
This Beijing Winter Olympics, in addition to shock, there is also an unknown side. When it comes to the Winter Olympics, many people are shocked by China's leading venue design. Extreme energy efficiency, full

author:Yu Qiang

This Beijing Winter Olympics, in addition to shock, there is also an unknown side. When it comes to the Winter Olympics, many people are shocked by China's leading venue design. The ultimate energy efficiency and energy saving, full of green cutting-edge technology, these are all enjoyable. However, in addition to this, many people have overlooked that this Winter Olympics still contains a "secret". In the past, every Olympic Games required the construction of a lot of infrastructure. From Athens to London to Rio, from the organization of the event, to the transportation and broadcasting, communication, security and other systems, a large number of server computers need to be invested in the normal operation of the event. However, these investments are all one-time investments, and these devices are left idle after the game. Therefore, after each Olympic Games, there is a chicken feather left. A large amount of infrastructure became a "ruin" for a time. The China Winter Olympics this time have effectively solved this problem. As a global Partner of the Olympic Games, Alibaba served the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, creating the first Olympic Games in the history of the 100-year Olympic Games in which the core system was fully clouded. What is the Olympics on the Clouds? In simple terms, it is to replace the ground server with remote cloud technology, so that the entire Olympic event has shifted from heavy assets to light assets. In this way, not only can the organizer save a lot of money. At the same time, a certain waste of resources is also avoided. More notably, the high-capacity nature of cloud computing can also unleash more media productivity, drastically reducing the complexity of the reporting process, personnel costs, and space occupation. The manpower saved can be invested in innovative content. You know, the current global is advocating green energy saving. This transformation in China has undoubtedly provided the world with a new Olympic sample that integrates science and technology, green and humanities!

This Beijing Winter Olympics, in addition to shock, there is also an unknown side. When it comes to the Winter Olympics, many people are shocked by China's leading venue design. Extreme energy efficiency, full
This Beijing Winter Olympics, in addition to shock, there is also an unknown side. When it comes to the Winter Olympics, many people are shocked by China's leading venue design. Extreme energy efficiency, full
This Beijing Winter Olympics, in addition to shock, there is also an unknown side. When it comes to the Winter Olympics, many people are shocked by China's leading venue design. Extreme energy efficiency, full

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