Dragon King and Xiao Zhao are mother-daughter relationships, and in the 2001 TVB version of "The Dragon Slayer in the Sky", the actor who played the Purple Shirt Dragon King was only two years older than Xiao Zhao.

This situation is not uncommon in film and television dramas!

For example, in "Pursuit of the Murderer in aNother Life", Shang Tian'e, who is only one year older than Guo Jin'an, plays his mother.

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

Purple Shirt Dragon King

But in this "Dragon Slayer in the Sky", the actress who plays the two mothers and daughters is a pair of sisters in real life.

Jiang Xinyan, who plays the Purple Shirt Dragon King, was born in 1967 and joined the entertainment industry in 1985 by participating in the rookie singing contest jointly organized by TVB and Huaxing Records.

Jiang Xiwen, who plays Xiao Zhao, whose real name is Jiang Xinci, was born in 1969; in 1992, she debuted as the MV heroine of the song "Summer Love" sung by Dawn.

Although they are sisters, the cooperation between the two is not much, and the only time is to play a mother and daughter!

Children are older than mothers, mothers-in-law are younger than daughters-in-law, sisters play mothers and daughters, and age-misplaced roles in film and television dramas

Stills from "Great Qin Fu"

6. Others

"Great Qin Fu": Zhu Zhu (1984) plays Zhang Luyi's (1980) mother.

"Do you know if it should be green fat red thin": Wang Yinan (1981) plays Feng Shaofeng's stepmother (1978).

"Lonely Empty Court Spring Evening": Yang Mingna (1876) plays Liu Kaiwei's (1974) mother.

Born in 1968, Sarina is a "mother professional household" and has played the mother of Wang Zhifei (1965) and Zhao Wenxuan (1960).