
Blessings in the pattern: Endless life and bonding

From January 26, 2022, for six consecutive days, the "Blessings in Patterns" campaign, planned and initiated by the China Net Culture Development Center and jointly launched by relevant institutions such as Wenzang, will be launched on China's all-media channels. We will continue to pay attention to the current situation and inheritance process of Traditional Chinese Pattern Protection, tell Chinese stories with culture and creativity, and open a wave of digital festivals for the Year of the Tiger to the world at the same time!

Blessings in the pattern: Endless life and bonding

Pattern meaning

Blessings in the pattern: Endless life and bonding

The tangles resemble the continuous stems of plants in appearance. People may feel the tenacity of life force from the growth trend of plants, and decorate life with this plant pattern to expect life to prosper and live endlessly.

The structure of the endless tangle of branches also reflects Lao Tzu's idea of "the unity of all laws", and the full and sleek curve shape is also in line with the Buddhist aesthetic concept of "harmony", "maturity" and "round turning". The tangles show a strong inclusiveness, and both the form and the meaning reflect the spiritual connotation of "interconnection" and "interdependence". As one of the ancient traditional patterns of the mainland, tangles have a long history in China and have long been recognized and loved by people.

Artifact prototype

Blessings in the pattern: Endless life and bonding

The Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty was the golden age of China's blue and white porcelain production, and its shape was rich. The most representative type of disc is the one with the shape of the mouth, the open and the folding edge, and the folding edge can be divided into round and diamond fancy. Porcelain carcass is light and thin, the tire quality is white and delicate, the glaze is smooth, the blue and white material is made of "Su Ma Li Qing" material, the tone is elegant and clear, and the blue and white are deep and rusty spots, which have obvious characteristics of the times, reflecting the foreign cultural exchanges and influence of the early Ming Dynasty.

The Ming government sent a large number of envoys to various places in Asia and Africa during the time of Yongle and Xuande. Between the third year of Yongle (1405) and the eighth year of Xuande (1433), Zheng He, a prominent Chinese navigator, led a fleet of ships to the West seven times, visiting more than thirty countries in Asia and Africa. Many of the ships Zheng He used in the Western Ocean were built at the Nanjing Longjiang Shipyard.

Cultural stories

Blessings in the pattern: Endless life and bonding

"Harmony and Solidarity" comes from "Shangshu Yushu Gao Tao Mo", which is a metaphor for working together to overcome difficulties and tide over difficulties together.

"Only when all countries in the world are in the same boat and unite and cooperate can we write a new chapter in building a community with a shared future for mankind." In his 2022 New Year message, President Xi Jinping pointed out that in the past year, foreign leaders and heads of international organizations have repeatedly praised China's anti-epidemic and contributions to global epidemic prevention and control, looking forward to the beautiful future of all countries in the world working together to help each other and jointly promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, fully demonstrating the world's feelings and historical responsibility of the leaders of big parties and big countries, and injecting confidence and strength into the early global victory over the epidemic and promoting world economic recovery.

Like tangled branches, humanity is a whole, a community of development with a destiny. At present, the degree of interconnectedness and interdependence of countries is unprecedentedly deepened. Under the impact of the epidemic, we need to take concrete actions with the world in mind and establish ourselves to achieve complementary advantages, mutual benefit and win-win results among all countries, and jointly build a world of lasting peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, cleanliness and beauty.

Only by working together can we go steady and far. Moving forward hand in hand and continuing to struggle, we will surely be able to make the dream shine into reality and create a more prosperous and beautiful world!

Planning and production: Yang Junkang, Zheng Wei

Pattern provided: Pattern collection

Image source: Visual China

Text material synthesizes media information

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