
In "The World of Man", a husband was shot and a prisoner, and Zheng Juan became happier and happier because of three points


Zheng Juan is a very bitter girl, she is an outcast, her mother picked her up and raised her, her mother not only picked up her a child, but also a blind boy, Zheng Guangming.

In "The World of Man", a husband was shot and a prisoner, and Zheng Juan became happier and happier because of three points

The ladies and ladies were huddled in a cave-like earthen embryo house of more than ten square meters not far from the "light area".

Their mother supported them by selling sugar gourds and popsicles.

Zheng Juan looks very beautiful, Zheng Mom loves her very much, refuses to let her help sell popsicles, afraid that she will be teased and humiliated by bad boys, she very much wants to help her mother, she followed her mother to sell popsicles several times, and the last time she was really bullied by bad boys, so she met Tu Zhiqiang, who was a hero to save the United States, and became Tu Zhiqiang's girlfriend.

After she got along with Tu Zhiqiang, she found that Tu Zhiqiang was not very interested in women, and after she began to "go up the mountain and go to the countryside", Zheng Juan also wanted to secretly go to the countryside, but she did not trust her mother and brother, because she was the dependence of her mother and brother. So it didn't work out.

Later, she was violated by cotton monkeys and became pregnant, Tu Zhiqiang began to drink heavily after knowing it, and then broke the law.

In "The World of Man", a husband was shot and a prisoner, and Zheng Juan became happier and happier because of three points

When Tu Zhiqiang was there, he had Tu Zhiqiang's salary, and their family's life was better. After Tu Zhiqiang was shot for committing a crime, life in Zheng Juan's family was extremely difficult. Coupled with the fact that she is pregnant again and cannot go out to make money, the family lives a hard life today and does not know how to live tomorrow.

Tu Zhiqiang's eldest brother, the lame water self-flow, and Tu Zhiqiang's relationship is very unusual, Tu Zhiqiang is for him and his brothers to bear the guilt, so the water self-flow and the brothers discussed with the brothers to send 30 yuan to Zheng Juan's family every month.

Zheng Juan was very unwelcome to them, and Shui Ziliu and Cotton Monkey found Tu Zhiqiang's friend Zhou Bingkun, who had known before he was born, and asked him to help them send money to Zheng Juan's family every month, and promised to give him 10 yuan a month as a reward.

In "The World of Man", a husband was shot and a prisoner, and Zheng Juan became happier and happier because of three points

Zhou Bingkun agreed, and was entrusted by others to send charcoal to Zheng Juan's family. Because of the perfection of the water flow, Zhou Bingkun and Zheng Juan, two people who should have been parallel, intersected. Zheng Juan's life is getting happier and happier because of the intersection with Zhou Bingkun.

Of course, her happiness not only comes from Zhou Bingkun, but also has a lot to do with herself.

First, Zheng Juan, know the gratitude map, gentle and considerate, do not entangle, do not add trouble to others

Zhou Bingkun did not ask for anything to send money to Zheng Juan's family on time every month, like he was not related to him, although he sent money on time on behalf of others, which also made Zheng Juan's family very grateful.

Even if he was not welcomed by Zheng Juan, Zhou Bingkun was unimpeded, and often gave his share to Zheng Juan's family, because of this, Zheng Juan was slowly attracted to Bingkun.

In "The World of Man", a husband was shot and a prisoner, and Zheng Juan became happier and happier because of three points

Like her, the family is surrounded by four walls, and every month she has to take the living expenses of the water flowing by herself, she has nothing to repay Zhou Bingkun, so she wants to make a promise to her, which is exactly what Bingkun wants, because since seeing Zheng Juan' side, Bingkun has fallen deeply in love with her, and in her heart, in her dreams, zheng juan is all.

He wanted to marry Zheng Juan, but his parents disagreed, after all, Zheng Juan was a widow with a son and a blind brother.

Although he felt guilty himself, Zheng Juan did not mind at all, for her, she just wanted to repay Bingkun and was willing to be good with him. She does not pester, does not disturb, calls and comes, lingers, and does not complain, grievances.

In the original work, Bingkun's evaluation of Zheng Juan said that she seems to be such a woman, as long as she trusts anyone, she does not hide a little from that person, she is not like Chunyan has a heart, not like Wu Qian's careful eyes, not like Yu Hong's sense of self-protection is too strong, she has almost no defensive heart, if she is good to a person, she will give priority to his feelings everywhere, and would rather make various sacrifices to her own good people.

Such an understanding Zheng Juan made Zhou Bingkun swear that she would not marry. So she got the key to knock on the door of happiness.

Second, filial piety to the elderly, do not leave and do not abandon

Bingkun's mother fainted because of his sister's affairs and became a vegetative person, Bingkun's brother and sister were far away in the Northern Wilderness, one was missing, and his father Zhou Zhigang, as a construction worker, ran around.

Bingkun still had to go to work, Bingkun's niece Yue Yue and her mother had no one to take care of, because of his sister's affairs, the neighbors were afraid of causing trouble and did not dare to help him, so he thought of Zheng Juan.

In "The World of Man", a husband was shot and a prisoner, and Zheng Juan became happier and happier because of three points

Zheng Juan agreed, and then took good care of Zhou's mother, scrubbing every day, helping with massage, and then Zhou Bingkun was arrested for some things, and this walk was more than half a year.

Another woman may have left long ago or let the Zhou family come back to take care of it themselves.

And Zheng Juan did not abandon, always stayed in the Zhou family, a person to take care of Zhou Mother and Yue Yue, afraid that Zhou Father and brother and sister worried, she also imitated Zhou Bingkun's handwriting to write to them to report safety.

When Zhou Bingkun was away from home, Zheng Juan took good care of his home.

Neighbors and friends all praised Zheng Juan, and after zheng Juan took good care of zheng juan for two years, Zhou Mu miraculously woke up.

At this time, Zheng Juan had a great favor to the Zhou family, and Zhou's father married them because of this great favor.

Although they were allowed to marry, Zhou's father did not like Zheng Juan very much, and later Zheng Juan gave birth to a son for Bingkun, and in Zhou Zhigang's view, Zheng Juan was a great hero of their family and was very satisfied with her.

When she woke up, Zhou Mother was often confused, when she first woke up, she did not want to see Zheng Juan, and drove her away, but later she became more and more clingy to Zheng Juan, even if Zhou Rong came back and Hao Dongmei returned, Zhou Mother still felt that Zheng Juan was good and willing to live with him.

In "The World of Man", a husband was shot and a prisoner, and Zheng Juan became happier and happier because of three points

Originally a hopeless marriage, it was because Zheng Juan did not give up when the Zhou family was in distress, and paid with her heart and lungs, in exchange for the recognition of the family.

Third, Zheng Juan is particularly content

Zheng Juan wanted to work, Bingkun wanted her to take care of her mother, so he coaxed her to say that there will be work, there will definitely be, and it will be a job that you like very much, and I swear that in the near future, I will let you realize your wishes. Then Zheng Juan believed Bingkun's words very much.

In the original work, Zhou Bingkun said that Zheng Juan is such a woman, as long as the promise is made by someone she fully trusts, she can rely on the promise to achieve a state of happiness, even if those promises are half-true and half false, and there is no possibility of fulfillment, but as long as it is solemn, she feels happy. As long as there is a commitment, her happy state can last.

Her sense of demanding that promises be fulfilled is particularly shallow, almost zero, and particularly easy to satisfy.

Unlike other wives, who often force their husbands to make promises, it is not enough to have a promise, but also to honor, can not be fulfilled, they will nag and nag awkward, so that the husband is troubled.

And a woman like Zheng Juan, who is easily satisfied, will not bring trouble to her husband, and her husband will feel happy, and then work harder and think of fulfilling her promises.

Zhou Rong graduated from graduate school and returned to her hometown to work in a university, with a house with a point, Zhou Bingyi engaged in politics, became the secretary of the municipal party committee, Hao Dongmei also became a teacher, and lived with Zhou Bingyi in her mother's small villa, while the Bingkun family still lived in the small mud house in her hometown, but Zheng Juan felt happier than any of them.

Because she is particularly easy to satisfy, she always compares her current life to her life with her mother, and there is no reason for her unhappiness.

As long as she is better than before, she will feel happy, and her happiness can also affect the people around her.