
Notes on Franklin's Autobiography: 1. Perhaps the most important reason for Franklin to excel is his curiosity to "want to know everything." He left when he was 10 years old

author:Jiang Liuqing

Notes from Franklin's Autobiography:

1) Perhaps the most important reason that makes Franklin stand out is his curiosity to "know everything." He left school at the age of 10, but in the decades that followed, he kept learning. In his view, books are priceless, and books are the key to happiness and success. Reading books enabled the young Franklin to acquire skilled writing skills, acquire the ability to reason logically, and also enabled him to firmly defend his convictions.

Franklin had the mind of an inventor. As soon as he thought he could do things better in another way, he immediately implemented it. The electricity he invented, street lamps, stoves, etc., as well as the police station, fire brigade, and library that he envisioned, are still benefiting mankind today. If he is an idealistic person, then he is also a person who has the courage to practice. He was proud of his achievements, but he warned himself to be humble and cautious.

2, eat vegetarian food, simple and temperate meals, so that the mind is clear, the thinking is agile, and the speed of doing things and reading is faster.

3) I was fascinated by Socrates' method of reasoning, and I began to question calmly and humbly and kindly expound the problem. The main purpose of the debate was to articulate and agree on each other's views. In order to achieve this goal, the attitude of the speech should be sincere and kind, and it is wise to make the other party accept your point of view with satisfaction and sincerity. For this reason, in the debate, we should use the phrase "I think so, and if I'm not mistaken, I'm afraid it is." Discard the words "without doubt" and "of course".

4, I wrote in the early days, my father believes that the ability to express is not strong, the theme is not clear. In order to improve my writing ability, I repeatedly read several articles in The Observer, felt that the writing was excellent, and carefully considered each sentence. A few days later, I tried to write these articles, trying to achieve the meaning of the original text, and then compared with the original text, found some wrong places, and made many revisions. Through this effort, I learned a lot of things and improved my writing skills. Writing prose has been very useful to me throughout my life, and it has been a major means of my career.

5, diligence can bring fruitful results to a person. As a rational creature, it turns out that it is so convenient, as long as you want to do something, you can always find an excuse.

6, biography will sketch a moving picture for people, everything that happens there, every word and deed, where the little details, are closely related to the situation of a thriving nation. Franklin provided a shining example of self-education.

7. Facts have proved that whether or not you can determine the right course for yourself in the journey of life is often limited by a person's ability. The smartest people make continuous progress by borrowing from the words and deeds of another smart person.

8, small things are also of great value, because people have to find the law of reason from ordinary small things. That will be a key to life and will help them solve many of the problems that should be solved. The shortcut to gaining the valuable experience of others is to put other people's things vividly and vividly and interestingly in front of you.

9, a person's origin, for happiness and happiness, moral nobility, greatness of behavior, are insignificant.

10. Give people fun and add infinite vitality to life, when these lives are shrouded in clouds of worry and pain.

Notes on Franklin's Autobiography: 1. Perhaps the most important reason for Franklin to excel is his curiosity to "want to know everything." He left when he was 10 years old
Notes on Franklin's Autobiography: 1. Perhaps the most important reason for Franklin to excel is his curiosity to "want to know everything." He left when he was 10 years old
Notes on Franklin's Autobiography: 1. Perhaps the most important reason for Franklin to excel is his curiosity to "want to know everything." He left when he was 10 years old