
Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

author:Manxiao Sword


At the end of 1986, the 31-year-old Fei Yuqing had just sung the red "A Cut of Plum", and in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, where "snowflakes fluttered in the north wind and Xiao Xiao", he gave birth to a little boy named Tan Junpeng, who was the future actor Yin Zheng.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Later, "A Cut of Plum" became the peak of Fei Yuqing, Tan Junpeng became Yin Zheng, Yin Zheng became "a cut plum boy", in the face of such a witty fate, the "Asian Demon King" is estimated to be only "hey hey hey".

When Yin Zheng was 8 years old, due to family reasons, he moved to Guangdong with his family. When I was in school in Guangzhou, because Yin Zheng spoke Mandarin, I couldn't play with cantonese-speaking classmates.

In order to integrate into the collective as soon as possible, Yin Zheng frantically learned Cantonese by watching TVB TV dramas, and as a result, Cantonese was learned, and traditional characters were recognized, but he couldn't play with everyone anymore...

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Because Yin Zheng is learning a Hong Kong-style Cantonese with TV, which is different from Guangzhou Cantonese, at this time, his classmates are even more unaccustomed to him, thinking that he speaks "with a tone" and "too dressed"...

Yin Zheng also looked down on his classmates. Not only because of "talking" and not coping, but also because of their own good deeds.

At that time, Yin Zheng liked a little girl in the class, and in order to show her kindness, he nervously gave her a small wooden box containing moving ladybugs, and as a result, the other party did not want to live or die. Not to mention the failure of the show, but also let people "pinch".

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

At a class meeting, the teacher asked the classmates who their favorite star was. At that time, it was the era of the "Four Heavenly Kings", and everyone was talking nonsense, saying that they liked Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok, and so on.

Yin Zheng said that he liked Zhang Guorong, which was ridiculed by his classmates, saying that it was a star that parent-level talents liked, and you were very out. This made Yin Zheng feel very unhappy.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

In 2003, when Yin Zheng was 17 years old, Zhang Guorong took his life in Hong Kong. The streets began to play Zhang Guorong's songs, and there were inexplicably many people around who liked Zhang Guorong, and Yin Zheng was even more upset in his heart.

At that time, learning Cantonese, the most played movies in Yin Zheng's family were Zhou Runfa's "The True Colors of Heroes" and Zhou Runfa and Zhang Guorong's "Across the Sea". Yin Zheng thus liked Zhang Guorong's "The Wind Continues to Blow".

He would also dub the movie in English: "Do you know my name?" Then came the Cantonese sentence: "I am the great thief of the heavens, read the newspaper tomorrow." ”

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

After watching more, Yin Zheng suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.


Yin Zheng plucked up enough courage to say to his mother, "I want to learn acting." But my mother said, "Forget it, it's definitely not going to work." ”

Originally there was no confidence, it was difficult to hold out 5 words, and as a result, I was hit back by my mother......... At that time, Yin Zheng did not know that there were schools such as Chinese Opera, Nortel and Shang opera, so he was admitted to the Xinghai Conservatory of Music in Guangzhou.

Because Yin Zheng felt: at least, singing is also a kind of performance.

Not long after graduating from Xinghai Conservatory of Music, Yin Zheng won the "Excellence Award of the First National Final of the First Pop Music Competition of the Golden Bell Award of Chinese Music" and the "Music Star Award of the Ninth China Arts Festival".

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

The name of the award is very long, but Yin Zheng's musical road is not long.

In 2011, the Chinese version of the musical "Mamma Mia" began to be selected as an actor nationwide, and 25-year-old Yin Zheng was selected to become one of the "group dancers".

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Yin Zheng thus met the first noble person in his life, the director and heroine of the play, Tian Shui.

Although Yin Zheng has not studied acting, he is very self-motivated, often pondering the acting skills of old drama actors, learning to speak lines and express emotions. At that time, there was a play in the Shanghai Drama Center called "Deer DingJi", and without an "emperor", Tian Shui threw an olive branch at him.

Yin Zheng had the courage to go, and he really passed the exam. He played the "Kangxi" in the fourth edition of "Deer Ding", and Guo Jingfei played "Wei Xiaobao". Here, Yin Zheng met the second noble person in his life, that is, the director Wang Yong (later renamed Wang Junye) who rehearsed the scene for them.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

During this period, Yin Zheng began to perform dramas intermittently. When there was no drama, he sold himself in the drama center and "rubbed the drama" everywhere. A live-action inspirational drama was also staged.


At that time, Yin Zheng earned less, but Shanghai consumption was expensive, and after paying the rent and water and electricity bills, there was very little left. When encountering a big bargain in the supermarket, I hoarded a bunch of frozen dumplings and counted them to eat. The house leaks in winter, the gas is old and bad, and the shower gel can't be squeezed out.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Sometimes I go out to dinner with friends, I want to pay but I don't have any money, even the taxi fare is lying that I didn't bring a card, and I ask my friend to borrow it... In fact, he has a card on him, but he just has no money in the card.

The days were hard, but Yin Zheng felt very happy. Because his dream was to become an actor, and now it's starting to come true. Whenever he thinks of himself as an actor, he feels incredibly proud.

In 2013, 27-year-old Yin Zheng arrived in Beijing and began to run the crew to meet the director and find opportunities to shoot.

This year, Wang Yong planned to shoot the TV series "Dragon Gate Dart Bureau", thinking of the young man who played "Kangxi", he invited Yin Zheng to play a small leper "pheasant".

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

After receiving this news, Yin Zhengle went crazy: "I finally acted on TV!" From dramas to TV series, Tan Junpeng, a little brother of Inner Mongolia who has walked the rivers and lakes under the stage name "Yin Zheng", has truly realized his dream of being an actor.

After the drama was broadcast, Yin Zheng left a deep impression on the audience with his acting skills in place and his handsome appearance, and Weibo fans rose and their popularity soared.

After receiving a lot of attention, Yin Zheng's appearance has also become a topic of conversation among netizens, saying that he looks very similar to Wu Yanzu and has a bit of a face collision with Zhang Zhen.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"
Some say he started too late. Yin Zheng replied:

"This is not sooner or later, just like love, it may not meet true love until the age of 70, but it is not too late, at least we met each other while we were alive." 」

In the following years, Yin Zheng's resources improved significantly, not only participating in "Wind and Thunder" and "Inconceivable", but also starring in the Hollywood movie "Desperate Flight", as well as "Girls' Dormitory" and "Seven Days of Love".

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

The first time he received so many scenes, Yin Zheng was still a little unaccustomed.

Not only because of the heavy workload, sometimes the brain will be down, broken pieces, but also because of their identity as a "wild actor", a little timid, inferior, a little "instigated" when acting.

He continued to exert his motivation in acting in drama, carefully studying the role, and doing his best no matter how much the role was. When it is possible to say the lines instead of memorizing them, the man is not provoked, because he finds himself playing the person, not the role.

In order to improve his acting skills, Yin Zheng's boldness is getting bigger and bigger.


In order to improve his acting skills, Yin Zheng is always learning and observing.

When interviewed, he will carefully observe the host's body movements, expressions, and even breathing, and later play the role of the host, which can be used. He saw a cute cat injured, and his nose was sour with pity, and he also had to remember this feeling, thinking that it would be useful in the future...

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Love can withstand the long years. Yin Zheng loves acting and thinking, and many people call him a "drama idiot". He will lose his temper because a play is not good, and he will be happy all day because of a good play.

In 2015, the 29-year-old Yin Zheng starred in "Yuan Hua" in "Charlotte Troubles" starring Shen Teng and Ma Li. Just received this role, Yin Zheng is very scared, he is afraid of being scolded for the performance.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

"A hypocritical and X-like person who won the first prize for the essay "My District Governor Father" ..." The longer the sentence describing "Yuan Hua", the more difficult it is to dispel the anger in Yin Zheng's heart, he said: "If we want such a person in school, I will definitely beat him, I really can't stand such a person, too dressed X!" ”

Hate to hate, the play still has to be performed. Yin Zheng took the script and pondered, summing up the reason why "Yuan Hua" was annoying: hypocrisy, X, and insincerity.

So how to act, so that the audience will not hate him and hate him? The method that Yuan Hua thought of was to seriously hypocrisy and sincerely pretend to X. And expressing a person's sincerity can be presented with love, so there is the heart-rending sentence "Qiu Ya..."

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Yin Zheng said, "A good comedy must be sincere, and the sense of belief should be very strong, when you sincerely do a very unreliable thing, the audience may smile." ”

You can make the audience laugh, and the popularity will naturally not be bad. Later, everyone saw that Yin Zheng's portrayal of "Yuan Hua" was very successful, which not only made netizens laugh, but also contributed many famous scenes.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

With "Charlotte Troubles", Yin Zheng finally began to become popular, and Fei Yuqing's "A Cut of Plum" became his exclusive BGM, and he mentioned the title of "A Cut Plum Boy".

Suddenly, netizens commented on Yin Zheng and said: This is the third man with sound effects after Zhou Runfa's "God of Gamblers" and Huang Rihua's "Qiao Feng".

But Yin Zheng retreated from "A Cut of Plum".


Many people will call Yin "BGM Boy", although he brought 2 Bs, But Yin Zheng is still very happy. When you see others mention Zhou Runfa, they will think of Xu Wenqiang, Xiao Ma Ge and the God of Gamblers, and when they mention BGM boy, they will at least think of Yin Zheng, which is a good thing.

But if in reality, everyone gathers to order this song, Yin Zheng may turn his face.

Because after this role was played, he was quite uncomfortable. In the eyes of others, this is a comedy, but in Yin Zheng's eyes, it may be a tragedy. So it's a bit out of line with the party atmosphere.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

In the following years, Yin Zheng participated in "He Comes, Please Close Your Eyes", "Crow's Mouth Girl" and "The Legend of the Red Shadow of the Classic of Mountains and Seas", and won the "Huading Award for Best Emerging Actor in China's Top 100 TV Drama Satisfaction Survey" and the "Asian Influence Oriental Festival Film and Television Power Leap Actor Award".

In the TV series "Sparrow", Yin Zheng played a perverted agent "Su San Province" who snatched the braised meat fed by the landlord to the dog when he was a child, and finally was bitten to death by the dog, because the acting was too real and was scolded by the audience. Yin Zheng is right to say that scolding is right, because he is playing a person with psychological defects and incomplete personality.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

In 2016, the 30-year-old Yin Zheng participated in Zhejiang Satellite TV's "The Voice of Dreams", with a song by Zhang Guorong's "The Wind Continues to Blow", which triggered the applause of the audience. In the same year, Yin Zheng also participated in a variety show with Wang Yibo and showed off his dance skills.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

"Yin Zheng singing" and "Yin Zheng dancing" have been on the hot search. Netizens have lamented that Yin is "really will, can act, sing and dance." In fact, Yin Zheng also has a hidden skill, that is, taekwondo black belt.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Speaking of taekwondo, you can't help but mention that she.


Also in 2016, 30-year-old Yin was inviting fans to his birthday party in Beijing. Before going on stage, Yin Zheng drank water nervously and asked the staff to remove the poster with serious traces of P map.

Yin Zheng said, "I am a person who answers the phone to omelette or egg paste, or the mobile phone will be thrown into the pot, and I can't do things with two minds." ”

Because he has been acting in recent years, his singing skills have almost been "factory reset". So when he heard the fans' request for him to sing, he quickly memorized the lyrics on the spot...

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Yin Zheng's fans are also very "powerful", seeing that there are fewer love beans fans, they want to increase fans for him, so they secretly bought fans behind his back on a platform.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Later, one day, Yin Zheng suddenly found that his Weibo rose by thousands of fans, but the fan nicknames were all numbers, and he still paid attention to him at the same time. Yin Zheng thought that the boss bought himself powder, so he called and quarreled.

As a result, the boss calmly said: "Do you use some brains, will I only buy a few thousand fans for you?" ”

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

In 2017, the 31-year-old Yin Zheng and Zhang Lanxin were exposed for suspected love affair, and the two were photographed going out together, hugging, holding hands, sweet interaction on the street, and finally going home for the night... But Yin Zheng responded that the two are currently good friends.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Zhang Lanxin was once a national taekwondo champion and debuted with the Jackie Chan movie "Zodiac". Netizens have said that the two have similar interests, very well matched, and it is usually quite good to practice taekwondo.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Also this year, Yin Zheng participated in a variety show, surprised the audience with the appearance of "Cheng Dieyi version of Yu Ji", and in a way that transcended time and space, he talked with Zhang Guorong, an idol who had played "Cheng Dieyi", and felt a lot in his heart, overflowing with words.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

The person who made up for him was Song Xiaochuan, a famous Peking Opera actor who had made up for Zhang Guorong. Twenty-five years ago, sitting in front of Song Xiaochuan was "brother" Zhang Guorong; today, sitting in front of him is Zhang Guorong's iron fan Yin Zheng.

In addition to makeup, Song Xiaochuan told Yin Zheng about Zhang Guorong's past.


Song Xiaochuan told Yin Zheng that when he put makeup on Zhang Guorong, Zhang Guorong felt that he was doing facial massage, and half of the people fell asleep; when he drew eyeliner, Zhang Guorong would keep sneezing...

Song Xiaochuan was full of emotions, and what was in front of him was "Yu Ji", not "Yu Ji".

"Ogawa, you are my benefactor, and I would not be so beautiful without you." Many years ago, Zhang Guorong said this sentence, Song Xiaochuan still remembers it vividly, when he talked about April 1 of each year, Song Xiaochuan choked wordlessly and burst into tears.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Twenty-five years on, a lot of people are gone. Zhang Fengyi, played by "Cheng Dieyi" brother "Duan Xiaolou", who was also at the scene, couldn't help but have a lot of emotions, and finally only said one sentence: "Love life, love life." ”

Still in 2017, Yin Zheng participated in the variety show "The Birth of an Actor", and Monday Wei reproduced the classic fragment of "Blade 1937", one of the two is a "drama idiot" and the other is a "drama maniac", which can be described as a peak duel.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

In the show, Yin Zheng shared: "In order to play a trance role, I almost didn't eat seriously in 20 days. ”

In 2018, Yin Zheng developed a new skill: joining a professional team, becoming a professional motorcycle racer, and winning the first place in the motorcycle championship held by the variety show.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

The second place winner was Wang Yibo, both of whom liked motorcycles. When they went to the track together to investigate the road conditions, they were photographed on the street with a photo of them riding a "little sheep", and the painting style was like that of brothers going to an Internet café together to open black.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

In 2019, a producer accidentally saw Yin Zheng playing the Role of "Yu Ji" in Hua Dan costume, so he let him star in the Famous Peking Opera "Shang Xiaorui", this play is "Sideburns Are Not Begonia Red".

Yin Zheng has never been exposed to Peking Opera, but for the role, he entered the crew 4 months in advance to learn basic skills such as body, step and hand and eye. In the end, even Mr. Bi Guyun, a master of Peking Opera, couldn't help but praise, "Good looks, Fan Erzheng." ”

In order to put on the costume to look good, Yin Zheng deliberately lost 10 pounds, but in the original work, "Shang Xiaorui" is a foodie, and there are also many eating scenes in the play, eating elbows, biscuits and rock sugar gourds, all of which are really eaten. After shooting for more than ten days, Yin Zheng gained a circle.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

He wanted to continue to lose weight, but the opera teacher stopped him and said that his face was round and makeup looked good. Therefore, Yin Zheng in the play gives people a chubby feeling.

At the same time, Yin Zheng also proved his acting skills once again because of this drama.


On the first day of the broadcast of the drama, the four words of "Yin Zheng's acting skills" were on the hot search.

The "Shang Xiaorui" he plays has his eyes flowing and charming. Netizens have sighed: "More feminine than women, how do we live!" "There is nothing wrong with a man being beautiful at all a woman"...

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

"Old drama bone" Wang Jinsong praised Yin Zheng: "Very few actors can integrate yin and yang as one, he has both sides, can play masculinity, can play feminine." Born a drama maniac, born not nervous. ”

Yin Zheng really did what it was like to act, withdraw from himself, and live in the role. He played a famous Peking opera singer, "a toss of water sleeves and a sigh, the people who played were stupid, and the people who watched were drunk." ”

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

During this period, Yin Zheng also participated in "Flying Life" and "Agni Military Academy". And because of the release of their own spring cakes, a bite of chewing 121 videos, triggered a hot discussion: "This is the difference between ordinary people and celebrities, we are not fat for no reason." ”

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

In 2020, some netizens broke the news that they met 34-year-old Yin Zheng and 31-year-old Jiang Mengjie, wearing blue couple down jackets and appearing in The Japanese food store. Strangely, Yin Zheng liked this revelation, and then canceled the like...

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Netizens have speculated that this is silently eating melon to eat themselves, or slipping their hands?

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

At the same time, the names of Yin Zheng and Jiang Mengjie were on the hot search, and someone photographed Jiang Mengjie getting off the plane in Beijing, taking her assistant straight to Yin Zheng's residence, and very naturally signing for the courier outside the door before entering the apartment, which caused people to reverie.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

In fact, as early as last year, the two were photographed dating, but the parties did not respond. But Jiang Mengjie's father once said in the show, "She is still in love, how to call it gossip." "It seems to have indirectly hammered the relationship between the two.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

A year later, there were media reports that Yin Zheng and Chen Turing appeared in a hotel and were suspected of being in love.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

A few days later, Yin Zheng drove to Chen Turing's residence, and Chen Turing got out of the car and was photographed in the face with a mask.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Immediately after, Yin Zheng caused an online controversy because of a move.


In 2021, 35-year-old Yin Zheng, at the shooting site of Han Han's movie, was filmed at close range because of his dissatisfaction, and slammed the mobile phones of passers-by, triggering heated discussion among netizens.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Some netizens complained that this person is not famous, and his temper is not small.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Some netizens also expressed their understanding that being photographed at close range is indeed a very disgusting thing.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

Yin Zheng Studio quickly responded that Yin Zheng only subconsciously blocked away and did not act excessively.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

This year, Yin Zheng starred in the movie "Fame and Fame", which reached a box office of 900 million, and helped Yin Zheng to star in the film box office to exceed 4 billion.

In the Spring Festival of 2022, Yin Zheng participated in the release of han Han's movie "Four Seas", 36 years old, he still did not have a fire, but his acting skills and appearance once again attracted attention.

Wan Xiaodao: The melon of the "Yin and Yang One Male Star"

He acted so happily, so devotedly, as if he had forgotten the wind, forgotten the rain, forgotten all the flies in the world and the troubles of fame and fortune. This may be the best reward for dreams.

Follow @Wan Xiao Knife headline number to read more character stories and explosive articles. For example, "The Fragrant Past of the "Actress Harvester"", "How the Big Guys of the Bamboo Gang Stirred up the Entertainment Circle", "The History of the Hong Kong Circle Playboy", "The History of Sun Honglei", "The Melon of the "Three-level Film Goddess" in the Hong Kong Circle", and the secret past of the four heavenly kings, Zhou Runfa, Jackie Chan, Zhou Xingchi, Jet Li, Lin Qingxia, Maggie Cheung and other stars.

References for this article: See the picture in the text.


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