
As soon as I entered the delivery room, the baby fell to the ground, and before the mother could be happy, the doctor shook her head repeatedly

There is a saying circulating on the Internet: "Every mother and son has a lifelong friendship." "Not an exaggeration at all! The pain of childbirth is medically defined as "level ten" and is also the limit of human pain. What's even more frightening is that there are many potential risks hidden in the delivery process. According to the World Health Organization, countless women lose their lives every year due to complications during childbirth.

As soon as I entered the delivery room, the baby fell to the ground, and before the mother could be happy, the doctor shook her head repeatedly

People who have had experience in childbirth have also personally confirmed that it is too painful, from the beginning of contractions to the end of childbirth, the pain of more than ten hours, even the strength to moan and cry is gone. The long labor process and painful process are the portrayal of most women. But there are also a few pregnant women who are exceptions, giving birth to a baby is like opening and hanging, and "croaking" will fall to the ground. Don't be in a hurry to envy, maybe it's not a good thing!

The mother just lay on the delivery bed and gave birth, "croaking" a wow landing, the doctor shook his head: not a good thing

Ari is an acute child, and she can't relax after pregnancy, and near the first few days of her due date, she still runs the housework with a big belly. But this morning there was something wrong with getting up, her stomach was faintly painful, and Ari herself deduced that it was contractions. She quickly told her family about the situation, then picked up the delivery bag she had prepared and hurried to the hospital. In the process of admission, Ali's contractions became more and more intense, and the pain was getting stronger and stronger.

As soon as I entered the delivery room, the baby fell to the ground, and before the mother could be happy, the doctor shook her head repeatedly

"I feel like my baby is about to be born!" Ali squeezed her mother's hand and grinned. "Nonsense!" Ali's mother, who had experience in childbearing, said, "How easy is it to have a child?" You're just starting to hurt now, is it early? But Ari was quickly pushed into the le delivery room by the medical staff, and before she could lie down, the child showed her head, accompanied by crying, and the child landed on the ground.

Calculating that the labor journey was almost only 2 hours, Ali was still complacent, and even thought about the copywriting that was showing off in the circle of friends, but she saw the doctor shaking her head repeatedly: It is not necessarily a good thing, this is an emergency delivery!

Sure enough, Li Li was torn very badly, and she couldn't get out of bed for a week after giving birth, and she was in great pain during confinement. And the child was in an incubator as soon as he was born, and it took a week before he was discharged from the hospital.

As soon as I entered the delivery room, the baby fell to the ground, and before the mother could be happy, the doctor shook her head repeatedly

Meet the emergency delivery! The harm may be worse than you think!

Childbirth is a gradual process, as the mother holds her breath, the fetal head will fall, the birth canal will expand and extend, and the baby will be born smoothly.

However, the process of emergency labor is equivalent to no buffer, and the impact on the birth canal can be imagined, which can easily cause body tears and cervical lacerations. In addition, due to excessive contractions in the production process, emergency delivery leads to weakness in subsequent contractions of the uterine muscle layer, increasing the possibility of postpartum haemorrhage.

As soon as I entered the delivery room, the baby fell to the ground, and before the mother could be happy, the doctor shook her head repeatedly

At the same time, for the fetus, the maternal uterus contracts quickly, which will also affect the blood circulation of the placenta, and it is likely that in the process of childbirth, the fetal baby will have the problem of intrauterine hypoxia and ischemia. In addition, because the buffer time left for the fetus during the emergency delivery process is also short, the fetal lung squeeze is not sufficient, so it is likely to cause neonatal pneumonia due to inhalation of amniotic fluid.

In summary, emergency delivery sounds like a good thing, so that women can "long pain is not as good as short pain", avoiding the torture of long pain. But in fact, emergency delivery is a threat to the health of mothers and babies and the safety of life.

To avoid the harm caused by urgent labor, then prepare early:

Traffic routes and tools are planned early

Fighting a prepared battle can undoubtedly improve the odds of winning. Therefore, to avoid further harm caused by emergency delivery, the hospital is the safest harbor of refuge, and in the event of any unexpected situation, there are also professional medical personnel to help.

As soon as I entered the delivery room, the baby fell to the ground, and before the mother could be happy, the doctor shook her head repeatedly

The route to the hospital and the means of transportation must be planned in advance, and the specific amount of time required should also be known. Hospitals that are too far away are obviously not suitable for pregnant women with urgent births, so it is necessary to make alternatives at this time, either to enter the hospital early when the expected date of delivery is approaching, or to find a place to live near the hospital to ensure that when an accident comes, it can be rushed to the hospital in the shortest time.

The delivery package is prepared in advance

The preparation of the waiting bag before childbirth does not have to be "temporarily held". When the activities during pregnancy and childbirth are still comfortable, women can prepare the materials and materials needed for childbirth in advance, such as infant and child supplies, maternity supplies, maternity documents, and various inspection documents during obstetric examinations.

Do not go out alone for the first two weeks of your due date

As soon as I entered the delivery room, the baby fell to the ground, and before the mother could be happy, the doctor shook her head repeatedly

The news of "having a baby on the street" once caused a hot discussion, in fact, from a medical point of view, it is obvious that the pregnant woman suffered an emergency delivery.

In order to ensure the safety of mothers and babies, near the first two weeks of the due date, pregnant women should not go out alone, even if there is something to go out, they must be accompanied by relatives and family members, so that temporary accidents can also be handled by helpers.

Don't be sloppy in your pregnancy check-ups

Pregnancy examination is an effective means to measure the development of the fetus in the uterine cavity, so pregnancy examination must not be treated sloppily. Especially near the time of childbirth, the frequency of pregnancy tests has increased, and many expectant mothers will dislike trouble, thinking that it is irrelevant to occasionally "miss the appointment" once and a half, but accidents often occur at this time.

As soon as I entered the delivery room, the baby fell to the ground, and before the mother could be happy, the doctor shook her head repeatedly

Pregnancy tests monitor signs of childbirth and, as soon as there is an early warning signal, they are immediately admitted to the hospital for observation. Especially for menstruating women, if there is an emergency birth in the first child, the possibility of emergency delivery of the second child will increase, so we must be careful.

Childbirth is a task given to every woman by God full of difficulties and obstacles, and it is also a feat in women's lives. Here, we sincerely hope that there will be no more difficult births and urgent births in the world, and that every baby can come to the mother's side in health and safety.

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