
#如果让你对战争说一句话, what would you say about the #I World War with more than fifteen million deaths and about ten million wounded. The death toll in World War II reached 7

author:Shdow zi yue

#如果让你对战争说一句话, what would you say#

The First World War killed more than fifteen million people and injured about 10 million people.

The Death Toll in World War II reached more than 70 million and the number of wounded reached 130 million.

War has destroyed countless families and separated wives and children, and the damage of war is enormous, and we must resist war!

At the same time, we are not afraid of war, for the sake of our country, for the sake of our compatriots, our families, we can stand up!

We hate war, but we dare to resist all the evil forces that wage war against us!

We love peace, but! We are not afraid of war!

Rise, the people suffer; death, the people suffer.

Wish: World peace.

#如果让你对战争说一句话, what would you say about the #I World War with more than fifteen million deaths and about ten million wounded. The death toll in World War II reached 7
#如果让你对战争说一句话, what would you say about the #I World War with more than fifteen million deaths and about ten million wounded. The death toll in World War II reached 7