
Do not want to injure the liver, these 7 bad behaviors, correct as soon as possible, so as not to harm the liver

The liver is an important metabolic organ and detoxification organ of the human body, which can metabolize the poisons in the human body and excrete them outside the body.

Therefore, the stability of the human environment and the liver are inseparable. However, many people do not realize the importance of the liver, from time to time in life will do things that harm the liver, such as some people develop the following 7 bad habits, which will lead to liver damage and increase the incidence of liver disease.

Do not want to injure the liver, these 7 bad behaviors, correct as soon as possible, so as not to harm the liver

1. Stay up late. Staying up late is known as the act of chronic suicide. It is said that it is because staying up late for a long time will lead to the body not getting enough rest, unable to work for the body normally, so that the body's immunity will decrease and increase the incidence of various diseases.

In particular, if the liver cannot adequately repair and regenerate in the state of staying up late, the incidence of liver disease will greatly increase.

Do not want to injure the liver, these 7 bad behaviors, correct as soon as possible, so as not to harm the liver

2. Often eat foods with excessive taste. Many people are more pursuing food and think that eating delicious food is a kind of enjoyment.

However, there are many foods that are processed or too heavy in taste, among which processed foods contain more preservatives, sweeteners and pigments, and foods with excessive taste contain a lot of salt, peppers, peppers and other substances;

Eating these foods for a long time will lead to an increase in the detoxification burden of the liver, stimulate liver cells, and make no cost damage.

Do not want to injure the liver, these 7 bad behaviors, correct as soon as possible, so as not to harm the liver

3. Overeating. It is well known that overeating leads to an increase in the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, which can easily cause gastrointestinal inflammation in the long run.

And overeating is also easy to increase the fat content in the human body, if the liver can not fully metabolize these fats, fat deposition in the liver is easy to cause fatty liver.

Moreover, excessive obesity in the human body will also lead to an increase in free radicals in the body, which will increase the burden of liver detoxification and increase the risk of liver lesions.

Do not want to injure the liver, these 7 bad behaviors, correct as soon as possible, so as not to harm the liver

4. Do not eat breakfast. After a night's sleep, the stomach and intestines have long been in a state of emptying, and the body also needs to replenish water.

If people do not eat breakfast in the morning to participate in work, study, excessive emptying of the stomach and intestines will cause excessive secretion of gastric acid, and the bile secreted by the liver may also cause irritation to the liver and stomach, causing gastroenteritis and hepatitis, and may also increase the incidence of stone disease.

Do not want to injure the liver, these 7 bad behaviors, correct as soon as possible, so as not to harm the liver

5. Drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol can harm liver health. Because the alcohol in the drink enters the body and needs to be metabolized through the liver, when the alcohol is metabolized, the liver cells will be stimulated.

Therefore, if people drink alcohol regularly or drink a lot of alcohol, it will cause long-term damage to the liver and cause alcoholic liver disease. If the disease progresses further, it may also cause cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Do not want to injure the liver, these 7 bad behaviors, correct as soon as possible, so as not to harm the liver

6. Drug abuse. After the drug enters the body, it needs to be metabolized through the liver and kidneys, among which painkillers and anti-life drugs have a greater stimulation of the liver, and if these two types of drugs are taken for a long time, they may lead to drug-induced liver disease.

In addition, some people in order to maintain health, a large number of vitamins may also increase the burden of the liver, affect liver function, so that liver lesions.

Do not want to injure the liver, these 7 bad behaviors, correct as soon as possible, so as not to harm the liver

7, love to be angry. When people are angry, they will speed up the blood circulation of the body, and the blood in the liver will affect the blood and oxygen supply of liver cells after accelerating, affecting the repair and regeneration of liver cells.

And people who love to be angry will have insomnia because of mood swings, and the liver will not get enough rest at night, and the risk of liver disease will be greatly increased.

Do not want to injure the liver, these 7 bad behaviors, correct as soon as possible, so as not to harm the liver

The above seven bad habits can affect the health of the liver, so try to avoid developing these habits yourself.

If you find that you have any behavior that harms your health, you must correct it in time and do not let the liver be harmed.

If you find that the right upper abdomen is full, painful, loss of appetite and other situations recently, it is best to go to the hospital to check the liver, and timely treatment after the liver disease is found.

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