
Why can't the home network, Android phone, Android system devices can be used, Apple mobile phones and tablets can not be used? If you encounter this situation, pay attention to the fact that it is not your net that is broken, but that the net is good

author:Ding Chenxing D

Why can't the home network, Android phone, Android system devices can be used, Apple mobile phones and tablets can not be used? If you encounter this situation, you should pay attention to the fact that it is not that your network is broken, the network is good, nor is your Apple mobile phone broken, and the mobile phone is also good.

Why, is a setting of Apple's system that is different from Android's. The Android system accepts the wireless signal to automatically recognize the DNS, and the DNS recognized by the Apple system is wrong, so it cannot be connected to the Network.

We need to modify the DNS of apple's system, as shown in the picture, and after modifying it, it will be fine. The DNS of each region is different, and the address of each region is collected in the figure, which can be modified if necessary.

#苹果手机 #

Why can't the home network, Android phone, Android system devices can be used, Apple mobile phones and tablets can not be used? If you encounter this situation, pay attention to the fact that it is not your net that is broken, but that the net is good
Why can't the home network, Android phone, Android system devices can be used, Apple mobile phones and tablets can not be used? If you encounter this situation, pay attention to the fact that it is not your net that is broken, but that the net is good
Why can't the home network, Android phone, Android system devices can be used, Apple mobile phones and tablets can not be used? If you encounter this situation, pay attention to the fact that it is not your net that is broken, but that the net is good