
Mom and Dad attention! Children's language delay is harmful, we must pay attention to it as soon as possible!

Speaking is a skill that every child naturally acquires from birth. From falling to the ground to growing up, everyone rose from babbling, listening to "Two Tigers", reading "a, b, c", reading the story of "The Ugly Duckling", writing "one, two, three", growing up day by day.

However, around us, we can always see some children, from a young age than children of the same age to speak harder, stuttering seriously, writing grammar loopholes, reading slowly half a beat, and even some children closed in their own world, without a word. They experience the pain of not being able to "speak" – language development delay.

Mom and Dad attention! Children's language delay is harmful, we must pay attention to it as soon as possible!

What are the signs of language development delay

★ 4 months

Does not imitate the voice of dad and mom.

★ 6 months

Doesn't laugh or scream.

★ 8-9 months

Won't grab your attention with sound; I haven't started learning to speak yet.

★ 10 months

There is no reaction to others calling his name, and I don't know how to let you know if he is happy or irritable.

★ At the age of 1

Can't do body language such as waving or shaking your head; Can't make one or two vowels yet (e.g. p, b, etc.); When he needs help, he doesn't know how to communicate with you.

★ 15 months

Don't understand words like "no" and "goodbye" and don't react; there are less than 6 kinds of body language (such as waving hands, pointing at things, etc.); Less than 1 to 3 words can be spoken.

★ 18 months

Can't even say 6 to 10 words; Not yet interested in something with your fingers, such as a bird flying in the sky or an airplane.

★ 20 months

There are less than 6 vowels to speak.

★ 21 months

Does not respond to simple instructions; Don't pretend to play with dolls or yourself (e.g., brush your hair, feed dolls, etc.).

★ At the age of 2

Don't connect two words together; Do not know the function of common household utensils (such as toothbrushes, telephones, chopsticks, etc.); Does not imitate other people's movements or learn others to speak; does not point out body parts as required.

★ At the age of 2 and a half

No one in his own family could understand him; Can't say simple sentences, can't ask questions, and can't make strangers understand themselves.

★ At the age of 3

Can't speak phrases; Can't understand short instructions; Not interested in communicating with other children; It is especially difficult to separate from mom or dad.

★ At the age of 3.5 years

It is often not possible to say the whole thing (for example, not "go home", only "back").

★ At the age of 4

Talking also stutters frequently; Basically, he still can't get others to fully understand what he says.

Language development is delayed, which is harmful to children

For children's language development delays, some parents use "noble people are late, cherish words like gold" as an excuse, and other parents will think that as their children grow up, they will become better. So is this really the case, and how harmful is the child's language development delay?


Poor reading comprehension and difficulty in learning

Children with language delays have poor reading comprehension skills, the same teacher, the same class time, and completely consistent learning content, but it is difficult to achieve the same learning effect as children of the same age. The incidence of insufficient reading ability in these children is 4-5 times higher than that of normally developing children, and the weakening of reading ability makes children understand a lot lower, and it is naturally difficult to improve academic performance.

Mom and Dad attention! Children's language delay is harmful, we must pay attention to it as soon as possible!


It is difficult to communicate with people, which can easily lead to autism

Language development is delayed, the most common manifestations are: severe stuttering and unclear pronunciation. They can't remember ordinary words, the vocabulary is very poor, can not use complete sentences to describe what he needs, so the sentences are very jerky and difficult to understand, even if they are difficult to speak, it is full of grammatical errors and loopholes. This is undoubtedly cruel for a child, who often finds playmates of the same age, but more is only the care and enlightenment from the elders. Such a mode of getting along will make them fall into communication difficulties, so that they are unwilling to take the initiative to communicate, and over time, these children are easy to fall into a state of autism and are unwilling to contact with society.


Causes other diseases and aggravates them

Due to children's difficulty in language communication, children often have negative psychology such as anxiety, depression, and inferiority, as well as behaviors such as withdrawal and disobedience. Similarly, children's language development delays are often accompanied by systemic disorders, which can cause other diseases.


Entering the society restricts development and is full of difficulties

Children with language delays often have difficulty gaining confidence in social life as adults due to communication barriers in childhood. These children often can't completely change the status quo of stuttering when they become adults, and it is difficult to gain an advantage when they first enter the society to interview for work. At the same time, due to learning problems in childhood, they are often unable to perform highly skilled jobs in adulthood, further limiting their personal development in adulthood. The development of language ability is slow, so that these children have just entered the road to society, and it is extremely difficult.

Mom and Dad attention! Children's language delay is harmful, we must pay attention to it as soon as possible!


Delay in treatment affects the child's life

Language is one of the basic means of human survival, most of the communication between people is through language communication, so language expression ability and language development level is very important for children. When your child has symptoms of language development delay, you must pay enough attention to it and intervene and treat it as soon as possible, once you miss the best stage of your child's language development and rehabilitation, it will cause great harm to your child's learning, life, and future.

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