
Inner Mongolia Daily reported in depth on the advanced deeds of Baoyin Deliger

author:Ping An Inner Mongolia
Inner Mongolia Daily reported in depth on the advanced deeds of Baoyin Deliger

"Use my life to protect" - remember the hero of the whole region's political and legal system, Baoyin Deliger

The national public security system first-class heroic model, the national outstanding people's police, the national outstanding Communist Party member, the national people's satisfaction of the civil servants, the northern Xinjiang model, the whole region's political and legal system heroic model ...

This film policeman who has won many honors is Baoyin Deliger, instructor of the police station of The Post-Flag of Urat Houqi Gwendur Town in Bayannur City. Day after day, year after year, in his complicated grassroots work, he interpreted the original intention and mission of the "people's police for the people" with practical actions.

"Have you installed the 'National Anti-Fraud Center' APP?" This is not only the greeting that is currently popular in the webcast room, but also the task conveyed by Baoyin Drigel to the herders in the jurisdiction. "This APP has a fraud early warning function, which can not only identify and block telecommunications network fraud information, but also connect the alarm for the first time, which is equivalent to putting on a 'golden bell cover' for the mobile phone." Baoyin Deliger said bitterly. Just after helping a herdsman install the "National Anti-Fraud Center" APP, Baoyin Deliger immediately picked up his mobile phone to contact male herders in the jurisdiction to collect DNA blood samples.

On September 6, Baoyin Deliger, who had been busy for a day, just breathed a sigh of relief, and in the evening received an alarm call: someone in Baori Bugacha had a fight, and Du's grass pasture net fence was strangled by neighbor Chen. Rushing to the scene, understanding the situation, mediating disputes, he returned to the police station at 00:00 on the 7th.

People who have seen the movie "Film Police Baoyin" say that he is the widest film policeman in China. The jurisdiction covers an area of 1672 square kilometers, with 5 Gacha, 2 communities, and 917 herdsmen living scattered, and the farthest is tens of kilometers away from the police station.

Baoyin Deliger, 47, has been involved in public security work for 24 years. Over the years, he has helped the people in need to apply for more than 100 times for the minimum guarantee; sponsored more than 20 children from families with difficulties to go to school; and also applied for a mailbox No. 48 in the town postal department, which is specially designed for herdsmen to buy mail on behalf of the herdsmen, and regards the affairs of the masses as his own business.

"As many cattle and sheep as there are on the grassland, there are as many good things as Baoyin Deliger has done", this is the highest praise for him by the grassland herders.

Baoyin Deliger was born in Yukisumu UbaoLiggacha, his brothers and sisters were numerous, his father died early, and his mother struggled to support 8 children. "I grew up with the help of my neighbors, and the herders have nurtured me." Baoyin Deliger said emotionally, "It is the customs and customs here that nourish my original intention and illuminate my way forward." ”

After graduating from secondary school, after two years of part-time work and animal husbandry work, in 1997, Baoyin Deliger was admitted as a police officer at the police station with the first place.

In the autumn of the following year when he joined the public security work, Baoyin Deliger rode a motorcycle to Han Ula Gacha and got lost. The weather suddenly changed, the sand flew away, and even the people with the car were overturned by the wind, and he fainted. When he woke up, the sky and the earth were darker, and the snow was drifting, so he quickly threw down his motorcycle, carried his jacket and walked forward, and finally found a summer camp for the night. "Wolves howl, the wind roars, although I grew up in the pastoral area, but at this time I was also afraid."

At four or five o'clock in the afternoon of the next day, someone finally found Baoyin Deliger, who was struggling to walk, and dragged him home. The man's name was Miao Manlin, and he thought that the rescue was a sheep, so he brought milk tea for him to drink. When Baoyin Deliger warmed up and took off his military coat to reveal his police uniform, Miao Manlin was surprised.

This experience made Baoyin Deliger realize that it was necessary to familiarize himself with the jurisdiction as soon as possible. So he began to draw a "map" of the liaison area of the jurisdiction: whenever he arrived, he took out a notebook to write down the general location, and used the highway as the main trunk to draw a map of the herders' residence on both sides, marking the location of the big Ao Bao, the small Ao Bao, the feed centralized storage point and the river trough. In this way, as long as you find a herdsman, you can find another family according to Tu Suoji.

Over the years, these fragmentary drawings have been continuously connected and improved, and finally formed a "Baoyin Map" covering 1672 square kilometers of the Gobi Grassland. Every pasture, every barren mountain, every river trough is full of hard work.

Now, this map has been entered into the police platform by the Bayannaoer Municipal Public Security Bureau, which not only facilitates the people, but also plays an important role in land census, population census and other work.

Throughout the year, Baoyin Drigel travels around the pastoral area for 260 days, and sometimes he can't even reunite with his family during the New Year. "I owe my family so much over the years." He said.

In 24 years from the police, he rode 8 motorcycles and traveled more than 60,000 kilometers a year, equivalent to running a lap and a half along the earth's equator. "It was the herders who gave me a second life, and I want to spend my life guarding them." Baoyin Deliger said affectionately.

In chaoge wendur town, there is the Baoyin Deeds Museum that records his growth process, the "Baoyin Hero Road" that prints the footprints of his love for the people, and the volunteer association named after him, Baoyin Deliger has become the benchmark of the public security police in the whole district and the pride of the people of all ethnic groups.

On National Day 2019, Baoyin Deliger was invited to Beijing to participate in the National Day ceremony. On July 1 this year, he gloriously came to the scene of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and listened to the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

"I am an ordinary policeman, the people trust me, the organization cultivates me, and I will definitely repay the society with loyalty and blood!" Baoyin Deliger's words are sonorous.

Inner Mongolia Daily reported in depth on the advanced deeds of Baoyin Deliger

Source: Inner Mongolia Daily

Editor: Dai Zijun Wei Hanzhong

Proofreading: Su Haicheng Shuai Yongqiang

Inner Mongolia Daily reported in depth on the advanced deeds of Baoyin Deliger

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