
The 1-year-old boy was burned by the incense of the firecracker, and experts reminded: Beware of eye trauma during the holidays

author:Jimu News

Jimu News reporter Liao Shiqi

Correspondent Pei Ni Xie

Watching the neighbor boy play with firecrackers, 1 and a half-year-old boy Hao Hao (pseudonym) unfortunately was poked in the right eye by the incense of the firecracker. On February 4, recalling the scene at that time, Haohao's mother, Ms. Liu, was still in shock.

Hao Hao (pseudonym) lives in Hanchuan, yesterday, when the neighbor boy set off firecrackers, Hao Hao leaned over to look, and as a result, the neighbor boy waved his hand and lit the incense of the firecracker in Hao Hao's right eye. Hao Hao burst into tears on the spot, and Hao Hao's mother, Ms. Liu, rushed to find that Hao Hao's right eye could not be opened, opened Hao Hao's eyes to examine, and found that there were gray spots on his eyeballs. Ms. Liu hurriedly sent Hao Hao to the local hospital, and carried out emergency treatment such as flushing and cleaning that night.

Worried that it would affect the child's vision, the next morning, the family took Hao Hao to the Aier Eye Hospital affiliated to Wuhan University for examination. Dr. Chen Xiangxi, deputy chief physician of the eye surface and cornea specialty of the hospital, received Hao Hao, and through examination, he found that hao Hao had three white scars on his cornea, but fortunately, the center of the pupil was not injured through observation. However, due to Haohao's young age, it is still impossible to detect accurate vision, and he can only wait until he grows up to see if there is an impact on his vision to determine whether further treatment is needed. At present, Hao Hao's condition requires anti-inflammatory treatment to promote corneal recovery.

"I have received a 6-year-old child before, he and his friends play firecrackers, because there is no explosion after ignition, so they look closely, and when they look down, the firecrackers suddenly explode, resulting in serious injuries to both eyes and face. Although the eyeball was saved after full treatment, the vision was almost lost, which is very regrettable. Chen Xiangxi introduced that adolescents and children have strong curiosity, joy, strong imitation and other characteristics, and young children have a poor sense of self-protection and are more likely to be harmed by trauma.

Spring Festival is the time for children to enjoy the holiday, happy play, when getting together to play toys, fireworks, such as not paying attention to easily hurt their own or others' eyes, causing eyeball contusion, and even eyeball rupture, retinal detachment, etc., resulting in serious loss of vision, therefore, parents should keep their children away from dangerous toys or items.

Wu Shangcao, deputy chief physician of the Eye Surface and Cornea Specialty of Aier Eye Hospital affiliated to Wuhan University, reminded that once the relevant accident occurs, the public should not do too much treatment without authorization. For example, if a foreign body is stuck in the eye, do not pull it out by yourself, so as not to flow out of the eye contents, cover the eye with a clean cloth, seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and the doctor will deal with the injury. In addition, after being injured by the eye, even if the face is burned black, do not rinse at will, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and pay attention not to compress the affected eye.

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