
Xu Yang: It is very crucial to control the midfield against Vietnam, and I think Dai Weijun will start

Xu Yang: It is very crucial to control the midfield against Vietnam, and I think Dai Weijun will start

Live bar February 1 news At 20:00 Beijing time tonight, the national football team will challenge Vietnam away in the round of 12. Before the match, former international Xu Yang expressed his views on the match.

This time against Vietnam, how should the national football team play? In this regard, Xu Yang said: "How to play Vietnam, this is a question that I and all fans have in mind. The short-term transfer from Japan to Vietnam, how the physical and psychological state of the players are adjusted, and how the physical and competitive status of Alain and Luo Guofu are, these are all problems. Vietnamese football is different from Japan, the individual is not high but the speed is very fast, and with the players who participated in the U23 Asian Cup as the team, coupled with the Korean coach to make the Vietnamese players achieve the combination of the whole and the individual, their strength has made a significant improvement. Although they have not yet scored points in the round of 12, their attack and defense in the game have characteristics and ideas. ”

How to layout and respond to the away game? Xu Yang said: "In the first round of the encounter, the national football team performed well in the first half, through pressure and defense to destroy the opponent's connection. But after our defensive intensity was reduced in the second half, their tactical play put a lot of pressure on us, especially between the ribs or our forward line and the defensive line. Therefore, we must exert strong pressure on the opponent in the midfield tonight, which is the top priority, and we cannot let the opponent easily pass and connect in the midfield, otherwise it will put our defense under great pressure. Defend from the forwards, quickly counter-attack after conceding the ball, and so on, and then make a counterattack. In what area to set our defense line, how to maintain this intensity, substitution is very important. ”

"The biggest problem exposed by playing Japan is that it is impossible to complete the attack after the defense. Therefore, this game needs to make tactical or personnel adjustments, and I think Dai Weijun should be in the starting lineup. Because against Japan, Dai Weijun's connection and passing in 30 minutes can make the national football frontcourt become smooth. Although Wei Shihao is more grumpy in personality, he can provide a breakthrough on the court, and in that kind of one-on-one confrontation may ignite the team's desire for victory. Of course, we still hope that Wei Shihao can control his emotions and focus on the game, so that his threat will increase. ”

Xu Yang finally said: "The framework for the coaching team to choose the main force in a short period of time is very important, in a short period of time, we should have a new understanding of the players, which are suitable for starting, which can bring changes on the bench, these are very important. For physical, tactical and psychological reasons, some players may be fully released in the national team, but some players are somewhat lacking. As a result, the coaching staff is faced with a choice. It is very difficult to do well in a short period of time, but playing this game on the first day of the New Year, I hope that the national football players can play their own characteristics, style and even air superiority, and bring a victory and a wonderful game on the first day of the New Year. ”

in Boydwater

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