
The Chinese men's ice hockey team begins its final sprint training: the first game is the challenge, and we are ready

CCTV news: Recently, as various national teams have entered the National Gymnasium to carry out pre-match field adaptation training, the Chinese men's ice hockey team has also launched a final sprint. Let's follow the reporter's lens and get close to this group of boys who dare to fight and dare to break through.

The Chinese men's ice hockey team begins its final sprint training: the first game is the challenge, and we are ready

The world-ranked 32nd-ranked team will face the current world number four U.S. team in 11 days, which will also be the first game for the Chinese ice hockey team. Faced with the challenges that were just around the corner, the boys, whose average age was in their early 20s, did their best to make the most of the hour of training time allocated to each team each time.

In the 160 days that began in early August last year, the Chinese team went to Russia for foreign training by means of substitute training. Through physical training, innovative training and data training, this group of young men has improved a lot in physical fitness, technical and tactical level and teamwork. In the team, many players also have previous experience playing in the continental ice hockey league, the top league of the hockey power of Russia, but they are about to face the world's fourth-ranked Team Usa, the First Canada Team and the Fifth-place German Team, which still put a lot of pressure on the team.

The Chinese men's ice hockey team begins its final sprint training: the first game is the challenge, and we are ready

In this young ice hockey team, Ye Jinguang is not only the captain, but also the oldest big brother. He has completed 174 games in five seasons, scoring 56 points, becoming the best Chinese male player in the history of professional hockey in the world. Although he is 37 years old, he is still one of the most desperate people in the eyes of his teammates, gliding, dribbling, passing, shooting, moving clouds and flowing water, all in one go. Falling down, standing up, teammates said that he was a "red" lightning bolt on the field.

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