
The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

Recently, Zhimei saw a piece of news, and with just one glance, she felt a chill behind her back.

According to the news report of the People's Daily Network, the cause of the incident is probably like this [1]:

After Li Mou (female) and Jiang Mou (male) were introduced to each other, they established a romantic relationship, and after being engaged in November 2019, the two parties began to live together.

In April 2020, Li became pregnant; in June, the two parties registered their marriage and went to the designated institution for premarital examination on the same day.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

(Source: People's Daily News)

At this time, Jiang Mou has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years. The next day, the marriage test results came out, Jiang confessed at the request of the doctor, Li only knew that the pillow person had been suffering from AIDS for many years and had been taking medicine for a long time.

Although Jiang insisted that the AIDS he suffered from was not within the infectious period and was unlikely to be transmitted to his wife and the baby in his abdomen, it was still difficult for Li to accept.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

After several internal struggles, Li finally decided to terminate the pregnancy and sued the Shanghai Minhang Court for annulment of the marriage.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

After watching the news, Zhimei really felt very angry.

Because deliberately hiding his illness from his partner, and even making the other party pregnant, has caused more than one tragedy.

Ms. Yu of Qidong, Jiangsu Province, is a marriage inspector at a maternal and child health hospital, and she could have lived an ordinary life like most people.

However, fate made a cruel joke with her as a marriage inspector.

Out of trust, she did not do a premarital examination when she married her lover, and she did not know until the year her lover became ill at the age of 33 that she learned that her lover had concealed her family history.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

(Source: Dream Home)

Hereditary ataxia is a neurological disorder that is inherited from the family and its symptoms are a bit like "frostbite."

Patients who lose muscle control will gradually develop unstable standing, lack of balance, slow movements, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, and even affect eye movements, and may eventually die of multi-organ failure, which is very painful.

In 1999, Ms. Yu's lover fell ill and completely lost the ability to work, and the burden of the family fell on her alone.

Until the death of her lover in 2016, she worked during the day to support her family, and at night she had to take care of her seriously ill lover and raise her son.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

From the faucets and ceilings that are so bad that they can hardly be used, it can be seen that in order to support this home, Ms. Yu is very frugal.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

Although the whole family was shrouded in the gloom of the disease, her son Xiao Li gave her great comfort.

Xiao Li is a very sensible and filial piety, hard-working child, although his health is not very good, but his results are still among the best.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

In 2008, Xiao Li was admitted to Dalian Maritime University, a national key university known as the "cradle of navigators", with a score of more than 30 points higher than the Jiangsu line.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

He has also won the first prize scholarship and the national scholarship.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

Seeing that the family finally hoped for hope, but it was fleeting.

In 2009, 19-year-old Xiao Li gradually developed symptoms of her father's genetic disease, a full 14 years earlier than his father, who only became ill at the age of 33.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

In 2012, Xiao Li graduated from university, and the teacher originally hoped to escort him to graduate school, but at this time, his body had more obvious symptoms.

In order to reduce the burden on the family, Xiao Li gritted his teeth and found a job as a maritime supervisor.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

But to make matters worse, his condition worsened than he had imagined, and from the difficulty of walking and going up stairs at the beginning, it gradually developed into a sneeze that could cause him to fall heavily to the ground.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!
The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

Eventually, he had to resign and go home to recuperate.

In fact, Xiao Li has watched his father fall ill since he was a child, he knows his end very well, and he will also be afraid.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

But he is still very strong in the fight against the disease.

Every time he fell, he would try to stand up on his own, trying not to rely on others.

Every day, he insisted on exercising for up to 4 hours to delay the progression of the disease.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

Do the housework as much as you can to relieve your mother's burden.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

Faced with a long predicament, mother and son did their best to live.

Without this serious negligence, without this disease, I think this mother and son who did not give up lightly and worked hard to fight would have lived a very happy life.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

In addition to genetic diseases, being concealed from a partner for sexually transmitted diseases can also cause irreparable harm.

Some people, out of fear of losing each other, may hide from their partners that they have AIDS, just like the husband in the opening news.

This is likely to cause the other person to be infected.

According to a data from China's National Disease Control, a large proportion of women infected with HIV in the mainland are infected by their spouses or boyfriends, and this proportion is even higher than commercial sex:

Among heterosexual AIDS transmissions in 2015, 26.9% of mainland women were infected with HIV from their marital spouses, while only 10.5% were infected by commercial sex [2].

According to United Nations estimates, more than 90% of the 1.7 million women living with AIDS in Asia are infected by their husbands or boyfriends [3].

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

(Source: Reference 3)

In addition to AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B, gonorrhea, genital warts, genital herpes, etc. may also be transmitted through sexual activity, but many people also choose to hide it.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

(Source: Weibo)

Others hide a serious illness.

The man has been suffering from AIDS for 8 years, but he hides his marriage, and the dark side of love is hidden in the medical examination list!

(In order to avoid everyone misunderstanding the above diseases, Zhimei Mosaic gave the name of the disease.)

Image source: Weibo)

Therefore, Zhimei hopes that whether it is a girl or a boy, before marriage, including before the relationship, try to do a physical examination with each other and exchange each other's reports.

Take marriage examination as an example, it usually checks for these types of diseases:

Statutory sexually transmitted infectious diseases: AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, hepatitis B, etc.

Some congenital genetic disorders or birth defects: such as thalassemia.

Severe mental illness: such as severe manic depression, schizophrenia, etc.

Liver function, kidney function, and thyroid function are checked to assess the function of these organs.

Malformations of the reproductive organs.

With the financial support of the mainland, marriage examinations in most provinces are currently free, and it only takes a little time to avoid major negligence.

As for the method of "donating blood instead of physical examination" spread on the Internet, no! can! Yes! And it's dangerous!

There is a "window period" after infection with AIDS, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, at this time antibodies may not be detected, but it is infectious, once the blood is put into use, it may harm others for a lifetime, I hope that if you have a recent risk of exposure, you must not do this!

Finally, Zhimei would like to say that advocating marriage examination is not a discriminatory disease.

Standardized treatment of syphilis as soon as possible, can be cured;

Hepatitis B can be stably controlled by standardized treatment, and there are many mature technologies that can block mother-to-child transmission;

There are genetic diseases that can be selected as dink, can be adopted, or can be blocked by IVF.

Frankly, we can all find solutions together.

AIDS or hepatitis B, these are not problems, the real problem, just deliberately concealed the heart.

Review expert: Huang Yan| chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University


Chen Wanqing, Sun Kexin, Zheng Rongshou, et al. Incidence and mortality of malignant tumors in China in 2014[J].Chinese Tumors, 2018, 27(1): 1-14.

[2] Edwards BK, Ward E, Kohler BA, et al. Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975-2006, featuring colorectal cancer trends and impact of interventions (risk factors, screening, and treatment) to reduce future rates[J]. Cancer,2010,116(3):544-5

[3] Aleksandrova K, Pischon T, Jenab M, et al. Combined impact of healthy lifestyle factors on colorectal cancer:a large European cohort study[J]. BMC Med,2014,12:168.

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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