
Glory of Kings: Can't Nakano's Contradictions Be Resolved? As soon as a law core appeared, Nakano quarreled

Hello everyone, I'm Bells~

Although many players who play mages have now acquiesced, or accepted the way of playing that must rub the line, to be honest, Nakano's contradiction is still the sharpest in the current glory of the king, and even overshadows the contradiction of the archery auxiliary, why?

Because everyone knows that everyone is not willing to assist, you choose the shooter in many cases there is no auxiliary to manage you, many shooter players actually know, otherwise you will assist yourself, and this is impossible, so The contradiction in Nakano is more than the contradiction of the shooting assistant.

For example, when Bell Er is playing a game, the most quarrelsome is the middle road mage and the wild, and you can really use the word "intrigue" to describe these two positions. As long as the middle road elects the legal core, then the high probability is to quarrel, not quarrel in the early stage, quarrel in the middle stage, quarrel in the middle stage, and quarrel in the later stage, which is a certain thing.

Glory of Kings: Can't Nakano's Contradictions Be Resolved? As soon as a law core appeared, Nakano quarreled

There are many reasons for Nakano's quarrel, such as rubbing the soldier line in the early stage of the fight or when the mage did not go to the middle road, the fight wild went to make up for the military line, as long as the mage can't successfully reach the fourth level, then this time is a stomach grievance, bad mentality or bad temper may have been quarreled before the fourth level.

Or maybe the mage didn't bother with the wild in the early stage, but as long as after a few minutes of fighting the wild didn't fight the dragon, or didn't catch the advantage, at this time he began to say something like eating the soldier line and not working, and then he quarreled again.

The later stage is basically the same, anyway, as long as it is not a big advantage, there is a high probability of quarreling, even if there are times when the big advantage, the mage feels that you have been rubbing the line in the middle of the front, want to take a blue buff, if you don't give it, even if the big advantage may hang up, this is the contradiction between the middle and auxiliary, it seems that it can not be solved.

Glory of Kings: Can't Nakano's Contradictions Be Resolved? As soon as a law core appeared, Nakano quarreled

I don't know if everyone can understand this behavior, in fact, bells are still quite understandable, because whether it is playing wild or mage, bells have to play, so the feeling is still relatively deep. The position of playing wild must be to rub the line, or even eat the soldier line or the belt line, and it must develop as quickly as possible before you can play the rhythm and fly teammates.

And the middle road of this position for the field, in fact, is the easiest to rub the line, whether you are based on the development of the road or the confrontation road, the middle road is the must pass, is the best place to rub the line, play the wild knows, if the early wild area is reversed, even will live directly between the middle road and the confrontation road, this is the conventional way of playing the wild, this is no way to do things.

Glory of Kings: Can't Nakano's Contradictions Be Resolved? As soon as a law core appeared, Nakano quarreled

And if the mage is a hero such as the law core, then it also needs to be developed, and even in the middle and late stages, it is still necessary to take the buff, so in fact, both are right, but there is only one line of war, so there will definitely be contradictions often, after all, everyone is the core, why let you? If the mage is a tool person, it is okay to say, but it is all the core, and no one is inferior.

It is precisely because both are correct, so this contradiction is actually theoretically insoluble, how can one party not develop, resulting in poor equipment. And when the hero who can be the core is not well developed, the effect will become very low, whether it is the same as the french core or the field, so it is difficult to solve this problem, but the bell will not quarrel with his teammates when he encounters this situation.

Glory of Kings: Can't Nakano's Contradictions Be Resolved? As soon as a law core appeared, Nakano quarreled

Because in this game, in addition to the wild and the mage, there are also shooters and confrontation paths. If my play core has been rubbed on the line, such as after the swim back to the line disappeared, then I will choose to eat a wave of troops on the side of the road and then return to the middle road, my own line of soldiers is gone, you have to think of other ways to supplement, even if the tour does not catch people, you will also choose to rub the line of soldiers and then go, as a legal core, there is actually nothing wrong with playing like this.

Regardless of whether you fight the wild or the mage, in fact, as long as you have a good mentality, don't just see the military line in the middle of the road, even if you are frequently rubbed on the line, you can generally find it back, and you can't find it back when you quarrel, this is a certain thing. But there is an exception, if it is a four-core lineup, it will be more difficult to do, because the four cores in the absence of advantages, no matter how you distribute, is not enough points, so at this time you have to rub more, otherwise you will not only have poor performance but also be scolded.

Glory of Kings: Can't Nakano's Contradictions Be Resolved? As soon as a law core appeared, Nakano quarreled

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