
17 years ago, "coal boss" Zhang Chi went to Dubai to experience aristocratic life, spending 15 million yuan in 2 days, and before leaving, a local aristocratic friend set up a banquet for him. After drinking and eating, the other party has nothing

author:Small mischievous food

17 years ago, "coal boss" Zhang Chi went to Dubai to experience aristocratic life, spending 15 million yuan in 2 days, and before leaving, a local aristocratic friend set up a banquet for him. After drinking and eating, the other party inadvertently revealed: In Dubai, even if you have 1 billion, you are an ordinary person, and the real nobles are those who go to the desert to plant trees.

Zhang Chi Shanxi people, ancestors are poor people, Zhang Chi did not read for a few years before dropping out of school to work, laid stalls on the ground, and ate all kinds of hardships. In order to make quick money, Zhang Chi took the initiative to join the "coal digging army", ready to work hard for a few years, saving enough for his wife to return to his hometown for a safe birthday.

In the 80s, the price of coal mines experienced one rise and one down, one price a day, many coal bosses sold mobile phones at low prices, Zhang Chi seized the opportunity, took out all his savings, borrowed all his relatives and friends, gritted his teeth and buried the coal mountain, did not expect this coal mountain to zhang Chi's hands, poor mines became rich mines, in just a few years, the annual profit reached tens of millions, Zhang Chi jumped to become a "coal boss".

Next, Zhang Chi successively purchased 5 coal mountains and lived a life of Nijin Doujin ever since.

The clothes in the cabinet are not cold, and there is food in the house that is not panicked. With the tension of money, he began to squander his assets recklessly, lived in a mansion and drove a luxury car, and the secretary and bodyguard were all available, in today's words: "Properly embarked on the peak of life."

However, despite the extreme luxury of material life, Zhang Chi's heart often felt empty, and in his heart, no culture was a barrier that could not be crossed. Talking to a business boss, he will feel inferior and afraid of being seen as a joke if he says the wrong thing.

Friends reminded Zhang Chi: "Go to Dubai to see, I heard that there are nobles everywhere, even if you draw a tiger according to a cat, you can learn to come back."

So Zhang Chi came to Dubai, spent as much money as the soil, and spent 15 million yuan in three days.

Before returning to China, a local aristocratic friend inadvertently told Zhang Chi: Brother, in Dubai, even if you have 1 billion yuan, you are an ordinary person, and the real nobles are those who plant trees in the desert and seek the well-being of their children and grandchildren.

A word to wake up the dreamer, Zhang Chi regretted not at the beginning, he always thought that as long as he had money, he could become an aristocrat, it was ridiculous, and now, he understood the "truth that the predecessors planted trees and the people were cool."

After returning to China, Zhang Chi met the leaders of the Ningxia Poverty Alleviation Office at a wine table and learned that Ningxia was carrying out a poverty alleviation plan for one million mu of vineyards. The leader said: "Boss Zhang, go to our Ningxia to see, this project has state support, not only can benefit the people, but also achieve economic benefits, kill two birds with one stone."

Therefore, Zhang Chi immediately set off for the Gobi Desert in Ningxia, and when he arrived in Ningxia, the vast Gobi Desert was covered with coarse sand and gravel, and when he stepped on it, the rustling sounded. Dry ditches lie lifelessly on top of them. In addition to some drought-tolerant plants such as ephedra and sand jujube, few plants have grown, and animals have also gone far and wide. Witnessing this scene, Zhang Chi truly understood the artistic conception of "poor and desolate desert birds do not fly, and the dreams of thousands of moraines and mountains are lazy".

Merchants told Zhang Chi: You don't look at the Gobi Desert is desolate and bald, but this is located at the same latitude as Bordeaux, France, and the large altitude difference leads to a large temperature difference between day and night, which is conducive to the accumulation of glucose, the unique gravel soil is rich in minerals, and the grapes produced can produce the best quality wine.

Next, the merchants took Zhang Chi to the nearby village to investigate, every household lived in an adobe house, the child's clothes were all patches, there were no shoes on the feet, barefoot, the old man was yellow and thin, and only after understanding did he know that the local annual income was less than 500 yuan.

Zhang Chi is very unhappy in his heart, he is also a child of a poor family, catching up with the national dividend to have today, it is time to return to the society, so Zhang Chi paid a deposit of 5 million yuan, ready to contract 6,000 acres of Gobi Desert with 200 million yuan, but Zhang Chi who returned to his hometown was opposed by his family: "A good coal boss is not right, run to do hard and unprofitable work, even if you have Jinshan Yinshan sooner or later, you will be defeated."

But Zhang Relaxed, despite his family's objections, took off his suit and put on coarse clothes and rubber shoes to Ningxia, waved a hoe with the villagers, and cultivated deep in this barren land.

Weeping and sweating, the work will be effective sooner or later. The grape cultivation is very successful, Zhang Chi saw the lush vineyards in front of him, felt extremely satisfied, in order to ensure the quality of the wine, Zhang Chi imported top oak barrels from Hungary, hired domestic first-class winemakers, winemaking.

In 2015, Zhang Chi opened the first barrel of wine brewed, the wine was overflowing, after a sip, Zhang Chi burst into tears and said: "Good wine, the future of the villagers has hope!" ”

Later, Zhang Chi took Ningxia Helan Mountain Wine to participate in the international top wine competition, won one gold and two silver, successfully opened the international market, and overseas orders poured into Ningxia in an endless stream.

Zhang Chi took advantage of the victory to pursue and carry out the vineyard ecological tourism experience project, forming an integrated model of winemaking + tourism and tourism, attracting wave after wave of dealers and tourists to Ningxia.

Now, Ningxia Helan Mountain wine has become a well-known wine production base in China, and has also made the world remember Chinese wine.

Today, Zhang Chi has also become a great hero in the hearts of Ningxia people, leading the villagers to embark on the road of poverty alleviation and prosperity. When asked what it was like to want to become a nobleman but mistakenly hit a peasant by mistake, Zhang Chi smiled and said, "This is the real nobleman!" ”

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17 years ago, "coal boss" Zhang Chi went to Dubai to experience aristocratic life, spending 15 million yuan in 2 days, and before leaving, a local aristocratic friend set up a banquet for him. After drinking and eating, the other party has nothing
17 years ago, "coal boss" Zhang Chi went to Dubai to experience aristocratic life, spending 15 million yuan in 2 days, and before leaving, a local aristocratic friend set up a banquet for him. After drinking and eating, the other party has nothing
17 years ago, "coal boss" Zhang Chi went to Dubai to experience aristocratic life, spending 15 million yuan in 2 days, and before leaving, a local aristocratic friend set up a banquet for him. After drinking and eating, the other party has nothing
17 years ago, "coal boss" Zhang Chi went to Dubai to experience aristocratic life, spending 15 million yuan in 2 days, and before leaving, a local aristocratic friend set up a banquet for him. After drinking and eating, the other party has nothing
17 years ago, "coal boss" Zhang Chi went to Dubai to experience aristocratic life, spending 15 million yuan in 2 days, and before leaving, a local aristocratic friend set up a banquet for him. After drinking and eating, the other party has nothing
17 years ago, "coal boss" Zhang Chi went to Dubai to experience aristocratic life, spending 15 million yuan in 2 days, and before leaving, a local aristocratic friend set up a banquet for him. After drinking and eating, the other party has nothing

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