
The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

author:Finger shadow
The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

There is such a movie, when you watch the first reaction is not good or bad, but stunned, shocked, emotionally difficult to express or mixed feelings. Or just one sentence that could express your emotions at the time, "What the hell is this TM movie?" In the West, there is a term for such films, namely WTF films.

The so-called WTF is actually the acronym of "What the fuck". It corresponds to a dirty word, but also represents an emotion of the audience. Whenever we see a movie that is very strange and difficult to classify simply, we call it a WTF movie. While it sounds a bit crude, WTF movies are not necessarily pejorative, and there will even be a lot of avid fans of WTF movies, as well as WTF movie websites, who promote or promote such movies in various ways.

From a genre point of view, WTF movies are more focused on genre films such as science fiction, horror, fantasy, etc., and they often ignore the traditional narrative structure and genre and make various bold changes. The themes of the film are mostly identity, time travel, reality and illusion, dreams, etc., and sex, violence and cult are often necessary elements. Of course, it would be nice to have a big reversal ending. The evaluation of such films is clearly divided into two factions, one is regarded as a supreme classic, and the other is regarded as a strange and dismissive. The two evaluations are opposed to each other, and there is no middle ground, which has become a major feature of this type of film.

In order to facilitate everyone to better understand WTF movies, "Total Film" has rated 50 classic WTF "god films" in film history. If you are a fan of this type of film, the above list of films will definitely make you happy.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

1. Eraserhead (1977)

Director: David Lynch

Starring: Jack Nance Jack Fisk

Genre: Fantasy/Drama/Horror

David Lynch's feature film debut, Eraserhead, has already announced that he will be a weird director with a difference. Many elements of his later works can be found in this film, including psychopathic characters, black and depressing film style, incomprehensible dream strange images, and so on. The rough imagery of the black-and-white film further gives the film a dreaded and gloomy atmosphere. A variety of surreal scenes that challenge the audience's nerves make this film a classic WTF movie.

WTF Moment: Henry intends to cut the roast chicken, but it keeps twisting in the plate.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

2. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Director: Stanley Kubrick

Starring: Kyle Dullah Gary Lockwood

Genre: Sci-fi/Adventure

This is both a magical science fiction film and a great film that can inscribe the history of film. With his transcendental creativity and imagination, Kubrick re-established the standard for the science fiction films of that era, including weightlessness, artificial intelligence and many others. This very esoteric and incomprehensible story has allowed the film to receive two levels of reviews, some people regard the film as a classic, others think he is pretentious. But all of this makes this film more eye-catching.

WTF Moment: Astronaut Dave Bowman walks through a kaleidoscopic tunnel made up of a variety of colors and futuristic sounds.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

Un chien andalou (1929)

Director: Luis Buñuel

Starring: Luis Buñuel Salvador Dali

Genre: Fantasy/Short Film

Luis Buñuel's masterpiece. With such a bold work, he heralded the rise of surrealist cinema. At that time, when cinema was just emerging, it was a time when you could boldly explore the style of cinema as you pleased. A variety of pre-existing experimental styles have emerged, and "An Andalus Dog" is undoubtedly one of the most influential. Donkeys on the piano, hands crawling with ants, cut eyeballs, the film has a variety of loose and irrelevant plots, such as a crazy dream.

WTF Moment: Cut the eye, of course, the moment of the eye cut. Everyone knew the shot was fake, but it still looked exciting.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

4. Videodrome (1983)

Director: David Cronenberg

Starring: James Woods Sonja Smits

Genre: Fantasy/Thriller/Sci-Fi/Horror/Suspense

David Cronenberg uses such a film to reflect on video violence and the impact of pornographic violence on people. His story is absurd and surreal, and wrapped in a cloak of horror. James Woods starred as an adult videotape businessman who himself was caught up in a mysterious videotape. In the film, Cronenberg shows his consistent expertise in directing physical horror films, and there are many shocking scenes that are unforgettable.

WTF Moment: James Woods has an opening in his stomach from which he can insert a videotape.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

5. The Life of a Puppet by Being John Malkovich (1999)

Director: Spike Jones

Starring: John Cusack Cameron Diaz

Genre: Fantasy/Drama/Comedy

The film was the first collaboration between ghost screenwriters Charlie Kaufman and Spike Jones, and established a multi-year-long partnership between the two. It's a very interesting movie, with the character of John Cusack accidentally finding out that he can get into John Markovich's brain, his wife profiting from it, and the story getting more and more interesting. Charlie Kaufman brings a very different idea, using this absurd story to think about man's self-perception as a human being.

WTF Moment: When John Markovich entered his head, he found John Markovich everywhere, regardless of gender, race, or age.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

6. Destiny's Gate Primer (2004)

Director: Shirn Karus

Starring: Shirne Karus David Sullivan

Genre: Thriller/Drama/Sci-Fi

The cost of this film is very low, only 7000 US dollars. Since then, it has received many praises, including winning the Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize in the feature film category, and the engineer-turned-Shane Carus has several positions, writing, directing, acting and editing. The film tells the story of four friends who invent a bug-checking machine, only to turn it into a time machine, and everything becomes interesting. The story is simple to say, but it's actually very difficult to understand because its focus is not on the narrative at all.

WTF Moment: This movie will probably leave you scratching your head and not understanding what he's really saying.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

7. 《怪形》 The Thing (1982)

Director: John Carpenter

Starring: Kurt Russell Wilford Brimley

Genre: Horror/Suspense/Thriller/Sci-Fi

Release Date: June 25, 1982 UNITED STATES

The masterpiece of B-class horror master John Carpenter tells the story of a group of members of an American scientific expedition who discovered an attacked base in Antarctica and encountered greater danger during the exploration. Suspicion and mutual distrust among members in the face of danger become the best means of creating a horror effect, which is also the usual method of conflict in claustrophobic spaces. The slime makeup of this film is also unforgettable.

WTF Moment: Eventually, the monster forms a half-human, half-monster supernatural form with humans.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

8 Spirited Away (2001)

Director: Hayao Miyazaki

Starring: Rumi Hiirai Ireno

Genre: Animation/Adventure/Family/Fantasy

Miyazaki's most internationally renowned animated film was once the number one non-English film at the global box office (surpassed by Untouchable). Miyazaki shows his amazing imagination in this work, such as the fairy tale of "Alice in Wonderland", and the background of the story can be found in reality, which also gives his work a deeper meaning. As an animated film, the film also won two awards, the Golden Bear Award and the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

WTF Moment: When the bathhouse is invaded by the god of decay, the scene is really weird.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

9. Inception (2010)

Directed by: Christopher Nolan

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio Joseph Gordon-Levitte

Genre: Thriller/Sci-Fi/Adventure/Action

Nolan brought this "Inception" in between filming the superhero box office blockbuster "Batman Series". The film is set in the character's dream, so the director can show his imagination as much as he wants, as imaginative as possible, and we can see all kinds of wonders. The interlocking set of layers in the structure of the play makes the audience need to draw a huge chart to smooth out the whole story. Fortunately, how to understand Nolan's story has always been the fun of every Nolan film fan.

WTF Moments: Leonardo's character rolls up in order to show Alan Peggy's character the wonders of a dreamer.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

Wizard of Oz (1939)

Director: Victor Fleming

Starring: Judy Garland Frank Morgan

Genre: Fantasy/Family/Adventure/Cabaret

The film is well-known in film history, including being shortlisted for a variety of classic films from the American Film Institute, and has received multiple Academy Award nominations. The cowardly lion, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and a girl travel together to the Emerald City, a fairy tale known to everyone. While it may seem like nothing wrong, isn't it weird enough for a little girl to be taken by a tornado to a world full of witches, and her friends are lions, tin men, and scarecrows?

WTF Moment: The evil Witch of the West unleashes an army of flying monkeys to attack Dorothy.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

11. Psychedelic Performance (1970)

Director: Donald Carmel

Starring: James Fox Mick Jagger

Genre: Music/Fantasy/Drama/Crime

Nicholas Logue, who had worked as a cinematographer for directors such as Roger Koeman and Truffaut, made his debut as a director in his forties, and he teamed up with the painter Donald Carmel to direct the film starring Mick Jagger, but it was not a star movie, and the psychedelic style and neurotic temperament of the film made the film full of experiments. Warner is even more worried about the impact because the film is full of sexual, violent and other content, and has repeatedly delayed the release of the film.

WTF Moment: James Fox hallucinates after taking psychotropic drugs.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

Enter the Void (2010)

Director: Gaspar No

Starring: Paz de la Verta Nesenel Brown

Genre: Drama/Thriller

Gaspar Noir has always been a director whose works are not surprising and endless, "Irrevocable" caused a contagious exit in Cannes, and the new film "Escape into Nothingness" also caused heated discussion. The film was shot from a first-person perspective, and the entire film presents the state as if someone has eaten LSD psychedelics, which dazzles the audience. And a large number of erotic shots and plot fragments that are not too strongly related are also a very big test for the audience.

WTF Moment: A subjective shot of the vagina that sees semen ejaculate from the penis.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

13. "Fantastic Ideas" Brazil (1985)

Director: Terry Gilliam

Starring: Jonathan Pres, Robert De Niro

Genre: Fantasy/Drama/Sci-Fi/Comedy

The film was partly inspired by George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. In a highly centralized future world, order is also the strangulation of human nature, and some small changes in the protagonist affect the whole world. Director Terry Gilliam turned it into a black comedy full of fantasy. The film reflects on the totalitarian world in a fretting and funny atmosphere, and becomes a masterpiece of dystopian cinema, and the jokes and satire in the film are even more unforgettable.

WTF Moments: Jonathan Presley plays the protagonist who dreams of becoming a vengeful angel and fighting a giant Japanese samurai.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

Inland Empire (2007)

Starring: Laura Dunn Jeremy Irons

Genre: Thriller/Suspense

David Lynch's work, at this time David Lynch is more and more immersed in the world of self, and his work is becoming more and more obscure. In addition to the confusion that the characters have dual identities, there are also some seemingly unrelated plots mixed in, and even the female lead laura Dunn herself said that she had no idea what the movie said.

WTF Moment: In worm eyes, Dunn's character becomes a monster.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

15. Iron Man 2: Flesh and Blood, Tetsuo II: Body Hammer (1992)

Director: Tsuneya Tsukamoto

Starring: Tomoro Taguchi Shinya Tsukamoto

Genre: Drama/Sci-Fi/Horror

The famous work of Shinya Tsukamoto is also one of the representatives of Japanese cult films. Tsukamoto also holds several positions in the film, directing, writing, starring, photography, editing, and producing. The film explores the panic of the industrial age, the mechanization of the human body, and therefore also belongs to the category of body horror films. Radical soundtracks, fast and rhythmic editing, and rough black-and-white photography further contributed to this industrial panic.

WTF Moment: The man notices that screws appear on his face and that his sexual organs are turned into electric drills.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

16. The Masked Persona (1966)

Director: Ingmar Bergman

Starring: Bibi Anderson, Liv Uman

Genre: Drama

A psychodrama by Ingmar Bergman, he attempts to explore the human heart with an allegorical story. The film tells the story of a well-known actress who suffers from a strange illness who refuses to speak and remains silent for months. The film sees language as a false mask, but when the character chooses silence, he undoubtedly wears a larger mask. The director explores a metaphysical proposition in the form of a film, which is also the content of many of Bergman's films.

WTF Moments: At the beginning of the film, the director forms a series of montage passages with a seemingly unrelated set of shots, including various elements such as sex and violence.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

17. Possession (1981)

Director: Andrei Zulaski

Starring: Isabelle Adjani Sam Neil

Genre: Drama/Horror

The masterpiece of Polish director Andrei Zulaski, a work of gloom, horror and perversion. The male protagonist suspects that his wife is having an affair, so he hires a private investigator to investigate, but finds a very terrible situation. Dark and terrifying otherworldly, dirty, slimy demons, the film creates a terrifying alternative world with a strong visual form. And french actress Isabelle Adjani also won the Cannes film queen of the year for her outstanding performance in this film.

WTF Moments: The scene of beautiful Adjani interceding with a slimy demon.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)

Director: Robert Wayne

Starring: Werner Klaus Conrad Vader

Genre: Thriller/Drama/Horror

The masterpiece of German Expressionist cinema shows the crazy heart of the characters with strange, distorted and extremely exaggerated visual images, while creating a strange world with exaggerated scenery. The resulting expressionist film style had a profound impact on too many subsequent films. The plot is also insane, about a psychopathic criminal, and hypnotic control.

WTF Moments: In the original weird ending, it is revealed that the hero Francis is also a mental patient cared for by Dr. Caligari.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

19. 《圣山》The Holy Mountain (1973)

Director: Alessandro Zodulovsky

Starring: Alessandro Zodurowski Horasio Salinas

Genre: Adventure/Suspense/Fantasy/Sci-Fi

Chilean surreal film director Alessandro Zodurowski's masterpiece "Holy Mountain", a rebellious and deviant work, there are many rebellious contents of desecration of religion and gods. The cult content in the film is ambitious and bold, such as cars full of corpses, uncontrolled sexual displays, and blasphemous priests. The director challenged the recognized authority and norms in such a crazy way, and made this film a classic in cult films.

WTF Moments: The journey to the mountain was temporarily delayed because they were going to visit the Temple Bar and attend a party at the cemetery.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

Barton Fink (1991)

Director: Joel Cohen

Starring: John Teturro John Goodman

Genre: Drama/Comedy

The Coen brothers became the biggest winner of the Cannes Film Festival that year, winning the Best Picture, Best Director and Film Awards. The whole film is full of magical colors and surrealist style, which visualizes the dilemma encountered by the creators in the creation and the contradiction between business and free will, and gives them a magical taste.

WTF Moment: John Goodman shouts in the inn corridor where the fire is on fire: I'll show you what the imaginary world is.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

21. Out of the Blue Society (1990)

Director: Brian Juzner

Genre: Horror/Suspense/Suspense

Brian Juzner's directorial debut brought such a shocking horror film, and the final part of the film exceeded the ability of many audiences to bear with unimaginable perversion and blurred flesh and blood, and also took the physical horror genre to a new level. The film is a surreal satire of the capitalist rich, likening them to human-eating monsters whose ultimate behavior is really human flesh eating and various absorption deformations.

WTF Moment: Growing a face from the butt, I think the picture can already illustrate how WTF this movie really is.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

Director: Drew Gundam

Starring: Kristen Connolly Chris Hemsworth

Genre: Horror/Thriller

Drew Gundam, who was the screenwriter of "Lost" and "Clover Files", his first directorial debut "Cabin in the Woods" touched many audiences with a very bold subversion, and was also regarded as the most worthwhile horror film of 2012. The first half of the film, like all horror films, continues the traditional story structure, the desolate holiday home in the forest, the mysterious legend and the zombie, but the subsequent changes are very surprising, the film subverts the traditional horror genre, and is a horror movie that is very fun to play.

WTF Moment: At the end of the film, we suddenly find that various horror movie monsters have made a big collection here.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

The Exterminating Angel (1962)

Starring: Binar Sylvia Claudio Brooke

Genre: Fantasy/Drama/Suspense

Buñuel's well-known surrealist film is also a bizarre satirical comedy. The film revolves around a grand banquet where guests find them unable to leave, so they remain trapped in it. The film can be interpreted in many ways, such as the bourgeoisie, contemporary Spanish society, the shackles of human traditional norms, and so on. Like many of Buñuel's works, we cannot analyze it with very clear logic. This ambiguity has also become the charm of the film.

WTF Moment: A flock of sheep breaks into the room and the guests swoop over and grab the sheep in order to slaughter and eat them.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

24. The Deformed Man (Freaks) (1932)

Directed by: Todd Browning

Starring: Lila Hayames Olga Bagulanova

Genre: Drama/Horror/Thriller

This film caused a lot of controversy because this work that reflects the deformed people uses the performances of real deformed people actors. This kind of film that shows the spectacle of the disabled is synonymous with political incorrectness, but the out-of-the-box approach has also made this film a well-known horror film in film history. The film tells the story of some deformed people in the circus who are deceived by normal people and begin to take revenge. What the film wants to say is "What exactly can be considered a normal person?" ”

WTF Moment: In the film, a man with no arms or legs, only a torso, uses his tongue to light a cigarette.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

25. The Illusion of Death, Donnie Darko (2001)

Director: Richard Kelly

Starring: Jack Gyllenhaal Catherine Rose

Genre: Thriller/Drama/Sci-Fi/Suspense

Richard Kelly, who is under 30 years old, made his first work, The Illusion of Death. Its strong cult style and the interpretation of terms such as offline universe and primary universe have confused many viewers. In addition, the narrative structure of the film deliberately breaks the traditional linear narrative method and confuses the audience with the method of staggering time. Formally, although this film does not have a large-scale science fiction scene, it has become a unique science fiction classic with noun theory and interesting story.

WTF Moment: The protagonist meets a man dressed as a Halloween bunny. He told him that the world would be destroyed after 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

26. The Wicker Man (1975)

Director: Robin Hardy

Starring: Edward Woodward Britt Ekrano

Genre: Thriller/Suspense/Drama/Horror

A very well-known British horror film, it has been selected for various classic horror movie lists, and it is also the best horror film of the Saturn Awards that year. The film was remade in 2006 by Nicholas Cage, but the most classic is the original version from 1973. The film tells the story of a policeman who goes to the island to investigate the disappearance of the girl, but finds that the residents of the island believe in a mysterious and strange ancient religion, and he himself is in trouble to save the girl.

WTF Moment: The first sign of abnormality in the local population is that a child put a frog in his mouth while treating a sore throat.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

27. The Ghost Chases Phantasm (1979)

Director: Dan Cascarari

Genre: Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Horror

A series of horror films that began in the 70s, followed by several more, referring to the first one. The male protagonist always thinks that his friend died strangely, and goes to the cemetery to find out what is going on, and he finds that the local tall funeral home manager is very strange, and the guy is turning people into zombies through some strange methods. The tall villain in the film is particularly impressive, and the killer ball with the drill is a very classic horror movie prop.

WTF Moment: The woman suddenly kills her lover while making love, and then the woman becomes the evil tall man.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

28. Katakuri-ke no kôfuku (2001)

Director: Takashi Miike

Starring: Kenji Koda, Ryoko Matsuzaka

Genre: Horror/Cabaret/Comedy

This is a weird movie by Takashi Miike, based on Kim Ji-woon's "Death Without Publicity Bizarre Murder". The story is similar to the previous game, but it is still a family that runs a holiday home and encounters various bizarre events. However, compared with the previous version, the content of black comedy has been weakened, adding elements of song and dance films, making the film a bit of a genre mix-and-match absurdity, and the ending is a positive theme. The clay animation used at the beginning and end of the film has a lot of flavor for Jan Sweymeyer's work.

WTF Moment: A woman in the opening scene is attacked by a clay demon hiding in a soup. This section of the road is presented in the form of clay animation, which is very weird and impressive.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

Carnival of Souls (1962)

Genre: Thriller/Horror

Release Date: September 26, 1962 United States

This film is a classic B-grade horror film of the 60s, and its plot setting has influenced many works such as "The Sixth Sense" later. The film tells the story of the heroine who sees some very strange phenomena after miraculously surviving a car accident. No one in the town seemed to be able to see her, and some strange pale guys kept talking to her... The excellent organ score further renders the film's horror atmosphere.

WTF Moment: The protagonist Mary looks out the car window and reflects a man behind her.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

30. Lost Highway (1997)

Starring: Bill Pullman, Patricia Aquet

Genre: Thriller/Drama/Horror/Suspense/Crime

After Twin Peaks, David Lynch launched The Night's Trail. Compared with this film, "Twin Peaks" will appear somewhat mainstream. David Lynch further disrupts the narrative structure in the film, leaving the plots without logic, like a chaotic nightmare. It's a dark, gloomy story told by schizophrenics. Lynch defined the film as "the noir horror film of the 21st century."

WTF Moment: Lead actor Bill Pullman meets a mysterious man at a party who looks strange and terrifying and also appears in his home at the same time.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

31. Pi Pi (1998)

Director: Darren Aronofsky

Genre: Thriller/Sci-Fi

Darren Aronofsky's directorial debut, an ambitious fantasy thriller. The genius mathematician, eager to mathematically calculate the movement of the stock market, ends up in the middle of the calculation, thinking that he can find a way to communicate with God, and the story becomes more bizarre as the plot progresses. The film's personal style is bold and prominent, and the rough images and sharp editing have allowed many people to see the talent of this newcomer director.

WTF Moment: The protagonist finally finds a way to get rid of the pain permanently, that is... He found a drill.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

32. Cold Blooded Horrors Repulsion (1965)

Director: Roman Polanski

Starring: Catherine Deneuve Ian Hendry

Release date: May 1965 France

In a film shot by Roman Polanski after he traveled to England, Catherine Deneuve starred as a neurotic woman who suppressed her desires. The director conveys her almost crazy inner world to the audience in a figurative form. The film was a hit and became a horror film masterpiece in the hearts of many people, and was also shortlisted for the Berlin International Film Festival. Polanski's crazy and daring hand in the film made a good start for his horror film experience for many years.

WTF Moment: The heroine crosses a narrow alley full of arms.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

33. Doctor Metamorphosis, Altered States (1980)

Director: Ken Russell

Starring: William Hurt Blair Brown

Genre: Fantasy/Drama/Sci-Fi/Horror

It's still a movie about hallucinations and the subconscious. The director is the well-known British character director Ken Russell. His work has always been eccentric and controversial, and he is also one of the directors with a very WTF element. The film tells the story of a scientist who uses sensory deprivation and drugs to enter a strange psychedelic world, and this hallucinatory world is becoming more and more attractive to him, making him unable to extricate himself.

WTF Moment: William Hurt's character is crucified and his head becomes a sheep with seven eyes.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

Naked Lunch (1991)

Starring: Peter Weller, Judy Davis

Genre: Biography/Comedy/Drama/Fantasy/Horror

When the crazy and eccentric director David Konenberg encountered William Barros's infamous "Naked Lunch", it made this weird fantasy film. The film constructs a strange hallucinatory world caused by drugs, such as a talking typewriter, a keyboard face, and so on. Cronenberg constructs a unique visual world for audiences with his best horror fantasy genre.

WTF Moment: The protagonist William Lee notices that his typewriter has turned into a bug and begins talking to him.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

35. Stalker (1980)

Director: Andrei Tarkovsky

Starring: Anatoly Solonitzin Alexander Kaidanovsky

Genre: Sci-Fi/Suspense/Fantasy/Drama/Adventure

Tarkovsky's science fiction film, like most of his work, is less intimate with the audience. The film revolves around a metaphysical proposition about a stalker who travels to the Chamber of Secrets in search of his ultimate desire. Obscure stories and long shots are a test for many people, but some viewers believe that this is a great science fiction film with an epic temperament, and the deep themes explored in it can be explored repeatedly.

WTF Moment: The man finally finds that room in the mysterious area... But I changed my mind about wanting to go in.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

36. The Night of the Lost Soul by La Cite des enfants perdus (1995)

Director: Jean-Pierre Genet

Starring: Ron Pullman Daniel Emil Fork

Genre: Fantasy/Drama/Sci-Fi/Adventure

The early works of Jean-Pierre Genet, the director of "Angel Amelie", are also a strange story full of imagination and strange ideas. Children in the city frequently disappear, and the real culprit is actually trying to steal their dreams. The film begins with a quirky story, and the avant-garde costume design and expressionist style create a strong sense of absurdity.

WTF Moments: In the open dream clip, a child's home breaks into a whole bunch of Santa Claus.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

37. Synecdoche, New York (2008)

Director: Charlie Kaufman

Starring: Philip Seymour Hoffman Samantha Morton

Genre: Comedy/Drama

Ghost screenwriter Charlie Kaufman's directorial debut was a big hit before its release, but after its official release, it was snubbed because the play was too complex and difficult to understand. The film uses metaphorical methods to compare and compare people's lives. Comparing New York to the world, the life of the people in the play allows the audience to jump out of their own way and reconsider the world. The complex and eccentric script allows the film to be close to one group of people and alienated from another.

WTF Moment: When the film ends when the protagonist Carden writes a play, he asks Sammy to play himself in the play.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

38. A Scanner Darkly (2006)

Director: Richard Linklater

Starring: Robert Downey Jr. Keanu Reeves Jr

Genre: Animation/Thriller/Drama/Sci-Fi/Suspense

The film is based on the classic novel of Philip Dick, and unlike the author's other works, it is not a thrilling sci-fi blockbuster, but a quirky animation. Of course, this is not exactly animation. The film was first filmed from a live-action film, and then later animated by post-processing, which became the most bizarre part of the film. And the psychedelic feeling that pervades the film is difficult to distinguish between true and false will also make many viewers uneasy.

WTF Moment: After Keanu Reeves used drugs that could change his identity, his image changed with it.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010)

Director: Apichatpong Welashaku

Genre: Comedy/Fantasy/Drama

The winner of the 2010 Cannes Palme d'Or from the famous Thai director Apichatpong Welashagu. Another obscure work. The mystical atmosphere conveyed in the film, and the philosophies that are hidden later on eternal topics such as life and death, make the film not so close to the audience. At the same time, the work is like a strange dream, and the oriental philosophy in the work, which fascinates others.

WTF Moment: A princess makes love to a talking catfish.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T. (1953)

Director: Roy Roland

Genre: Family/Fantasy/Music/Romance

Written by the well-known children's writer Dr. Seuss, the bizarre story setting, script and even lyrics were all written by Dr. Seuss. Tell the crazy idea of a piano teacher who recruited 500 children to practice the piano all the time. One of the children, Bart, wanted to be liberated from the teacher's plan, so he began the plan.

WTF Moment: An elevator worker dressed like an executioner sings "Elevator Song" with bizarre lyrics: "The first dungeon, mixed with all kinds of torture: molten lead, chopping board, and piping hot oil..."

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

41. "Gluttonous Tree" Otesánek (2001)

Director: Jan Sven Meyer

Genre: Comedy/Drama/Fantasy/Horror/Thriller

Gluttonous Tree is from the well-known Czech stop animation master Jan Sven Meyer. It is a stop-motion work that combines live-action and animation. The film tells the story of a couple who adopt a tree baby, which is a fairy tale but full of dark elements. Like all of Sven Meyer's works, this work has both a wild imagination and a strange scene that challenges the audience's acceptance, and you will find that the original puppet fairy tale can be so terrifying.

WTF Moment: The tree baby's appetite grew larger and larger, and even began to eat his mother's hair.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

42 Mulholland Drive (2001)

Starring: Naomi Watts, Laura Haring

Genre: Drama/Suspense/Thriller

Mulholland Drive is a culmination of David Lynch's work, inheriting David Lynch's usual style without being too egotistical and alienating to the audience, as in his other works. The film uses various symbols, metaphors, loops and other techniques to deal with this strange story, the intersection of reality and dreams. Illogical, eccentric and difficult to understand, on the one hand, it makes many viewers stay away, and at the same time, it has become the best work in the hearts of many movie fans.

WTF Moment: A nightmarish clip of a man making an unwise decision to check out a small restaurant.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

43. Jacob's Ladder (1990)

Director: Adrian Lane

Starring: Tim Robbins Elizabeth Pena

Adrian Lane, who specializes in erotic films, brought this suspenseful thriller to the '90s. The film tells the story of a Vietnam Veteran, the whole film is caught between reality and illusion, and the excellent structure and various settings make it difficult for the audience to distinguish between true and false and find the truth. This film provides reference and inspiration for many such psychological thrillers in terms of drama structure and suspense setting.

WTF Moment: The most amazing thing is the reversed ending!

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

The Tree of Life (2011)

Directed by: Terrence Malik

Starring: Brad Pitt Sean Penn

Terrence Malik, who has been sharpening his sword for several years, launched "Tree of Life" last year, which conquered audiences with exquisite visual spectacle and majestic stories, and won the Palme d'Or at Cannes last year. The story of the film is not strong, and there are many paths that can be interpreted, which also causes the film to have a bipolar status in the hearts of fans. But it must be admitted that this is an impressive work, such as its picture.

WTF Moments: There are many bizarre scenes in the film, including nebulae, the universe, and ancient dinosaurs.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

45. The Weekend Week End (1967)

Director: Jean-Luc Godard

Starring: Joan-Pierrey Calvern Mireye Dahlke

One of Godard's masterpieces, he was shortlisted for the Berlin Film Festival. Like many of Godard's works, this film is very different and obscure. The film tells the story of a couple who travel to Paris, encountering a series of car accidents, murders and robberies and other crazy events. The film's expression is equally unique, as opposed to the audience's daily cinematic experience. The variety of super long shots and the very un-Hollywood editing methods make people impressed with this film.

WTF Moment: On the way to Paris, the couple encountered a super traffic jam and a car accident. The film coldly records this event in a super-long shot of seven or eight minutes.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

46. Labyrinth (1986)

Director: Jim Hansen

Starring: David Bowie, Jennifer Connery

Director Jim Hansen has incorporated almost all of his weird ideas into the film. The film tells the story of a little girl who enters the magical labyrinth to save her brother. There are marionette monsters, all kinds of weird shapes, villains with strange makeup, weird songs and dances, and David Bowie's joining. At the same time, it is a fairy tale.

WTF Moment: When David Bowie leads a group of marionette puppet monsters to a magical dance, it is really... It's weird. And, of course, his strange look that resembles a contemporary Killer Matt.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

47. The Will of Dr. Mabbus Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse (1933)

Director: Fritz Lang

Genre: Thriller/Suspense/Crime

This film is the masterpiece of the great German director Fritz Lang. The film tells the story of a crime boss who is still able to plan and instigate various crimes in a mental hospital, even after his death. It was a film with a distinctly expressionist style and was banned by the authorities for its allusions to Nazism. Fritz Lang also practiced his style with this distinctive work.

WTF Moment: The head of the psychiatric hospital encounters the ghost of Dr. Mabus in his office, a translucent ghost-like creature.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

48. The Fountain (2006)

Starring: Hugh Jackman Rachel Vichy

Genre: Drama/Romance/Sci-Fi

This is a rather strange and obscure work by Darren Aronofsky. The film uses dazzling graphics and many metaphysical topics to tell a love story. The narrative is jumpy and divided into three parts, and the form also brings out some psychedelic flavor. The film mentions many issues such as death, reincarnation, and what is eternal life, and for many viewers, it is too esoteric to explore these topics in the film.

WTF Moments: The character played by Hugh Jackman has such a picture in a future part. He sits in the middle of the screen like a Buddha statue, with intense light and bubbles behind him.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

49. Kill List (2011)

Director: Ben Vitelli

Starring: Michael Smiley Neil Muskell

Genre: Crime/Horror/Thriller

This is Ben Vitley's second feature film, which has been hailed as the "strangest", "scariest" and "most unexpected" British horror film of all time. The film begins with the style of a Mike Lee family life film, becomes a killer story in the middle, and ends with a completely crazy horror film, and the sharp change in style makes the film look different.

WTF Moment: The two protagonists accidentally intervene in a strange cult ritual while performing a killer mission. The screams of those masked cultists filled the entire escape tunnel, making every spectator creepy.

The 50 greatest WTF films in film history

50. Holy Motors (2012)

Director: Leo Carax

Starring: Denis Lavan, Edise Scoble

Genre: Drama/Fantasy

Since 1999's Bora X, Leo Carax hasn't released a new work for more than a decade. The new film "Sacred Carriage" was previously released in Cannes and caused great repercussions, with some calling it the god of the year, while others said the film was chaotic and difficult to understand. This extreme bipolar evaluation happens to be one of the characteristics of the film, that is, the unique originality.

WTF Moment: The director's royal actor Denis Lavan has played multiple roles in the film, the most bizarre of which is this monster character, crazy and irrational. You see, he's eating flowers.

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