
1. The wife found that her husband had some bad breath recently, so she took the time to accompany him to the hospital. The doctor stopped her outside the clinic, pale and lowered his voice and said, "The examination shows your husband, three days ago."

author:Flower waist sister loves music

1. The wife noticed that her husband had recently had some bad breath, so she took the time to accompany him to the hospital. The doctor stopped her outside the clinic, pale and lowered his voice, saying, "The examination shows that your husband died three days ago." The wife was stunned, turned her head to see her husband coming out of the examination room, naturally stepped forward to hold his hand, and said as usual, "The doctor said that you have been a little on fire recently, and I will give you soup later." Do you prefer winter melon ribs, or carrot corn? ”

2. Fang Zhan took Shi Tai down the mountain for a date, and when shi tai was about to go back, he wanted to buy some delicious relief. Fang Zhan loved to eat the brine tofu of a brine restaurant, and when Shi Tai bought it, he suddenly asked the boss: Is the brine soup used for this tofu a pot with meat? As a result, the boss was embarrassed and angry and did not sell to them. Fang Zhan was about to question Shi Tai when she stuck out her tongue to explain that there was no money in her wallet! Fang Zhan immediately praised her wit. After a while, she ran to the fruit stall and bought a durian, saying that she would treat her wit!

3. When I went home for the New Year, I was urged by my family to get married all day, and returning to work after the New Year turned out to be a relaxing thing for me, when I was tired from work and lying in bed half asleep and half awake, it seemed to hear the wall, toilet, bathroom, screen, mouse, and even the trash can full of tissues alternately heard a series of childish voices "Daddy, we want to find Mommy..." Suddenly woke up, alas..... It seems that this year needs to work hard!

4. This afternoon, Iron Pillar came to a gas station and wandered around for several hours. Later, the staff at the gas station couldn't help it. Several people came to the iron pillar with sticks and said: Comrade, you have been here for half a day, is there anything wrong? Iron Pillar said a little embarrassed: I'm really sorry, this is the safest place, I am trying to quit smoking.

5. A female supervisor of the unit has a strong style and likes a male colleague in the office. On the birthday of the male colleague, he drove an Audi with the male colleague and wanted to confess to others in the car. But the female supervisor was afraid of being rejected, so she said, "If you dare to reject me, I will die with you!" The female supervisor also deliberately slammed the accelerator, and the male colleague opened the car door and jumped out, breaking his leg three times! I want to say how much this male colleague hates her!

6. This afternoon, I forgot to bring my keys when I went out to see me. Looking up to see his wife drying her clothes on the balcony, she shouted: keys, car keys! The distance was too far for my wife to hear clearly, so I had to make a spinning gesture toward her. The wife suddenly realized, and nodded her head continuously! Then, she went into the house and found a pair of pliers to throw at me, almost didn't kill me...

7. Yesterday I drank with a few buddies until late at night, drunk and smoked home, lying on the sofa to sleep, only to be confused to hear a sentence, and drunk and drunk, believe it or not, the old lady beat you to death? I was so frightened that I quickly said: Honey, don't hit me, I won't drink it again next time. When I opened my eyes, my daughter took a voice recorder and said with a smile: Daddy, look at what scares you, did you forget that your mother was on a business trip?

8. After graduation, I went to work in the Vanke sales office, and I came home from work at eight o'clock this evening. As soon as I entered the door, I was bought by my wife from behind, and my surname fen said: Husband, you are so good to me! I'm a little confused, wife: today I cleaned up the room and found 500 yuan, and there was a note in it to buy a gift for my wife. I pretended to be calm: I wanted to surprise you, but I didn't expect to be discovered by you. My wife kissed me and said: Will you prepare a surprise for me in a corner? I immediately shook my head: No! The wife said, "No, you have." After saying that, she went to the TV cabinet and opened the drawer, and picked up the feather duster with a black face.

 #Funny Moment#Funny Paragraph# #年度搞笑名场面 #

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