
She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

author:Wet music

What adjectives come to mind when you think of Taylor Swift?

"Mold"? “drama queen?“ "A car ex-boyfriend" "Tearing up? “

There are too many stories of her in the jianghu, the boyfriend has made a lot of friends, the achievements have also taken a lot, and the mold has done her best to keep herself alive.

The boyfriend has made a lot of friends, and his achievements have also taken a lot, and mold has done his best to keep himself alive.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

She said in an interview:

"According to my birth certificate, I will be 30 years old this year. It feels a little strange, because part of me still feels like I'm stuck at 18, while the other part of me feels like I'm almost 283 years old. In fact, I'm 29 at this point. People around me often tell me that 30 will be the most fun time in your life. So after the age of 30, I will always share what I have learned with you. But until then, I want to share with you what I learned before I turn 30. In 2019, sharing is caring. “

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

She mentions in thirty pieces of advice:

1 Learn to block out some noise from the outside world.

Social networking is great, but it can also immerse you in negative emotions. For example, you can't help but compare, and the people in those perfect pictures look much cooler than you. So you feel frustrated, but you don't really need to compare yourself to these people.

To eliminate this insecurity, I turned off the comment function on my account. This allows me to share my daily life with friends and fans, while also training myself not to care about comments.

2 Be friendly to everyone and sometimes cause you a lot of trouble.

Young girls who are taught to be polite from an early age are often taken advantage of. This will bring you pain and even betrayal.

3. It is human nature to keep trying and failing.

4. I no longer hate the excess fat on my body.

5. Stay away from drama.


27. Handling bullying can be as simple as laughing.

28. I have also begun to gain my own views on politics.

29. I know that human hair can change a lot.

30. My mother told me that I had done something wrong when I was a child, and she didn't need to be punished at all, and that I had been very cruel to myself.

At the age of five, I would lock myself in my room and refuse to forgive myself. Now I'm doing the same thing, but I've come to understand that people have to learn to forgive themselves.

No matter what the serious mistake, you need to step into the sunshine and start your new day.

(The above is an excerpt of the advice shared by 30-year-old Taylor)

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Judging from the 30 pieces of advice she shared, you will find that she has been practicing not being disturbed by the outside world, and you can't see her beaten up.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Ambitious women shine

It's been 13 years since Taylor released his first album.

Sometimes people pay more attention to her dress, long legs, and boyfriend list than to her job.

And, even though Taylor has won 10 Grammy Awards, there are still doubts about her prowess.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Taylor once responded:

"I want to tell all young women that on your path there will be people who will try to sabotage your achievements and exploit your fame and achievements. But as long as you focus on your work and are not influenced by them, you will one day reach your goals. ”

As the "top traffic" in the United States, there was a time when her every move would lead to people's taking sides and discussing. But in the past two years, it has inexplicably "settled down", and it turns out that 30 years old does not dare to be a huge change for that woman.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Born in Reading, Pennsylvania, Taylor made her debut by singing country songs, and people habitually imagined her as a "small town girl" from an mediocre family.

However, Taylor was born in the countryside and was a real "rich second generation", and she was full of interest in music, and she received full support from her parents, and received vocal and performance training in New York from an early age.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

When she was 3 years old, she went to a musical movie with her parents, and when she came home, she actually sang the music from the movie completely, which stunned her parents.

At just 10 years old, Taylor began to plan his own path and joined the children's short comedy group TheatreKids Live.

Taylor said: "Everyone there wants to sing and make a record, and I have to find a different path. ”

Taylor was not popular at school, isolated and had no friends, but she was not depressed, and she was inspired by Xania Downe and began to write her emotions and life into the lyrics and sing them on the guitar.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Everyone says that Mold's first album, Taylor Swift, can be said to speak the voice of most people when they are in their youth, which can resonate with us. When you are a teenager, what person's mind is not particularly sensitive? Who does not have anyone in mind who thinks day and night?

She has a dream that is not favored by others, but she will never give up, and even if the dream is out of reach, she must work hard to move forward. When no one was playing her music on the radio at first, she visited one radio station after another, and in addition to delivering her own songs, she would carry cookies she had made herself.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Taylor's parents were very supportive of her music career, and when she was 14 years old, the family moved to Nashville.

Taylor took her own records to visit the major managers one by one, and the kung fu paid off, she got a big machine record signing from an independent record company, released her first studio album "Taylor Swift", and was certified 5 times platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America.

Released in 2008, his second studio album, Fearless, topped the U.S. Billboard Album Chart for 11 weeks, was the best-selling album in the United States in 2009, and the album won the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards, making Taylor the youngest singer to win the award and the most awarded country music album.

Although this album is still written about the hearts of young girls, this time she has grown up, and she is no longer afraid and worried in the face of love, and she begins to dare to love. In the face of "love", be afraid, and if you meet the person you think is right, jump then Fall!

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

While Taylor quickly became popular and gained a large audience, Taylor also felt great pressure and was questioned more.

She held her first concert in her life, and her relaxed performance on stage brought the audience's emotions into it, and also made "Fearless" tour more successful than expected, which was recognized by people. Made Taylor Swift a true musician.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Once, she was the girl in the class who was ostracized by her classmates.

Because of her height above her peers and her dreams of becoming a singer, she seemed out of place with her classmates, not understood, and even ridiculed.

Fortunately, her family, especially her mother, gave her unconditional support, but more importantly, she did not give up her dreams in order to cater to others. Instead, she wrote about the unfriendly performances of others in songs and used music to ease her sorrows.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor
She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Can't say the dissatisfaction in life? Then sing it!

Taylor said that the songs on the album were all written when she was supposed to say it, but she didn't say it, and the songs were like open letters, each song was something That Taylor Swift was going to dedicate to someone in her own heart, telling them what she had wanted to say to them.

This time, not only did she dare to express her heart to the person she wanted, she also had to speak to those she loved, hated, and felt guilty about, she wrote "Never Grow Up" to her mother who had always supported her, she wrote "Better Than Revenge" to the person who snatched her boyfriend, and she wrote "Mean" to the person who was critical.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Like all people, she longs for beautiful love, but she inevitably bumps in the journey of love. She expresses the emotions of all stages of love vividly in the song, and listening to her songs is like reading her diary, and it is like reading her own diary. You will find that you can find your own shadow in each of her songs.

It is worth mentioning that "Mean" is used to respond to those who have maliciously criticized Taylor, saying that she does not deserve to win the 52nd Annual Grammy Album of the Year Award, and this song won the 54th Annual Grammy Award for Best Country Music, which is the best response to those who are snarky and mean.

After great success in country music, Mold decided to change this unchanging style, and thus came the red.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Her first three albums were all country music styles, and this album she made changes, in addition to her best country pop style, her music also incorporated a lot of electronic sound effects and rock-focused drum beat beats, greatly increasing the pop music elements of the album.

The reason Taylor Swift named the album "Red" is because the album is full of many different contents that are related to the intense, crazy, absurd, intense, and semi-intoxicating feelings she herself has experienced in the past. It also included intense love, frustration, jealousy, and confusion, all of which were red in her mind, and there were no other colors like beige in between.

"Red" is not only a strong expression of her inner emotions, but also depicts her entire situation in the music world, when she has become very popular.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor
She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Life needs a turning point

There are also many turning points in our lives, we can choose to change or stick to the rules, different choices, there are different worlds.

If the most important turning point for Taylor is "1989."

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

This album allows Taylor to officially leave the village and enter the city, and she has changed from a young girl full to mature and stable, daring to challenge and following the true thoughts of her heart.

This album is a sign of Taylor's complete transition from country music to pop music. Blank Space was her "manifesto" to get rid of country music, and she completely "denied" her country music background with only two bars of drum machines.

In terms of music, she listened to a lot of popular music from the late 1980s, as well as the styles of Anne Lennyx and Phil Collins, and was inspired by the musical works of these artists to start researching and producing.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

The reason why she changed the style of her previous music was that she believed that people should listen to their hearts and always challenge the fields they had never set foot in.

She could sing songs like "Red" over and over again, but the repetition made her so bored that she decided to try pop music. In terms of album naming, Taylor Swift used 1980s synthetic pop music during the album, and also referred to her birth date "December 13, 1989", so she decided to name the album "1989", named after her birthday, which means that although the style has changed, she is still her.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

We can't control what other people say, but we can get rid of the negatives ourselves.

Regarding Taylor's debut so far, I believe every fan knows it.

On the stage, he was snatched away by others, and he was also honored by the first lady, stabbed in the back by a good friend, and he saw the sincerity in the tribulation.

So whether it's going to glory together or going through a torrential rain, Taylor said a sentence, she said:

"Now I believe that the pain makes you stronger, and I believe that after a downpour, you will be relieved."

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

In particular, Taylor said when he won the Grammy Album of the Year award for the second time:

As the first female artist to win the Grammys album of the year twice, I want to say it to all young ladies. There will always be people who rack their brains to denigrate your success and take away your achievements, or your glory. But if you focus on your work and don't let them influence you, one day when you reach a certain height and you look around, you will know that it is you and those who love you who push you into that position! It's going to be the best feeling, thank you, thank you for this moment!

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

In many ups and downs, Taylor experienced a series of unpleasant things such as breakups, smears, telephone recording incidents and sexual harassment cases, and her reputation was greatly damaged by the malicious slander of others and the hype of public opinion, which was a very unfavorable blow to her in the period of rapid development of her career.

Her social platform is always occupied by netizens with "snake emoticons", satirizing her pretending to be a poor white lotus, which is actually the heart of a snake and scorpion.

Do you think that like a domestic star, after a lawyer's letter, you choose to be patient?

That's not the Taylor Swift you know.

She once decided to silently endure criticism and hit back with her latest album!

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

The most direct sense of sound of "Reputation" is the so-called "blackening" of Taylor Swift:

The melody has never been darker, the lyrics are more mean than ever, the rhythm is thicker than ever, and the arrangement uses a lot of diced remakes, making the overall atmosphere of the album as "gloomy" as the cover.

We don't need to go too deep into the lyrics, just from the most superficial rhythm and atmosphere can hear the "ridicule" in the "Reputation": I am such a vitriolous and mean person, I am willing to accept such a "reputation", and I have become like this is your harm!

Different from the bold and easy jumping style of the past, the cover of this album is a black and white photo, which is more depressing.

In the photo, Taylor is wearing an off-the-shoulder T-shirt, the right half of her face is covered by various reporting fonts with her name on it, and the necklace is wearing a chain that looks a little too tight, as if to express a response to the outside world giving her "Reputation", while the album title is partly underlined, and the part is marked as "putatio", which is Latin, meaning "liquidation".

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

She returned this time for her own reputation, "Now that I have put my life in death and reborn, now I have to settle our account, let you see what you have forced me to do." “

Taylor kills Old Taylor in the first song.

As the first single of the new album, it reached a record 7.91 million views on spotify, the first day of release.

What we understand is that the slanders of those words that were once spoken are like invisible scars. She knew, but Old Taylor was still willing to respond to the world with the best and kindest.

After three years of precipitation, she put all her mood changes in this album.

She cried, under the tens of millions of condemning voices.

She was silent, in a world where whatever she said was wrong.

She slept, and in her dreams she had thought of thousands of means of counterattack and revenge.

She woke up, went into the darkness, into the sea, and let the sea crash into her wounds.

She understood, those echoes in her head, those harsh words, summed up, called honor.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Billboard predicts that Taylor's first week of sales will be as high as 1.4 million copies, whether it is a domestic digital platform or abroad, and even some insiders predict that the first week of this "Reputation" will sell as high as 2 million copies.

Nirvana is better off being born again than dying alive.

From the self-titled album to Featherless to Restoration, she's Taylor, and she's a legend.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Fans are my best family

Speaking of her achievements at work, let me talk about why so many people still love her deeply after facing her "drama" life.

Taylor Swift's love for loyal fans has always been talked about, and recently her fan Stephanie shared Taylor Swift's sweet surprise to her and her daughter through Taylor Swift's social app, The Swift Life.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Stephanie, who had just given birth to her daughter, considered it for a while, and finally told everyone on the social platform that she had been homeless for eight months during the pregnancy, her boyfriend had lost her job, and there was a lot of financial pressure. However, as a loyal fan, she still attended taylor Swift concerts in the UK and was pleasantly surprised backstage.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

"Stephanie, you've been in my life for quite some time, and yet you haven't asked me anything, but you can tell me and let me help you." Taylor Swift told Stephanie in the dressing room. She then refunded her tickets to the concert and helped her buy a house and baby products.

Taylor Swift comforts fans: I want you to enjoy your time with your daughter and not worry about other issues.

It turned out that Stephanie's mother had earlier sought taylor Swift, hoping that she could comfort her daughter in the concert, Taylor Swift not only made Stephanie's heart feel better, but also provided financial assistance so that Stephanie and her boyfriend could put aside their financial troubles and welcome their daughter's arrival.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Gratitude, Stephanie concluded, "That night Taylor Swift warmly reached out and made me faint with joy!" She's been like this for twelve years, and I'll always love her."

Even if she is already in prison, even if she is entangled in a lawsuit and her reputation is damaged, Taylor performed a new song "New Year's Day" for fans in a secret audition, surrounded by fans, singing, in her eyes even if she put on her armor to fight, but that smile, still to all fans.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor

Thirteen years after his debut, Taylor's growth history can make people feel full of positive energy and give people endless inspiration.

But she is still the same her, success has not changed her heart, she still insists on herself as before, follows her heart, creates her favorite music, falls in love with the people she likes, and does what she likes to do.

Now, after a series of unpleasant events, the gold-sucking demon Taylor is back, and I believe that she will be able to bloom more dazzling light after being reborn from the fire!

13 years ago, the Taylor who held the guitar and looked up at the sky that lit up the starry sky for you, the little girl's joyful smile was beautiful.

13 years later, I still wish you: look away, still the vast stars.

She, 30 years old, debuted for 13 years, 10 Grammys, and wrote songs for each predecessor