
Fascination with Hui Ye Hime: How deep is the Japanese "moon culture" complex? | Zhang Xiaoyu "Our love is the moon" and "moon see" ominous and elegant

author:art Zhang Xiaoyu

Infatuation with Hui Ye Ji: How deep is the Japanese "moon culture" complex? |@art Zhang Xiaoyu

Fascination with Hui Ye Hime: How deep is the Japanese "moon culture" complex? | Zhang Xiaoyu "Our love is the moon" and "moon see" ominous and elegant

The last work of Japanese animation master Takahata was called The Tale of Hui Ye Hime, which is adapted from Japan's oldest monogatari literature, Taketori Monogatari Monogatari. Among them, Hui Ye Ji represents the famous "Moon Goddess" in Japanese culture. For the Japanese, this beautiful girl from the moon, who was relegated to the human world because of her mistakes, is a holiness that can never be separated from the experience of life.

Today, Kodama will start with you from "Hui Yue Ji" and look at the "Moon" complex in Japanese culture from the works of art.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "Our love is the moon"</h1>

"Our love is the moon." This sentence was said by the Japanese calligrapher Ryohiro, who had placed his life in art, and met his love at the age of sixty-eight, and the girl was his moon goddess; if I love you, you must say it bluntly? Natsume Soseki poked the hearts of countless people with a subtle and gentle sentence " Tonight は月が绮丽ですね" (tonight the moon is so beautiful).

Fascination with Hui Ye Hime: How deep is the Japanese "moon culture" complex? | Zhang Xiaoyu "Our love is the moon" and "moon see" ominous and elegant

The Japanese drama "Tokyo Women's Picture Book", "Tonight the Moon is Really Beautiful" has been quoted countless times

In Japanese culture, the moon has the meaning of love, but it is also sad and poignant.

In "Pillow Grass", "The moon is exceptionally bright at night, and the ox cart crosses the river." As the cattle pass by, the water ripples and the moon breaks like a crystal, which is rewarding. In the Ancient and Modern Waka Collection, "looking at the moon in the long sky, the thoughts are chaotic, and sorrow comes from it." Autumn colors are shared by people, and only I am overwhelmed with sorrow. "The bitterness of lost love is connected with the moonlight; there is also a passage in the "Tale of Genji" that "the cool moon sinks in the west, and the night sky is like water; the cold wind sweeps the face, and suddenly feels desolate; the grass insects are chaotic, causing people to cry." "Expressing a sad mood; Tsukioka Yoshinori's ukiyo-e series "Moon Hundred Postures", which shows 100 history, myths, legends, and love stories about the moon, but unfortunately there is moonlight, mostly the heart of the intestine-breaking people. -----------------

Fascination with Hui Ye Hime: How deep is the Japanese "moon culture" complex? | Zhang Xiaoyu "Our love is the moon" and "moon see" ominous and elegant

The untouchable lover of "Moon Hundred Beauty"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the ominousness and elegance of "Moonmi"</h1>

In addition to being related to love, the moon is also known as "moon" in traditional Japanese cultural customs. The Lunar Festival is the Japanese Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar. In modern evening festivals, people enjoy the moon and eat dumplings, but the traditional "moon sight" is not an auspicious omen. People have joys and sorrows, the moon has clouds and sunshine, and the changes of the moon are related to the alternation of life and death, so the Japanese people look forward to the moon while hiding the lingering shadow of the moon in their hearts. So there is a custom called "moon taboo". When the moon appears, try not to see it. There is a description in the "Diary of a Higher Level" that says that when the moonlight sprinkles down, someone covers the face of the child who has lost his mother with the sleeve of his clothes, because "looking at the moon" and "seeing the moon" will bring bad luck to people. The Tale of Genji also believes that "Tsukimi" is taboo. These are all demonic natures that fear the moonlight.

Fascination with Hui Ye Hime: How deep is the Japanese "moon culture" complex? | Zhang Xiaoyu "Our love is the moon" and "moon see" ominous and elegant

Deng Xiangwei's "Moon Halo" has the meaning of lunar seeing the moon.

However, I don't know when this "moon sight" has a kind of elegant meaning: Shintoism believes that the moon see contains "charm fun", so people should offer sacrifices to the moon god at the time of the moon view; in Japanese history, Ginkaku-ji Temple and Katsuragi Shrine are related to the "moon". Ginkaku-ji Temple has a description of "Fangchi Jiuqu Kanliu Moon, Ancient Stone Thousand Fists Interpretation listening to the scriptures", and Tsukimi is a symbol of the general's power. The builder of the Guili Palace, the first Prince Zhiren, set up a banquet in the Guili Palace to invite the famous nobles at that time, which was called the "Moon Feast", and the Moon View Terrace in the palace became the center of the moon viewing, which was extremely elegant.

Fascination with Hui Ye Hime: How deep is the Japanese "moon culture" complex? | Zhang Xiaoyu "Our love is the moon" and "moon see" ominous and elegant

In the Katsura Palace, the moon platform seen from the interior of the ancient academy

In the next issue, we will continue to talk about the moon culture in Japanese literary and artistic works.