
Run, run, ignite dreams - remember the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay

Guangming Daily reporter Zhou Shixiang Liu Bochao

A person's dreams, lit up in a variety of ways. So, what can ignite the dream of a city?

On October 18, 2021, in front of the Hera Temple in the Greek town of Ancient Olympia, the Beijing Winter Olympic fire was successfully collected. On February 2, 2022, the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay kicked off in Beijing Olympic Forest Park. Under the relay of more than 1,200 torchbearers, the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay was carried out in beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou – what kind of dreams are carried on the shoulders of these torchbearers who are not afraid of the cold and run towards light and hope?

Run, run, ignite dreams - remember the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay

The Beijing Winter Olympic Torch is passed in Aosen Park. The picture shows torchbearers Zhang Boli (right) and Tong Zhaohui passing the torch on February 2. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jia Haocheng

An urban dream where ancient and modern meet

"The successful bid for the Beijing Winter Olympics has changed the trajectory of my life and made me a representative of Shougang's transformed employees." As a torchbearer, Liu Boqiang, an icemaker at Beijing Shougang Park Sports Center Operation Management Co., Ltd., was a former Shougang rolling worker. In the torch relay, the new east gate, chimney and blast furnace of Shougang that he ran through were the epitome of urban change. Nowadays, it has become the "new Shougang high-end industrial comprehensive service area", and will become an important regional functional node in the new version of the urban master plan and an important support for the implementation of the functional positioning of the capital in the future.

The selection of the line of the torch relay highlights the echo of the historical and the times, and also fully demonstrates the image of the city hosting the race. The Beijing area route passes through Beijing Olympic Forest Park, Beijing Winter Olympic Park, Shougang Park, Badaling Great Wall, World Grape Expo Park, Summer Palace, Grand Canal Forest Park, focusing on the inheritance of the Olympic spirit, fully embodying the characteristics of the "City of Two Olympics", showing the achievements of Beijing's ice and snow sports and national fitness development, as well as the development strategies of green Beijing, humanistic Beijing and science and technology Beijing. The Zhangjiakou Torch Relay closely focuses on the theme of "Greeting the Promise of Ice and Snow and Running towards a Better Future", and sets up five points in Zhangjiakou Yangyuan Nihewan Ruins Park, Zhangbei Desheng Village, Industrial Culture Theme Park, Chongli Fulong Ski Resort, and Dajingmen Ruins.

"I want to show the world the style of our space workers through the torch relay." Ye Peijian, a torchbearer of the Winter Olympics and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said, "Beijing has become the world's first 'double Olympic city' to host the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, which shows that our growing motherland has been internationally recognized." ”

Run, run, ignite dreams - remember the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch Relay

The launching ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Torch Relay was held in Beijing. The picture shows the tinder table photographed at the launch ceremony on February 2. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Zhonghao

Dare to think and dare to fight the ice and snow dreams

After the launching ceremony, Luo Zhihuan, the world champion of the mainland's first winter sports, served as the first torchbearer. After receiving the torch, the entire audience stood up, and Luo Zhihuan slowly moved forward to the sound of music. After the handover was successfully completed, the old man said softly, "Let me kiss (the torch)." ”

The reason why this old man is so excited is because the torch carries the ice and snow dreams of his generation of ice and snow athletes who dare to think and fight. In 1963, he won the men's 1500m title at the 57th World Speed Skating Championships in Nagano, Japan, with a time of 2:09.20, and broke the world record, becoming the first Chinese athlete to win the winter sports world championship. However, since New China was not yet a member of the International Olympic Committee at that time, Luo Zhihuan's athletes did not qualify for the Winter Olympic Games at the golden age of their sports careers, which is a regret he has been buried in his heart.

"When I was at home (Heilongjiang), I was notified to come to Beijing to participate in the Winter Olympic Torch Relay, but I didn't know which station I was at, the first few torches, I said that I was a 'special guest torchbearer', as for the 'special invitation' to what extent, we don't know, I guessed several times and did not guess it, after arriving in Beijing, I knew that I was the first stick." I will always remember this moment. Luo Zhihuan said, "Our country has always been a dream of my country to host the Winter Olympics, and now it has come true, and I am so happy to pass the torch on behalf of the older generation of athletes at my doorstep." ”

As the second torchbearer, space hero Jing Haipeng was awarded the title of "Ice and Snow Sports Promotion Ambassador" in December 2021. It is Jing Haipeng's dream to let astronauts participate in ice and snow sports in space, and he hopes that ice and snow sports equipment can be brought to space in the future.

How to harmonize the cold of ice and snow and the heat of the torch? The answer to this question is written in the design of the torch and tinder table.

The color of the Beijing Winter Olympic Torch "Flying" is silver and red, symbolizing the meeting of ice and fire, flying with passion, illuminating ice and snow, and warming the world. The torch is based on a xiangyun pattern, and from bottom to top, it gradually transitions from the auspicious cloud pattern to the snowflake pattern in the paper-cut style, rotating and rising, like a ribbon fluttering. The torch pattern design not only reflects the inheritance of the "City of The Two Olympics", but also contains the idea of Taoist nature and the unity of heaven and man. When the torches are handed over, the tops of the two torches can be closely interlocked, which is not only a wonderful innovation in design, but also symbolizes the vision of the Winter Olympics in which different civilizations can exchange and learn from each other and let the world know each other more.

The Tinder Terrace is designed with the concept of "Inheriting Heavenly Objects", and the creative inspiration comes from the traditional Chinese bronze ceremonial vessel - Zun. The pedestal is calm and calm, symbolizing "all things on the ground"; the top stretches out and opens, implying the greeting of the pure Olympic fire; the auspicious cloud pattern gradually turns into snowflakes down and up, symbolizing the spiritual inheritance of the "City of The Two Olympics". The red ribbon flutters and wraps upwards, in harmony with the torch design. The colors of red and silver symbolize the fusion of tradition and modernity, technology and passion.

The dream of a great revival of great power

The oldest Of the Beijing Winter Olympic torchbearers is 86 years old and the youngest is 14 years old. They come from all walks of life, including anti-epidemic heroes, aerospace heroes, academicians of the two academies, and ordinary workers at the grassroots level. Although their identities are different, the moment they take over the torch, they all feel that their pursuit is closely related to the dream of a strong country and the dream of rejuvenation.

"Participating in the Torch Relay is a dream come true!" After passing the torch, Jing Haipeng felt that the responsibility on his shoulders was heavier. In Jing Haipeng's view, the torch conveys the Olympic motto of "faster, higher, stronger - more unity", as well as the Olympic spirit of "unity, friendship and peace", and also the spirit of manned spaceflight that is "particularly able to endure hardships, especially able to fight, especially able to tackle key problems, and especially able to dedicate", both of which are the crystallization of human civilization.

Ye Peijian also used torch relay to compare the inheritance of the aerospace industry. "The spirit of the Olympic Games and the spirit of spaceflight are common, and the Winter Olympics is to pass on the positive energy of mankind one by one." He said.

"The spirit of fighting the epidemic and the Olympic spirit represent vitality, responsibility and dedication." Zhang Boli, the 125th torchbearer and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that an important purpose of the Olympic Games is to enhance people's physique and let people live a vibrant and high-quality life, and the pursuit of anti-epidemic is "life first", in order to save more lives and make everyone's life better, the two goals are the same.

"As a worker in the front line of production, the experience of the torchbearer of the Beijing Winter Olympics is worthy of my pride for a lifetime, and it will also bring me strong spiritual strength." Han Liping, an operator of the machining center of Shanxi Aerospace Tsinghua Equipment Co., Ltd., who ran the third baton relay in Shougang Park, said, "The torch relay expresses the passion and strength to surpass myself and challenge the limit, and I will put this strength into my future work and life, pursue the spirit of craftsmanship, strive for excellence in my work, constantly surpass myself, and contribute my strength to the construction of a space power." ”

Guangming Daily ( 2022-02-04 05 edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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