
Morning reading | spend a year in classical poetry

The New Year in ancient Chinese poetry has left us a vivid record of the lives of our ancestors.

Morning reading | spend a year in classical poetry

Reviewing ancient Chinese poems, there are obviously many written about the New Year. The Zhou Dynasty began to be established, and later there were poems involving the New Year. For example, Cao Zhi's "Yuanhui": "The first year of yuanzuo, the auspicious day is only good." It is for the Jiahui, feasting on this high hall", there are four festivals, writing the scene and the whole process of the New Year's Day and New Year's Day in the Cao Wei era. There are several poems in Tang poems written on the personal mood of Chinese New Year's Eve night, such as the poet Gao Shi's "Except for the Night": "The cold lights of the hotel do not sleep, and the guest's heart turns miserable." Hometown thinks of thousands of miles tonight, frost sideburns Ming Dynasty another year." For the wanderer who is a stranger in a foreign land, this poem always resonates. When I was in my thirties, I had two years of living in Lhasa and couldn't go home for the New Year, and I used to think about it all night.

New Year poems or poems written for the New Year, mostly Song Dynasty poems, and there are many famous poems, which have been recited to this day. According to my subjective judgment, there are two most likely songs to be quoted by posterity. One is the Northern Song Dynasty poet Wang Anshi's "Yuan Ri": "In the sound of firecrackers, one year old is removed, and the spring breeze sends warmth into Tusu." Thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old charms." The peach charm is to use two pieces of peach wood to write the names of the two gods, or to draw the two gods on paper, and hang or paste them on both sides of the door, which is said to have the effect of driving away evil spirits. Wang Anshi, the prime minister in charge of political reform, obviously used the "new peach for the old charm" to remove the old and welcome the new New Year custom, which implied the meaning of reform, and his good intentions were evident. Yuan's Day is the "New Year's Day" of the old calendar, that is, the first day of the New Year. In the 20th century, the Republic of China promoted the Gregorian calendar, but the old calendar New Year's Day was transferred to the flowers and trees as the title of the first day of the Gregorian calendar. Another far-reaching poem is Wang Anshi's predecessor Ouyang Xiu's "Sheng Cha Zi Yuan Xi": "On The First Night of last year, the flower market was as bright as day. The moon is on the willow tip, and the person is about after dusk. On New Year's Eve this year, the moon and lights are still there. I don't see last year's people, tears wet green shirt sleeves." The First Night is the Fifteenth Lantern Night of the First Month, which is a metaphor for ancient times, and is the ancient Chinese Valentine's Day, or Carnival. This is also thanks to Sima Qian, the Taishi Ling of the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who made the Lantern Festival a major festival in the early days of his founding. After that, there was no curfew at night, and men, women and children could go to the street to watch the lights and play. Unmarried women can also go out of the deep boudoir to "see people", if the two sides look at each other, they can date on the spot. Therefore, Ouyang Xiu has the saying "the head of the willow on the moon, and the person is about after dusk", which eventually became a famous sentence for thousands of years. Compared with Wang Anshi's political complex, Ouyang Xiu has more romantic feelings. I judge these two poems from the perspective of reader acceptance as the most influential of the "Nian Poems". It is said that it is not believed, and it can be measured by big data.

Nowadays, there are often science fiction novels or science fiction movies that show crosses. If you want to travel to which dynasty and which dynasty in your country, it is said that many people will choose the Song Dynasty. From the Northern Song Dynasty genius painter Zhang Zeduan's "Map of the Qingming River", people vividly witnessed the vibrant urban scene of Tokyo at that time with developed water and land transportation, commercial prosperity, free trade, and convenient life. This painting can be corroborated by the Song Dynasty's Meng Yuanlao's "Tokyo Dream Hualu", which mostly records the prosperous scene of Kaifeng, the capital city of the Song Huizong era: "Looking up, the Qinglou Painting Pavilion, embroidered bead curtains." The carved car races on the Sky Street, the BMW races on the Royal Road, the golden green shines, and the Luo Qi is fragrant. The new voice laughs skillfully at Liu Mo Hua qu and orchestrates it in the tea house liquor store." From the Song Dynasty, we can see more of the Song Dynasty culture that integrates both boldness and elegance. If you continue to ask which festival to cross, it is best to cross the Spring Festival. If you only go for one day, it is undoubtedly the Lantern Festival. If you think that the Northern Song Dynasty Ouyang Xiu's poem is written simply, then there is also the Southern Song Dynasty Xin Abandoned Disease's "Qingyu Case , New Year's Eve" can be supplemented. The words say: "The east wind blooms flowers and trees at night, and it blows down, and the stars are like rain." BMW carved car fragrant road. The sound of the phoenix vibrates, the jade pot turns, and the fish and dragon dance all night. Moth snow willow golden wisps, laughter full of dark incense. The multitudes looked for him a thousand times. Suddenly looking back, the man was there, and the lights were dimmed. "Fire tree honeysuckle, BMW incense car, urgent orchestra, bright moon lights, lanterns, lantern night is so confusing. There are more gorgeous costumes, laughter, and dark incense attacking women floating around, enough to make the teenager's spring heart fall, and they hurried to pursue. Xin Cixiang is known for his heroic and majestic, but the New Year's Eve words are written so gracefully and movingly that they have to be impressed. Some people say that this word has another sustenance, and it seems that it is necessary to find out the political subtle meaning. I thought that there was no need to wear a chisel appendage, and I insisted on dragging the reader out of the aesthetic enjoyment.

If in the future, the invention of the time machine can be implemented, then I suggest that the crosser will be a Song Huizong Zhao Who is full of artistic cells. Although I don't really appreciate his self-created thin gold body, I still buy his wild grass. As for his silk color painting "Ruihe Tu", it has a unique perspective, a novel composition, from the shape to the gods, all of which are self-explanatory, which can be described as the crown of ancient and modern times. But he was not suitable to be an emperor at all, so it was better to persuade him to just take care of the Hanlin Picture Academy. If he had listened to the advice, the Northern Song Dynasty would not have perished under the iron horse of Jinge.

During the Spring Festival, there has always been a custom of new year worship. Lu Rong of the Ming Dynasty wrote in the Miscellaneous Records of Shuyuan: "On the New Year's Day of the JingShi, from the officials of the dynasty to the Shu people, those who travel back and forth on staggered roads for several days are called 'Worshiping the New Year'". In the era of corrupt officials, there was probably no shortage of people who bought official titles in this bustling new year-worship team. But there are also New Year's greetings that neither ask for nor give gifts. The Ming Dynasty talent Wen Zhengming's poem "Bai Nian" says: "Do not seek to meet but to communicate, and the famous paper will come to the full house." I also throw a few pieces of paper with people, and the world is not too simple." Wen Zhengming only worked for three years in his life as a Hanlin Yuan, and then resigned and returned to his hometown, and poetry, literature, books, and paintings were all extinct, and he was also free to be a person. Friends can be easily engaged in each other, the so-called New Year's greeting is only to exchange names and thorns, and there is no need to look at each other. In fact, the Song Dynasty had this simple fashion of symbolic New Year worship, and it was not even necessary to personally cast a name thorn. Zhou Hui of the Song Dynasty recorded in the "Qingbo Magazine": "During the Song Yuanyou period, the New Year's Festival was often used by servants to hold the name of the thorn instead." The simplification of the New Year' Greeting, in today's WeChat era, has reached an unparalleled point. Sending a festive meme to the group is equivalent to the past group worship, but it saves a lot of red tape, not to mention the need to prepare tea candy. Send a New Year's greeting meme in the circle of friends, it is called circle worship. Some people have thousands of people in the WeChat circle of friends, which is even more cost-saving and labor-saving. If you use WeChat video to visit the New Year one-on-one, it is almost the same as visiting the door to visit the New Year. As for sending WeChat red envelopes, it is equivalent to sending money in person. Wen Zhengming said that "the world is not too simple to be vain." I said that since I used WeChat, I practiced every day, and I was already simple and virtual.

If anyone crossed over to the Ming Dynasty during the New Year, please inform Wen Zhengming of this invention so that he does not have to regret it. hehe! (Wang Jiren)

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