
"Central Broadcasting Network Review" cares for Alzheimer's disease group, let love crack the "eraser curse"

"Central Broadcasting Network Review" cares for Alzheimer's disease group, let love crack the "eraser curse"

As a degenerative disease of the nervous system, Alzheimer's disease is often referred to as the "eraser in the mind." People with disabilities may experience symptoms such as memory loss, visual space disorders, facial agnosia, language disorders, and mental and behavioral abnormalities. With the increasing popularity and aging of the Internet, the sick population has gradually shown a trend of rejuvenation and expansion. The World Alzheimer's Disease Report 2021 mentions that more than 55 million people worldwide suffer from dementia, and as the daily data grows, it is expected to reach 78 million by 2030. Today, Alzheimer's disease is not only a medical problem that needs to be solved urgently, but also a public issue related to the happiness of every family and the stability of the whole society.

Cracking the "eraser curse" requires relying on technical means to promote the construction of smart medical care, and constantly improve the one-key alarm system and remote consultation function. It is more necessary to unify the social love and the small family love, and all localities should actively explore and carry out the comprehensive prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, pay attention to cultivating volunteer service teams, and create a warm and professional medical environment for patients with intimate, patient and enthusiastic services. Corresponding family members should also assume the responsibility of care and nursing, give full respect and understanding to the sick population, and use companionship and protection to slow down the pace of disease erosion of memory.

To promote the construction of a healthy China, we must put the people's health in a strategic position of priority development. Only when the whole society jointly assumes the responsibility of prevention and care can we break the "eraser curse" and let everyone retain the good memories in life and have a happy and stable old age. (Central Broadcasting Network commentator Guan Lingzi)

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