
Brother Tang was exposed to love! The younger 20-year-old girlfriend's appearance is inferior to that of his ex-wife, and the dating news is questioned and hyped

author:Squat at home to watch the electrician

Tom. Cruise is finally in love! According to recent foreign media reports, the new girlfriend is 38-year-old British actor Hayley. Hayley Atwell. Because of the long-term love affair between the filming of "Mission Impossible 7", it is still hand-in-hand between shooting, and it is already difficult to give up.

Brother Tang was exposed to love! The younger 20-year-old girlfriend's appearance is inferior to that of his ex-wife, and the dating news is questioned and hyped
Brother Tang was exposed to love! The younger 20-year-old girlfriend's appearance is inferior to that of his ex-wife, and the dating news is questioned and hyped

Since 2012 with ex-wife Katie. After Holmes's divorce, the few scandals soon disappeared, and Brother Tang, who remained single for 8 years, can be described as a "model" of being busy with his career and having no time to fall in love.

Brother Tang was exposed to love! The younger 20-year-old girlfriend's appearance is inferior to that of his ex-wife, and the dating news is questioned and hyped

According to people familiar with the matter, due to epidemic prevention considerations, the mobility of personnel during the filming of the crew became smaller, and the relationship between everyone naturally became extremely close. As soon as Brother Tang and Hayley met, they had a good feeling for each other, and their good feelings escalated during the filming process.

Although Hayley is 20 years younger than Brother Atang, she looks more like her age. And Hayley's appearance is very British, the temperament is heroic, and her appearance is inferior to that of her ex-wife Nicole. Kidman and Katie.

Brother Tang was exposed to love! The younger 20-year-old girlfriend's appearance is inferior to that of his ex-wife, and the dating news is questioned and hyped

Brother Atang's first wife was named Mimi, whom she met at the church, and was a beautiful woman.

Mainland audiences are more familiar with the last two wives of Brother Atang, especially the photo of Tom blocking Nicole's waist, which is praised as "white to glow".

Brother Tang was exposed to love! The younger 20-year-old girlfriend's appearance is inferior to that of his ex-wife, and the dating news is questioned and hyped

Katie is also a recognized beauty, and when she was younger, she had a kind of little white rabbit temperament, and I saw that kind of pity. Tall and tall, generous temperament.

Looking at the current girlfriend, the facial features are not exquisite enough, and there is a bit of an old attitude.

Five years ago, Hayley played Cinderella's mother in Cinderella. However Hayley and "Cinderella" Lily. James is only 7 years old, so you can imagine Hayley's sense of age.

Brother Tang was exposed to love! The younger 20-year-old girlfriend's appearance is inferior to that of his ex-wife, and the dating news is questioned and hyped

Hayley has also starred in several Marvel movies, such as The Avengers and Ant-Man, but doesn't rank high in Hollywood. I don't know if after the love affair with Brother Atang was exposed, it was helpful to the career, or whether it was the same as Katie at that time, and simply disappeared from the husband and son.

About Tom. The timing of Cruise's relationship being exposed is quite subtle, and some netizens think that this is speculation.

Brother Tang was exposed to love! The younger 20-year-old girlfriend's appearance is inferior to that of his ex-wife, and the dating news is questioned and hyped

Two days ago, Brother Tang was furious at the crew, and the leakage of the recording caused heated discussion. Because employees violated social safety distancing. Brother Tang was not wrong for epidemic prevention considerations, but it was said that Brother Tang had a bad attitude towards the staff many times. This recording was not recorded when he first went mad.

As a result, 5 employees resigned, and this behavior escalated into workplace bullying.

Even George. Clooney also came to the foot, saying that he could understand Atang's anger, but would use different ways to deal with it. Coupled with the fact that Brother Tang already has the label of "control freak", the direction of public opinion is not very good for a while.

Brother Tang was exposed to love! The younger 20-year-old girlfriend's appearance is inferior to that of his ex-wife, and the dating news is questioned and hyped

For Brother Atang, who cherishes the image, he is accused of using love to soften the image and carry out crisis public relations for the recording event. Moreover, the photos of the two are spoilers on the set, and there is even a suspicion of taking the opportunity to promote "Mission Impossible 7".

I personally feel tom. Cruise will not be so low, his dedication and busyness are visible to the naked eye, almost 60 years old and still do desperate sanlang, this momentum ordinary people can not do.

The propaganda film tries to show that it is close to the people, cherishes feathers, whether it is a violent temper in private, and Brother Tang has never defended himself for the so-called human design.

Now Nicole. Kidman and the Urban family were happy and became a model of marriage; Katie also found a restaurant owner as a boyfriend. Everyone is living a new life and enjoying the present, and Brother Atang naturally has this right.

Bless him and Hayley!

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