
The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

In the cold winter, some seemingly ordinary lifestyles are actually hidden in crises.

Many people will not think that because of the difference in a thought, the light is hospitalized, and the heavy is the destruction of the family.

In December 2020, Mr. Liu, a 53-year-old diabetic patient in Wuhan, soaked his feet in white vinegar at home to disinfect his feet, who knew that the ulcer gradually turned black, and was diagnosed with diabetic foot in the hospital for treatment, regretting that he could not save his toes.

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

(Source: Chutian Metropolis Daily)

In October 2020, Mr. Huizhou Cheng (suffering from diabetes and kidney disease) used ginger water to soak his feet, causing his feet to blister and ulcerate, and finally because of the serious infection, he needed to amputate his toes and protect his legs.

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

(Source: Healthy Guangdong)

Although soaking feet in winter is comfortable, if you soak wrong, something big will happen.

It is advisable not to soak the feet of three types of people: patients with varicose veins in the lower extremities/venous thrombosis of the lower extremities, patients with arterial stenosis or occlusion of the lower extremities, and patients with diabetic feet [1-2].

Healthy people soak their feet, there are also 3 tips:

1. Do not exceed 45 °C when the water temperature is not too high to prevent low temperature burns [3].

2. The time should not be too long, about 10 to 15 minutes, it is best not to exceed 30 minutes.

3. There are wounds and ulcers in the foot, it is best not to soak the feet, so as not to cause secondary bacterial infection.

At 13:42 on January 3, 2021, because of the clothes baking in the small sun, the home of a 17th-floor resident of a residential area in Hefei Suddenly caught fire, burning the home.

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

(Source: Anhui Finance and Economics Network)

On January 11, 2020, a post-00s mother in Hangzhou used a heater to bake clothes and burned her home...

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

(Source: Hebei Youth Daily)

CCTV has had simulation experiments to prove that after opening the electric heater, about 30 seconds, the temperature reached more than 150 degrees, and the temperature of the clothes placed next to it also reached more than 100 degrees. In just about 15 minutes, the clothes were emitting white smoke, and soon the electric heater ignited the clothes and caught fire.

So don't bake clothes on the electric heater for convenience. It should also be noted that when purchasing a heater, choose a product with the 3C certification mark (as shown below), and be sure to turn it off before going out.

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

On the evening of November 25, 2020, a small area in the middle of the mountain in Hangzhou was thick and rolling late at night, and the cause of the fire was the short circuit of the electric blanket!

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

(Source: Hangzhou Net)

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

(Source: Network)

On December 23, 2018, a man surnamed Guo in Xi'an was using an electric blanket for heating, when the electric blanket suddenly caught fire, burning him to a serious injury while he was asleep.

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

(Source: Sanqin Network)

The quality of electric blankets on the market varies, so be sure to look for the 3C mark when buying (as shown below). In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to the use of electric blankets for not too long, it is best to turn on electric heating within 1 hour before going to bed, turn off the power before going to sleep, and do not turn on the electric blanket all night.

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

In 2018, 27-year-old Xiao Wang was sent to the intensive care unit for rescue because of a cold. Finally, due to severe liver failure, Xiao Wang stopped breathing. The reason is that he mixes a variety of cold medicines to increase the dose...

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

(Source: CCTV)

Colds are high in winter, but what is more terrifying than colds is: mix cold medicine with them!

Cold medicine in pharmacies is basically a compound cold medicine, if we take a variety of at the same time, it is equivalent to indirectly increasing the dose by multiples, not only can not enhance the efficacy, but may cause serious adverse reactions, and even liver failure.

In the case of the antipyretic analgesic paracetamol, for example, the maximum daily dose for adults is 2 grams when used for antipyretic or ordinary analgesics. If consumed in large amounts over a day, severe hepatocyte necrosis and tubular necrosis may result [4-5].

In December 2020, two men in Chengdu were in a deep coma due to drinking and resting in a car with heating on, resulting in carbon monoxide poisoning, but fortunately they were found by the police passing by on official business and rescued in time.

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

(Source: People's Science and Technology)

In 2020, when the management of Shenzhen Bao'an District was inspecting, they found a woman in a roadside car comatose, rescued by medical staff for half an hour, and finally died. It is reported that at that time, the air conditioner was turned on in the car, and the doors and windows of the car were all closed.

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

(Source: Video screenshot)

In the idle state of the vehicle, due to the incomplete combustion of gasoline, a large amount of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide will be generated, which will enter the car with the air circulation. In addition, people will consume a lot of oxygen in the car, exhale carbon dioxide, and it is easy to be poisoned [6].

When the air conditioner is turned on for a long time in the car, there should be a gap in the window. If you feel dizzy and weak, get out of the car in time to breathe fresh air. Usually when driving, every once in a while to switch the inner and outer circulation or or open the window ventilation.

Although the wind shield can block the cold wind, it also blocks the safety!

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

According to Ningbo Daily, on December 10, 2014, a traffic accident occurred in Xiangshan County, where a motorcycle equipped with a windshield collided with a truck while turning a corner.

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

In May 2020, the Regulations on the Administration of Electric Bicycles in Jiangsu Province already stipulate that it is strictly forbidden to install devices such as roofs on electric vehicles that change the shape and structure of the driving safety.

Because the windshield is covered by the hand, when turning, the handlebar is easily restricted and falls, and there is a risk of secondary injury. In addition, its width exceeds the width of the handlebar, which is prone to hook accidents and even endangers life.

When riding, wear a helmet while keeping warm; don't put gloves on the handlebars; don't wear clothes backwards; knee pads are best used to keep warm.

On December 9, 2017, a 70-year-old man in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, died suddenly while bathing in a bathhouse. After on-site investigation by the police and forensic inquest, the appraisal is: sudden heart attack caused by death.

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

In November 2014, a 57-year-old man in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, died suddenly in his bathroom while bathing in a bathing center.

People suffering from basic diseases such as hypertension and heart disease, when bathing, due to excessive changes in body temperature, blood pressure will fluctuate greatly, which is easy to induce stroke and other diseases.

In addition, when using a gas water heater to bathe, it is easy to cause carbon monoxide accumulation, causing symptoms such as cardiac ischemia and hypoxia, endangering human health.

The bathing time should be controlled within 20 minutes; pay attention to ventilation; the water temperature should not be overheated, and it is advisable to be about 40 degrees Celsius.

In December 2020, a winter swimmer in his 60s and 70s was found dead at the Star Bay Baths.

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

(Source: Peninsula Morning Post)

In January 2018, in Huairou District, Beijing, an elderly man accidentally drowned during winter swimming, and the elderly son and neighbors were physically weak due to the depth and coldness of the water during the rescue process. By the time the rescuers arrived, all three had drowned.

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

(Source: Tencent Video Screenshot)

Winter swimming is loved by many people, but not everyone is suitable:

1. People with more serious heart disease, high blood pressure, nephritis and other diseases;

2. Persons under 16 years of age and over 70 years of age;

3. Mentally unsound patients (such as epilepsy, etc.);

4. Patients with otitis media.

Finally draw a key point, 8 things in winter, there are risks, it is best not to do, remember more, more healthy winter yo!

1. Soak your feet for too long

2. Bake laundry on the electric heater

3. Turn on the electric blanket all night

4. Cold medicine is mixed with food

5. Turn on the air conditioner in the car to sleep

6. The electric vehicle is equipped with a windshield in front

7. Take a hot bath for too long

8. Winter swimming

Review expert: Cao Xiaoxia | Deputy Chief Nurse of the Emergency Department of Xiangya Hospital, Central South University


[1] LI Xiaoqiang,ZHANG Fuxian,WANG Shenming. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of deep vein formation (third edition)[J].Chinese Journal of Vascular Surgery (Electronic Edition), 2017,9(04):250-257.

[2] Diabetes Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Infectious Disease Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Tissue Repair and Regeneration Branch of Chinese Medical Association. Chinese Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Diabetic Foot (2019 Edition) (I)[J].Chinese Journal of Diabetes, 2019.

Jia Chiyu,Yu Dongwen,Long Yi. Characteristics and treatment of low-temperature scalds[J].Chinese Journal of Injury and Repair (Electronic Edition),2011,6(05):826-828.

Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Part II[S]. 2005:170-171.

Liu Anxiang,Cheng Xiaojun. Adverse reactions of anti-cold drugs[J].Capital Medicine,1999,6(2):61.

[6] Yitong. Misunderstandings in the use of automobile air conditioners[J]. Automotive & Accessories, 2006(22): 32-33.

The colder the weather, the less you can do these 8 things! Light is hospitalization, heavy is dead!

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