
Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

Gu Yu has given you a New Year's greeting.

On the occasion of the Spring Festival, we are also ready to go home for the Chinese New Year. For the authors, the year was rushed, like it was gone. Time also stood still, as if nothing new was happening. But when we tidy up a little, we will find that in addition to writing, there are still some beautiful things that remind us that the sun is also rising. Near the end of the year, the editorial department assigned small essays to the authors and asked them to recommend a thing to accompany them. Today's essay was handed in, the results are eye-opening, the following is what they recommend.

Editor 丨 Kim Hyuk Illustration 丨 Sixty Produced 丨 Tencent News Gu Yu Studio

Psychic decompression chamber

Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

Here's the thing, in the middle of last year, after a sobbing and crying in a hot pot restaurant, I realized that I needed psychological treatment.

There is no specific reason for this sudden collapse, and even the words that trigger emotions are common stories. When I talked to the counselor about it later, he seemed interested, mainly because I described the environment, the atmosphere, and the delicate inner activities of the characters. "That feeling you said was good," he said. I said don't get me wrong, I'm engaged in writing work, and you must not take what you say seriously.

I don't know when I lost my enthusiasm for everything, but I felt excited about something inexplicable. Last summer, I got my driver's license and drove on the road for the second time, taking my girlfriend to the Huanghualing Water Great Wall and running a winding mountain road. Then the tire exploded. We check the nearest auto repair station, more than 20 kilometers. So I went to Stop B and learned how to change the tires, how to use the jacks, and how to screw the screws. I have mud on my hands, and so do I. For the first time, I knew the weight of a tire, and a tiny jack could lift a car. I was so happy, I got this huge machine, I felt like a noble person.

"Did you find that?" My counselor says, "There are many ways you describe a thing, but never say what you like to do. ”

Yes, I found out.

I received psychological counseling in the Psychic Decompression Cabin. This is a psychological counseling service provided by the company, and there are many people who make appointments. In the past year, the small room of the Mental Decompression Warehouse was the most popular place for me in the company. For me, it's a place where I pick up signposts. There were so many signposts that I didn't know where the ones I picked up would lead me.

2021 is the most exhausting year I can remember. After 5 years in this profession, I have encountered many, many problems, most of which cannot be solved. I've tried to work with all my heart. Pack yourself into what you're going to do, what you're going to write. I firmly believe that writing itself is a sacred thing! It has nothing to do with what kind of manuscript to write—I want to find meaning in words, in the pain of cutting words out of a stone. But, just as I was convincing myself that my lovely interviewees called me from Beijing, from Henan, from as far away as the United States. They confessed their worries, grievances, and last resorts, and gave me orders in a soft or tough tone. I thought okay, pull it down.

Later my consultant told me that work is just work and not to expect to use it for other needs. So I started trying to live a more arrogant life. Once, an interviewee asked me to meet the next day, and I didn't want to see each other, I don't know why. Later I tried to work without any emotion until an interviewee said "thank you" to me and made me realize how guilty I felt. So I didn't know what to do at all.

That one...... That's it.

Cui Yifan's work: "50-year-old Shanghai aunt with guide dog wrestling when defecating controversy, the community will launch an exclusive defecation point"


Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

The closest thing to me in 2021 is Frisbee.

I heard that I play Frisbee, and the first sentence of all my friends must be: Is it for dogs to play with?

In fact, I play Frisbee like a dog. I've seen pictures of me from friends: grinning when grabbing the plate, wearing a shawl when sprinting, and almost no expression management. But there's no denying that I'm especially happy in the pictures. This matter means a lot to me because I have never experienced the joy of sports in the last 20 years. Some people can secrete dopamine during exercise, but the process of my exercise is full of grievances.

I knew from a young age that I had a problem with my limbs. In the lower grades of elementary school, all the children had to learn to jump rope, and I learned to jump the rope for a semester, and the teacher looked at my green and purple calves and said, Or you should go and open a sick note. In middle school, there was a radio gymnastics competition in the city, and I was the shortest standing in the first row, and the teacher observed it for a while, and then asked me to stand back and not lose face to the first row. Jumping leather bands, kicking keys, badminton, table tennis, all the sports that require the cooperation of arms and legs are not good.

I've always felt as if something was missing from my life, and I felt incomplete. After going abroad, my friends often talk about sports, I say I don't watch games, I don't do sports, and my friends look at me with pity in their eyes.

After the epidemic, I can't travel and can't watch concerts, leaving me with fewer choices. By chance, I was pulled by a friend to Chaoyang Park to throw frisbee. Maybe it was because for the first time there were no adults staring at me, moving aimlessly, and the mood was particularly relaxed. Throwing the disc from the waist, then passing the force to the arm, and finally the fingertips, I marveled at how the frisbee could fly so far, feeling very handsome, like Tiger Woods playing golf. After a while the two big brothers who didn't know each other asked if they could play with us, and it snowballed, and the two people became four people and then six people. When the group broke up, everyone was steaming hot and radiant.

I suddenly understood why some people would dunk air while walking, because one day while waiting for the subway, I couldn't help but itch my hands and throw an air frisbee.

Frisbee is a co-ed sport, and later someone told me, "The circle of friends playing this has generated a lot of new feelings." Although I didn't find emotional needs, every time I played Frisbee, I felt that I was comforting my childhood self, making up for the time that should have been a sport but could not be sprinkled.

I think that good things will happen when I become an adult, try more, and if it becomes.

Xing Yifan's work: "North Drift Girl 20 Pieces of Wrong Sale landlord 50,000 Furniture, Fighting Wisdom and Courage to Redeem It Was Said to Be Fake"


Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

The number of days I haven't had coffee in the past year should have been zero. As a simple coffee lover and pragmatist, I buy eighty hundred sachets of black coffee, boil water in an electric kettle, add no sugar or milk, and let the boiling water water the large porcelain jar. The time to drink coffee is after getting up, after lunch, and after dinner. The proudest record is that at eleven o'clock one night, I remembered that I forgot to drink in the afternoon, and the coffee share of that day was not full, so I boiled water, tore the bag, flushed, drank, and fell asleep at twelve o'clock.

In the matter of drinking coffee, I should be talented, the so-called caffeine insensitive physique, of course, may also be because of drinking too much, the body is indeed numb.

When did you start liking coffee? I forgot, anyway, it will be old after the old.

Anything that is used to refresh, from coffee to tobacco, owes its origin to the weariness of the proletarian, and it is a later matter to be incorporated into the category of pleasure. Although I drink coffee, I don't like to go to cafes, and I don't care about all kinds of punching techniques, the reason can probably be classified as this "simple position", of course, I don't want to go out and don't want to grind beans, I don't like to study and don't want to spend money, all of which are the reasons. It is said that the mechanism of coffee refreshment is equivalent to a "deception", the substance in caffeine enters the bloodstream, like chewing gum wrapped around the nerves to send a tired signal, the latter can not reach the brain, so the body to fake the truth.

But don't get me wrong, as a writer, I love to drink coffee, not because of drunken work, not because coffee can bring inspiration (this is deception), but this "cheating" feeling is really good, drink a cup of cheating once, drink three cups of cheating three times, are cheating themselves, a person cheating on himself does not have to pay a price, how many such good things in life? Big deal to cheat, pull down in sleep.

So in the past year, the day passed, the night froze, between the virtual and the real, the senses of confusion were glued, and the cheap coffee in hand beckoned me to drink a cup! Although you should not be touched by yourself, the scene is indeed like in the mythological story, in the face of the flame-breathing dragon, the cannon fodder minions pull out a dagger.

Zhang Rui's work: "Teacher encourages students to read extracurricular books, and students write a 13-page report letter to stop classes and suffer from depression"

wild boar

Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

In April last year, after writing "When Wild Boars Run Wild in Nanjing", I went to nanjing wildlife conservation center as a volunteer for 8 days.

And look at my work log the next day - in the morning I cleaned 3 small aviary and 1 large aviary, fed 10 tomatoes to the wild boar mother, planted grass for 1 turtle house in the afternoon, opened 1 sink of water, installed 1 cage, washed the bowl (animal food basin and water basin) a hundred times in the middle, cut the grass a hundred times, and swept the ground a hundred times. There are also moments when I sit on the steps of the wild boar cage, but the feet are dry from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and I am tired enough.

This is certainly not a daily routine every day, and there are more bitter and more tiring. Just kidding, my leader is still very humane, just came to the first day thought I was not really here to work, sent me to participate in the Nanjing Bird Watching Competition, our group won the tenth place (a total of ten groups). Although I was purely involved in the group, the process of bird watching opened my eyes and ears, and I could always find something on the road.

The Wild Protection Center is in the Nanjing Hongshan Zoo, and I walk through the huge and beautiful zoo every day, and then walk into the small and broken Wild Protection Center. In this place, there are hundreds of animals, busy and dizzy, I drew a map of the area where I worked—

Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

For eight days of working here, although I was always very hungry and sleepy, I went back to sleep for a second, but I never felt anxious, there were no stories, no hot spots, no reading, my eyes were focused on the animals, this one ate it, it just drank it, as if the whole world only needed my attention to these two things.

The day before leaving, having a casual dinner with a colleague, she obsessively rummaged through photos of marmots on her phone (her phone was full of pictures of animals, and once we watched a mini spider weaving webs by the shelf for half an hour). The picture was not found in the end, but she told me that the wrinkled old marmot at the Noboro Center, who was always invisible, wandered out one afternoon, holding his cheek with one hand on his cheek, leaning on the threshold to bask in the sun. And I just imagined this picture, and that was enough.

Li Tingting's work: "Wild boar frequently haunts Nanjing City, there were more than 20 last year alone, and some of them were numbed with 4 stitches in their butts"

Buddha belly begonias

Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

At about this time last year, due to being forced to stay in Beijing for the New Year, I went with a few colleagues to visit a large flower and bird market in the east, and finally bought a pot of Buddha belly begonias. Among the many beautiful plants, it is not too good-looking, the gray-green stem is round and rolling, like a small belly, topped with two small green leaves, I may have been impressed by its ugliness.

It was a bit of a fate, and the day it was bought, it was hit hard, I accidentally touched its only two leaves, it became bare, and it got a name called Huba. In my house, it didn't do very well, I often forgot to water it, and due to lack of water, my stomach was a little weak at one point.

However, it has grown up slowly with the tenacity characteristic of a plant, relying on Schrödinger-like moisture, growing new leaves, at most seven or eight pieces, which are very paviliony, and even bloom a little brilliant little red flower a month later. I sent a photo of its blossom to a small group, and everyone had seen its ugliest appearance, and at this moment they all expressed their admiration, calling it the "Huba Spirit".

The group was full of hard-working people who wrote manuscripts, fragile at heart, and in need of metaphysical chicken blood and encouragement, and Huba has since become a mascot. When the manuscript can't be written, "Stand up like Huba!" "When I went out for an interview," Huba blessed the interview shun! "At many points last year, Huba offered some kind of weak, but smiling encouragement.

Plants are always enviable, they are never afraid, and people have a lot of fear, fear of change, fear of failure, fear of time and irreversibly flowing by, is this why we want to have a pot of plants? 2021 has passed like this, this year and last year seem to be no different, I tried very hard to "maliciously" return home, and finally because of the loss of health treasure and declared failure, or there is no way to go home, the next day after writing this little essay, I plan to visit the flower and bird market again, Huba grew up, I have to change it to a bigger pot.

Zhang Yue's work: "Liu Xiang coach Sun Haiping revisits the retirement in 2008: Injuries have appeared 1 year ago, and the pressure is unprecedented"


Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

There is nothing to say about my daily life, which can be skipped and not looked at.

Every morning at eight o'clock, I go out for a walk in a wooded area. There are three roads, one by the lake, one by the river, and the other hidden in the dense forest. I usually go in from the woods and come back around the water, about five miles. There are many tree species, the first of which is the camphor tree. The canopy of the camphor forest is connected like a green fortress-like stratocum cloud rising high, strong and gentle. Camphor trees are like this all year round, creating a quiet and eternal beauty here. Metasequoia is changeable. In late autumn, it is the most vigorous, full of magnificent red, and even the reflection in the water is particularly eye-catching. Now that the leaves have fallen, the branches are thin and sparse, sometimes lonely, sometimes lively,—— the treetops, dozens of gray magpies huddled together, squeaking and singing, competing endlessly with their counterparts who only hear them in the distance. You get closer, the trunks are too thick to sway, and you shout at them, "What's the song—" The birds are crowded, not bird people.

The flowers of The Eight Laurel, midwinter smell better than golden autumn, you know? After the strong fragrance is diluted by the cold wind, it will also attract lively embroidered birds to come and peck. Plum blossoms also staggered, yellow, pink, white petals, pale green buds, from the dark as ghosts, seem to have long since withered branches suddenly emerged, standing in the milky white mist, releasing a moist and soft cold fragrance. Under the plum tree, the auspicious grass is still green, and the crimson fruit sap is full, and it is about to break the epidermis. Sometimes there are squirrels trampling by, the soles of their feet stained with sap, and they jump away and climb up the trees as if they know they have made a mistake.

Like all things, like us, they are scattered on the earth, waiting for the new spring.

I have a soft spot for the woods, probably because I grew up in the mountains. My childhood room was backed by a rolling forest, and I spent a lot of time alone, lying on my back in the window looking at the trees. Spring breeze, snowflakes flying, leaves flailing, big birds frolicking. When the branches of the sycamore are full of purple flowers, there is often a pair of large birds with a brilliant temperament and a tail longer than the body, jumping on the branches, climbing, beautiful and free. I watched them play out the fairy tale of the phoenix in an unknown silent place. This scene is like yesterday, and I have grown into an adult, living in the hustle and bustle of Shanghai for ten years.

When I think of ten years later, this New Year has passed, I am still the child who walks around in the woods, and continues to have everything in my heart, I feel that this New Year is also worth living.

Hu Hui's works: "60-year-old writing 80-year-old book, retired grandmother debut online hit selling 70,000 copies to get awards to soft"

Elliot's Waves

Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

If for the sake of money, a person can do the biggest stupid thing, that is, to speculate in stocks. If it is not for money, a person can do the biggest stupid thing, but also stock speculation. Who would have known that there is a metaphysics in stocks. And the biggest stupid thing I've done in the past year has been to throw Plato around, spinoza to the corner of the table, and plunge headlong into thousands of k-line charts, trying to unravel the mystery of cosmic creation here.

Don't think I'm dizzy, or drink too much whiskey, and say some nonsense, I'm sober at the moment, and I can still recognize reality and hallucinations. I have these ideas because of an American named Ralph Eliot. The man spent countless days and nights in the stock market before spending the rest of his life in a rocking chair in California. I would say that his mind was full of metaphysics and that he was only one step away from madness (a hundred steps away from becoming rich).

One sentence explains what he said. This person believes that the entire universe is a huge wave, and time and space are some ripples on this wave, so that the movement of celestial bodies, industrial production, plague epidemics, and even the human mind are the aftermath of this super-giant wave. Stock shocks, the key to market behavior, are nothing more than waves caused by the combined response of human activities.

As for the candlestick chart, it's like a prophecy machine that keeps typing out numbers, recording these reactions regularly (Eliot believes that the thing follows a Fibonacci sequence). Following this line of thought, following the candlestick chart, is following a trail of the universe.

What attracted me was this thing - "a tail of aftermath".

At the end of the day, stocks are an art, and they are an art that is exclusive to one person. Thus, poets, political scientists, philosophers, may be able to figure this out better than a statistician or an accountant. It's like the ancient Greek painter Appeles drew a line on the wall of Zeus's house. With such a crooked line, Zeus guessed everything.

Since Dow Jones invented technical analysis, countless savvy gamblers and clever analysts on Wall Street have spent their minds on it in the face of candlestick charts. There is no field where so many people are predicting the future, and predicting is so inaccurate.

Technical analysis has a sacred family that can make a long list, and Eliot is one of them, and I call him the metaphysical school. In the past year, thanks to the plague, I always had to have some fun, so I spent all my free time reading these people's books, and in the end, they were all classified by me into a certain classical philosophical school. But that doesn't help to make money, such as a guy named Schweiger who interviewed countless talented traders to try to figure out why they succeeded. I was thrilled that I had finally discovered the aftermath of the universe, but I was disappointed in the end: among them, the key to one's success is precisely the key to one's failure.

As for my transaction records for this year, I would like to say that God treats me not thinly. I was lucky and the yield almost doubled, but that was in the first half of the year. Because the people who invented stocks probably didn't think about the work of humans. It was just a short moment at the end of the year when the revision was made — just a little while — I forgot the closing time, and the stock started to fall in a straight line, straight down. This is a big stupid thing, a big stupid thing that is gripping.

Don't ask me anymore how much money I make, I won't answer, won't answer.


Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

The kittens I picked from a family of cats who had just been born a few months ago. I was crouching in the middle of a group of kittens, and it slipped quietly from the cat climbing frame to my shoulder, completely different from other cats who liked to play alone. So in the cold wind that had finished snowing that day, I took it home.

When he woke up the next morning, the kitten looked sick, his eyes hunched, as if he had been mushed by a hazy fog, not at all supported. I thought about its affinity and clinginess the day before, and I was a little worried, afraid that it wasn't because it was unhealthy or stupid. I admit that I don't think so well, but after all, it is myself who makes the choice, and I may not be able to control the idea of regret.

I am still grateful for the words of my colleague Lai Lai. At that time in the office, she looked at the picture of the kitten, and after hearing about its situation, she encouraged me confidently: "Every kitten has its own possibilities and can become a good kitten, as long as you treat it well." "I don't remember the original words, but that's probably what it means to be literary.

I don't know why, this sentence is like a magic spell, I have remembered it for a long time, and I have always believed in this sentence, believed in kittens. Since that day, I have accepted almost everything that happened to this kitten, caught a cold, took it to the needle and medicine, the sun came out, took it to the balcony to see the world, and hoped that the nourishment of photosynthesis would also happen to it. All of its daily actions also have a meaning of being understood. Within a few days, I observed its careful thinking and temper, such as one night when I recorded: "Every time I climbed into bed, meow followed, then jumped down to drink water and ran back." It's because it knows I'm going to bed, and it's going to prepare for bed. ”

I think it has grown into a unique kitten.

That's about it. Now, a month or two later, it has slowly become healthy, lively, and mischievous. I often talk about how it is like a dog, and in order to attract my attention, it jumps around all day long, and it needs to stick to me at any time. I was a little overwhelmed. This is probably a bit of Versailles troubles. Nothing else, I hope we can get along with each other later, I hope it will continue to be healthy, and I can learn to mature and be stable.

Yang Zhou's work: "Aomi Kerong Landing Chinese mainland! 20 days of invasion of five continents, "Poison King" completed the replacement"


Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

In January last year, my physical examination results were sensational, I had a gastrointestinal endoscopy in May (it was nothing), and in August I had an inexplicable heart upset, which later found out that it might be cervical compression. This series of signals from my body forced me to start exercising, and I chose to swim.

At first, just with the previous breaststroke basic swimming national standard pool, the first 50 meters pool swimming to half of the strength, take advantage of the head up ventilation to calculate the lifeguard can reach my position in the fastest few seconds, swim seven or eight hundred meters a day on exhaustion, swim for two weeks after the cervical spine feels a lot more relaxed, the heart movement also disappeared, began to add weight to themselves, 1000 meters, 1200 meters, 1500 meters.

Swim smoothly, only to find that swimming has become one of the few moments in life that can easily reach the flow. Looking at the blue bottom of the pool, imagine yourself as Zima from Zima Blue, from the pool, to experience a splendid life, and then return to the pool. Every time I finished swimming ashore, a new neck and a tired and relaxed feeling awaited me.

Because I was envious of the gods in the pool who switched between several swimming styles at will, I began to learn freestyle and backstroke in September. Freestyle learning has suffered a lot, but you must know that after working for several years, there are fewer and fewer things that can intuitively show your progress, so swimming more skillfully every day has become the most fulfilling thing in life.

Recently, I changed coaches and swimming became philosophical again. One of my big problems at that time was chaotic, swimming like a dying struggle, the speed was not fast, in fact, the ratio of force of the freestyle arm to push the water underwater and the elbow out of the water was about 3:1, and the force was distributed, and the talent looked relaxed, like a fish. So my swimming studies often have a strange scene: the coach shouts hard! Hard! Haven't eaten! Just relax! Just relax! Hard! Every time I go to class, my coach tells me in a serious tone that I don't want fast, it's rhythm, rhythm.

After listening to it a lot, I really feel that everything in this world is connected, and I want to do a good job, relax and moderate, and rhythm is king. It's hard to do that in the water, because I have a body that doesn't work very well with my brain. But whenever the brain and body happen to be at the same frequency, that feeling is wonderful. Overall, the swimming road is still very long, and I hope that the new year can be up as soon as possible!

The other day, I had just finished writing a manuscript that had hollowed out all of myself, lying in bed with extreme excitement in my brain, saying that I couldn't sleep at all, and my mind repeatedly showed the details of various manuscripts. Later, I told myself, now imagine you in the pool, ready to go, pedaling the wall, holding the water, pushing the water, lifting the elbow, turning the hip, entering the water, holding the water, pushing the water, lifting the elbow, turning the hip, turning the head, changing the air, entering the water, holding the water, pushing the water...

Jing Xinyu's works: "The tramp played a role in the film for 10 years, and Ma Li played an aura to kill a professional actor"

Small gold stud earrings

Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

Because of the graduation relationship, the second half of 2021 seems to be relatively lonely in comparison, living alone in a house in Beijing, and the only living creatures I know are me, cats, and two avocado seeds soaked in water, life and death. I originally wanted to take advantage of the New Year to praise the cat, but I am still not sure if he has the concept of "companionship", or if he just wants to go and can't leave. He is an independent cat and may have his own ideas. So I looked in the mirror and found directly physically what belonged to this year's physical "companionship": a pair of small golden square stud earrings that I bought by accident.

I didn't have ear piercings when I bought the studs, to be precise, the old ones grew three years ago. When I was visiting the jewelry store, I was dangled in the eye, and as soon as I approached the reflector, the clerk said that the studs were half priced, and the ear piercings were free. I replied quickly, come on, prick me. The moment it opened, it was as if familiar bees flew back to bite their ears, and the time that had solidified since 2019 flowed again.

Three years ago, it was also a pair of golden stud earrings that pierced my ears, with a small ball on the front end, which unfortunately rolled into the floor drain during a bath, and perhaps the new pair of souls was returned. In the weeks of healing the wound, I often recalled the careful appearance after the first ear piercing, carefully disinfected many times a day, sleeping only dare to lie flat, this year it was very casual, gray-headed, no allergies, small golden studs seemed to cross over to find me, the two layers of time were stacked on top of each other, although there was a bottomless river in the middle.

But the good news is that all the earrings at the bottom of the previous pressure box can be "resurrected", and the opening in the ear is re-embedded with the beautiful partner. Unless necessary, I usually see very few people, and even when I call for takeaway, I will note "thank you at the door", so fiddling with my ears when I am bored can somewhat reduce the desolate feeling of urban Robinson life. Of course, the status of the small gold stud earrings is also different from other earrings, and in order to avoid the tragedy of the ear hole closing again, I wear it to sleep every night, so that during the day, it becomes the "factory setting" of the ear.

Even if the operation is gentle and worn for a long time, the silicone insulation gold ear plug behind the stud earrings will still be pierced, and the tip of the needle will be exposed, gradually becoming tingling from furry. Stroking the tip of a needle became a secret game for me. When you are in a daze, or when you can't write a manuscript, come to the most direct skin and flesh stimulation, which is very effective in the era of easy to fall into the whirlpool of thinking, and it is simply a magic weapon to save time! Other times, when I was nervous, I secretly put my hand behind my ear and squeezed the earrings to turn around a few times, and the wonderful friction quickly relaxed, and the small comfort was hidden under the hair, bringing a strong sense of security.

Once I was writing, I accidentally turned the ear plug away, the ear stud slipped on the ground, ticking, the ear suddenly became free, became light and fluttery, but I suddenly thought of Strickland painting alone on the island, quickly picked up the earrings and put them on, like tightening the switch, while finding a friend. So I found the fear of loneliness in my consciousness, which was far deeper than the pressure of social interaction, and isolating my life did not make me get used to it.

It's just such an ordinary companionship thing! Occasionally a friend will find the little stud and praise it for being good-looking, and I am very happy. Although it may not be seen when it will not be seen, when I know clearly that it is still with me, I feel that today is still beautiful.

Wang Yaqi's work: "Caterpillar Rain" in Beijing Community! Hungry to eat into the optical cable bite off the signal is too scary"


Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

If you're a female college student, you should be like me, living a dusty life this year. Of course there is another possibility, this life belongs only to me, and the epidemic is a less clumsy excuse I have found.

The past year has contained too much good and bad luck. In the time of waiting for these luck to come, the epidemic prevention and control policy trapped me in the dormitory, accompanied by a calendar that I always forgot to tear. Although I was tired and sometimes did not want to face the arrival of a new day, it still gave me great relief. For example, on April 27, I read that one person cannot suffer for a million people.

Last year's real name was 21 years old, in the words of Wang Xiaobo, it was the "golden age", in the words of my parents and friends, it was "past the legal age of marriage", and in the rhetoric of the circle of friends, it was "Ben San". 2021 is another year claimed to have been stolen, but for me as small as 21, 21 is still as grand as the 21st century, and it has stirred up twelve months like forty years. I thought it would be possible to share two interesting time fragments.

In March, I checked the literature and saw 39-year-old Zhang Ailing confide in Song Qi in a letter, "Often having the same dream at night, always explaining to people I know (last night was a girl I played with when I was a child) why I was not writing." This is really a symptom, I really want to try my best to control the non-neurosis", and then thought of 17-year-old Zhang Ailing and me as procrastinating into sex, always with "Oh, I forgot". What I didn't expect was that at the end of the year, I could actually empathize with Zhang Ailing fiercely.

One of the few trips was to shanghai to see an idol group dissolution concert, and wonderful things happened in high concentration in those three days. After grabbing the ticket, I met 9 sisters who were less than the average age of the college entrance examination in my own love bean super talk, and quickly connected with one of them. At that time, I was inexperienced and chattered excitedly, which led to the tragedy after the opening, and I was dumbfounded before I could shout.

When you're a fan of one-eleventh of the group, it's easy to be surrounded by fans, and I was faced with such a weak dilemma. Mom, who was sitting on my left, said boldly, "I'll help you shout!" The sister sitting on my right buried her head in the whole process of playing with her mobile phone, only to roar fiercely twice when it was her turn to love beans to sing. After the traffic was closed, I had to meet with another fan in a taxi, and despite the recent uproar about her suspected collapse of the house, we still had a friendly conversation for a short taxi and eighteen subway stops.

The calendar was finally frozen on October 27, and it reads that the sailor climbed to the top of the mast, holding a telescope, looking out over the horizon, and asked: Is there land over there? To this, if we are prophets, we answer that he "has", and if we are honest, we answer that she "does not". In any case, the future of this world is always more lovely than imagined.

Wang Fan's work: "Chinese Families Separated by Noise: Driving Crazy to Cry and Wanting to Cut Their Ears, Borrowing 1 Million yuan to Move"

Rabbit boss

Gu Yu's author told the history of fetishes this year, and the results opened the eyes of the editorial department

Before 2021, the boss is an unnamed doll rabbit. Although she accompanied me from Wuhan to Nanjing to Beijing, she slept peacefully by my pillow for more than seven hundred nights.

I've always been ashamed to give her a formal and sophisticated name, and that shame may be family inherited. For example, my aunt's high-status Chinese little earth cat does not have the name of the Eight Classics, and our whole family has been calling her with great tacit understanding for many years, "Cat ~". I was even embarrassed to call her "rabbit", only to tell my mom occasionally that I was going to sleep with her in my arms tonight. I mean the boss. Wearing a green cardigan, her two long ears hung down, and she seemed to be dissatisfied that she could only be used as a pronoun for me forever.

But who called her to come was so casual — a few years ago, my family ("Grandma" in Wuhan) mysteriously pulled out a red plastic bag printed with the word "Happy" from the large wooden cabinet in her room, saying that it was a little doll sent from somewhere to eat happy wine. She pulled out the boss who was not dirty by my fluffy body at that time, tucked it into my bag and said, hold it, it looks good.

For the first few days, I wasn't sure how to get along with the boss. It was a little embarrassing to say, in the face of my first doll, for many days I just let her sit alone on the edge of the bed, sitting all night. The doll's mission is to stay quiet, just like she used to stay in the house cupboard. But I didn't hold back any longer... After finding that the boss was freezing cold in the wet and cold night in the south, I took her into the quilt, nestled in my arms, and rubbed her round little head, thinking that I would have to let her cover the quilt even during the day, but I couldn't freeze it anymore.

I enjoyed this childish sweetness exclusively until the more childish boyfriends showed up this year. I didn't ask this guy how many dolls he had as a bedmate in his childhood, but he was the one I'd ever met who empathized with dolls—when he saw a picture of the boss sleeping on his side against the white wall one day, with his long ears pulled down, he told me worriedly that she was so lonely that we had to find some friends for her.

Within two days, a large white rabbit with a carrot in its arms came to the house, and a week later, a rabbit wearing a fisherman's hat and a small school bag and a yellow knit shirt entered the house, and the next week, the long-eyelashes rabbit in a pink gauze dress also arrived... More than a month later, there were already seven rabbits sitting in a row on the futon in my little rental house.

In the face of the huge rabbit family in front of me, it seems unreasonable not to name the children, the boyfriend gave me this power, I looked at the green cardigan rabbit surrounded by friends in the middle, an inexplicable sense of shame for naming came up again, I said then name it in order, this is the boss.

I pointed to her. She was finally no longer alone.

Qi Jiani's works: "31-year-old migrant worker works during the day and reads philosophy at night, and learns English for 4 months to translate philosophy books"

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