
Chinese soldiers "crossing the line" were detained? The Indian Wicked First Sue Tolerance and goodwill cannot impress hyenas

author:Zhang Diancheng observed the military situation

Recently, the Sino-Indian border, which has just been quieted, has once again been full of gunpowder under the deliberate provocation of the Indian side. A few days ago, the Indian evil people first filed a complaint, claiming that the Chinese soldiers had "crossed the line" and were detained by the Indian side, which once again aroused the attention of the outside world to the situation on the Sino-Indian border.

Chinese soldiers "crossing the line" were detained? The Indian Wicked First Sue Tolerance and goodwill cannot impress hyenas

In order to clarify the facts and restore the truth, the Chinese side issued a news release on October 19 to refute the rumors, saying that the detention of Chinese soldiers "crossing the line" was pure fiction. The truth of the matter is that on September 28, the Border Guard Force of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) conducted routine patrols in the East Chapter area on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control on the border in accordance with the previous agreement between China and India. However, a group of Indian troops suddenly crossed the border line to block the patrol of Chinese border guards. Our border guards fought on the basis of reason, resolutely countered the Indian army's violation of the line, and finally completed the patrol task. It can be seen from this that the Indian side hypes that Chinese soldiers "crossed the line" obviously intends to win the attention and sympathy of the international community by manipulating public opinion, distorting facts, slandering "China is wrong," and trying to occupy the commanding heights of public opinion.

Chinese soldiers "crossing the line" were detained? The Indian Wicked First Sue Tolerance and goodwill cannot impress hyenas

In addition to slandering China on the Sino-Indian border issue, India also deliberately creates and maliciously exaggerates the contradictions between China and India, so as to incite hostility toward China and stimulate nationalist sentiments at home by rendering up the "China threat theory." As early as September 30, The Indian Army Chief of Staff Narawane called out that there is a long-standing unresolved border issue between China and India, but the Indian military "is ready for a possible conflict." Obviously, this time indian soldiers crossed the line to interfere with the normal patrol activities of the Chinese border troops, which was a provocative action that had been planned for a long time.

Chinese soldiers "crossing the line" were detained? The Indian Wicked First Sue Tolerance and goodwill cannot impress hyenas

It is worth mentioning that since the disengagement of the front-line troops between China and India at the beginning of the year, the situation on the Sino-Indian border has been eased to a certain extent. However, India has always been grumpy about its deliberate provocation of the Galwan Valley conflict and has tried to make a comeback and continue to strengthen its military deployment in the Sino-Indian border area. In the past few months, India has not only continued to increase its troops to the border, but also deployed the newly introduced Rafale fighter jets to The Hasimala Air Base, which is less than 100 kilometers from the nearest border between China and India and more than 300 kilometers from Lhasa. As early as May this year, a number of Indian troops had sent tough signals against China, but due to the large-scale outbreak in India, the provocative plan in the border area was suspended. However, for humanitarian reasons, China still provided India with a large number of epidemic prevention materials.

At present, although the epidemic situation in India has eased, the voices of the Indian people calling for the Modi government to review and step down have risen one after another. Therefore, in order to divert the attention of the domestic public and alleviate the domestic political pressure, India continues to hype up the territorial issue. In addition, India is also interested in pandering to the PRESSURE exerted by the United States on China. On September 24, before Indian soldiers crossed the line to block Chinese patrols, Prime Minister India held the first face-to-face quadripartite security meeting at the White House with U.S. President Joe Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, whose main purpose was believed to be to discuss a joint response to China's growing influence. Therefore, India's attack on China on the border issue is also "showing loyalty" to the United States in order to gain Washington's solidarity and support on the territorial issue.

Chinese soldiers "crossing the line" were detained? The Indian Wicked First Sue Tolerance and goodwill cannot impress hyenas

Not long ago, social media had reported pictures of Indian soldiers hanging their heads one by one and being scattered with machine guns, and the Chinese official did not publish the relevant information at the first time, which obviously did not want to embarrass the Indian army too much and left enough face for it. However, India took the opportunity to beat a rake backwards, and the evil people sued first, slandering the Chinese soldiers for "crossing the line" and justifying their own armed provocations.

In fact, in dealing with the territorial issue between itself and its neighbors, China has been doing its utmost sincerity and making the greatest efforts to strive for a peaceful settlement, and even in the face of deliberate provocations by individual countries, China has maintained great restraint and tolerance, and insisted on using political means to solve problems, rather than using force or threatening force as Western powers do. But the facts show that in the face of long-planned provocations, tolerance and kindness cannot impress hyenas, and only by holding a "dog stick" and taking a little thorn in goodwill will they win respect and gratitude!

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