
The saddest cat with the saddest expression! A cat in Brazil suffers from a rare disease that causes face sagging

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on February 3, a cat named Sushi in Sao Paulo, Brazil, is called the "cat with the saddest expression" because it suffers from a rare disease that causes its face to sag and looks like it has a sad expression.

The saddest cat with the saddest expression! A cat in Brazil suffers from a rare disease that causes face sagging

Sushi is reported to have Ehler Danlos Syndrome, a genetic disorder that causes the skin to be overextended and brittle due to a lack of collagen. The video shows that sushi's facial skin is loose and soft, which makes it seem sad. Sushi's owner, Larissa, adopted it five years ago, and it wasn't until last year that Larissa discovered that sushi suffered from this rare disease. Despite its melancholy look, sushi lives a happy life and is carefully cared for by Larissa.

Larissa said: "I was scared at first, but then I found out we could cope with it and the disease was not fatal. She also said that sushi's skin is very dry and itchy, needs to be moisturized regularly, and eats and dresses differently from other pet cats.

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