
[Heart] Daily Farming: Psychology's Mother-in-Law Relationship: Growing up, people internalize their parents as part of their personality. Parents, in a sense, are themselves. People are better than

author:Pick up things and cultivate the heart

[Heart] one plough per day:

Psychology of Mother-in-Law Relationship:

Growing up, people internalize their parents as part of their personality. Parents, in a sense, are themselves.

People are more likely to be self-critical, even self-deprecating, but few people can accept the criticism of others. When someone is criticizing their parents, a person's real feeling is that they are being attacked.

When attacked, everyone instinctively protects themselves. So when the wife says bad things about the mother-in-law in front of the husband, the husband will protect his mother, even if he knows that the mother is wrong, he will find many reasons to rationalize the mother's behavior, just like defending himself.

In a marriage, the importance of emotions far exceeds the truth, even if the wife tries very hard to force her husband to admit that her parents are wrong, she wins the right and wrong, but loses more.

[Heart] Daily Farming: Psychology's Mother-in-Law Relationship: Growing up, people internalize their parents as part of their personality. Parents, in a sense, are themselves. People are better than

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