
Thrilling! The ice suddenly shattered and the girl fell into the water, and dozens of police and civilians joined forces to rescue successfully

Source: Harbin Daily

"Catch the kid!"

"Rope! rope! ”

"Pull up! fast! ”

On the second day of the Chinese New Year, just when everyone was celebrating the New Year happily, in the Acheng District of Harbin City, two girls playing on the river suddenly fell into the ice cave, and a life-and-death rescue with dozens of people participating was staged.

At about 13:40 on February 2, Lin Wanli, a police officer at the Acheng North Station Police Station of the Harbin Railway Public Security Department, who was on leave from work, was taking his family for a walk along the Ash River in Acheng District, and when he walked to the Vicinity of the Jindu Bridge, Lin Wanli suddenly heard a cry for help from the river.

Thrilling! The ice suddenly shattered and the girl fell into the water, and dozens of police and civilians joined forces to rescue successfully

Due to the shattering of the ice,

Two girls fell into the river,

The situation is critical.

Lin Wanli immediately rushed to the shore,

Crawling on the ice with another crowd towards the falling girl.

Lin Wanli and the two of them pulled the girl with their hands and dragged them to the ice,

But because the load is too large,

The ice cracked again,

The rescued duo also fell into the water.

Thrilling! The ice suddenly shattered and the girl fell into the water, and dozens of police and civilians joined forces to rescue successfully

Ignoring the cold and bone-chilling river water, Lin Wanli grabbed the girl's wrist to prevent it from sinking, told her not to be afraid, and let her grab the hat of her clothes, while shouting for help to the shore. Dozens of citizens around them immediately participated in the rescue, some brought ropes, some found wooden sticks, everyone lay near the ice cave, threw the rope to the people who fell into the water, and everyone pulled out together. With the joint efforts of everyone, the two girls finally successfully landed.

Thrilling! The ice suddenly shattered and the girl fell into the water, and dozens of police and civilians joined forces to rescue successfully

It is understood that the two girls who fell into the water are sisters, taking advantage of the New Year's holiday to play on the river, but they did not expect to accidentally fall into the water, and the two of them are not in serious trouble at present.

Police remind,

Do not play on the ice of the river to avoid accidents.

Source: Ice City + Client

Miao Huaixin Reporter Wang Xiao Hao Xin

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