
KT is my brother in C - 2022LCK Spring Season Single Kill / Single Kill List (before the Spring Festival)

Summarized the 2022 LCK Spring Single Kill List and the Single Kill List (data before the Spring Festival)

The first is the single kill list:

KT is my brother in C - 2022LCK Spring Season Single Kill / Single Kill List (before the Spring Festival)

Source: Occasionally reliable esports channels

It can be seen that KT's single brother is far ahead with 14 single kills, NS's single Canna is close behind, after Nuguri rest and Khan's retirement, Rascal became the top three or even the first single in LCK, Canna's performance in the regular season is also as good as before, I don't know how the performance of the big game will be after that. In addition to his poor performance against DK, Chovy also has a record of 7 single kills. More surprising is DK's upper single Burdol, which is believed to be called Wolong Chick Phoenix with Hoya, and also has a record of 6 single kills, probably Jace who played Zeus with a knife sister in a match with T1 and got more single kills.

KT is my brother in C - 2022LCK Spring Season Single Kill / Single Kill List (before the Spring Festival)

Image source: KT Facebook

KT is my brother in C - 2022LCK Spring Season Single Kill / Single Kill List (before the Spring Festival)

Image source: NS Twitter

KT is my brother in C - 2022LCK Spring Season Single Kill / Single Kill List (before the Spring Festival)

Image source: Doran Twitter

In terms of the number of single kills, the data are as follows:

KT is my brother in C - 2022LCK Spring Season Single Kill / Single Kill List (before the Spring Festival)

Canna and Brother are players with more single kills, relatively speaking, the number of single kills is also more, and there are more players on the single kill list and the single kill list, it seems that it is really a 1V1 man battle on the road. Ghost should be the player with the most single kills in the AD position, and 4 times Peter is also the player with the most single kills in the auxiliary position, also from the NS down.

KT is my brother in C - 2022LCK Spring Season Single Kill / Single Kill List (before the Spring Festival)

Image source: DK Twitter

Comparing the single kill list and the single kill list, it can be seen that there are 2 players who are the most outrageous, one is THE GEN single player Chovy, who has 7 single kills, but the number of single kills is less than 3 times. Another outrageous player is DK's single Hoya, the number of single kills is less than 7 times, to know that Hoya has a total of 3 games: DK vs KT, DK vs GEN, DK vs NS. To be honest, DK went to brother early (Burdol was a substitute for Brother Rascal before gen, so called brother. It would have been better, at least the brother wouldn't have killed the sheet so outrageously.

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